The Continent

The True Blades

A renowned warrior tribe hailing from the northern territories who have etched a formidable legacy in the annals of history - Origins rooted in ancient warriors who roamed the unforgiving wilderness seeking out conflict to prove themselves as worthy of the True Blades name. They coalesced into a cohesive society bound by a steadfast warrior code, Revering the sword as a symbol of strength and disciplin as they honed their physical prowess through rigorous training.  


As one of the founders of the Kingdom of Rainegate he ascended to unparalleled renown as the visionary architect during the dawn of the Age of Unification. Rising above the tumult of fragmented tribes, Avellonis possessed an innate charisma and strategic brilliance that inspired unity among disparate factions forging alliances with neighboring tribes and rallying them under a common banner to establish the Kingdom of Rainegate. His legacy was one that still endures to this day as a testament of the indobitable spirit that the True Blades fostered within their tribe.  


The hierarchy of the True Blades is a structured system designed to maintain order and unity within their warrior society - At its helm stands the chieftain a leader chosen for their exceptional leadership qualities and prowess in battle. Beneath the chieftain are the esteemed blade masters skilled warriors who command respect and authority guiding their brethren in matters of strategy and combat. Together they form the core leadership of the True Blades ensuring the tribe remains cohesive and formidable in the face of challenges.  


A remarkable transformation unfolded with the ascent of Avellonis to the position of chieftain. Prior to his leadership the tribe was characterized by a more barbaric and chaotic ethos, marked by internal strife and a ruthless pursuit of power. Conflict and discord were rampant with little regard for honour displayed towards their opponents.   However with Avellonis's rise a profound shift occurred within the tribe, Drawing upon his vision of the united tribes he recognized the destructive path the True Blades were treading and sought to guide them towards a nobler purpose. Through his exemplary conduct and unwavering adherence to principles of honor and integrity, Avellonis began to instill a newfound sense of morality and dignity among his people. Under his guidance the True Blades underwent a cultural renaissance embracing values of honor, loyalty, and justice. Avellonis led by example demonstrating compassion and fairness in his dealings while also enforcing discipline and accountability within the tribe. He instituted codes of conduct that emphasized respect for one's opponents, the importance of honorable combat, and the protection of the weak and defenseless.   Through Avellonis's transformative leadership, the True Blades shed their barbaric past and emerged as a beacon of honor and dignity within the northern territories. Their reputation as fierce warriors remained, but now tempered by a profound sense of righteousness and a commitment to upholding the principles of justice and fairness. Avellonis's legacy as a reformer and visionary leader continued to shape the identity of the Kingdom of Rainegate, inspiring them to strive for greatness while always remaining true to their newfound values until the day of his passing.
Dissolution Date
Geopolitical, Tribe
Successor Organization
Related Species

Cover image: by J.S Ilarde


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