The Continent

Avellonis Trueblade (ah-veh-LON-is)

The First King of Avalon

The first king of the Human civilization King Avellonis back then as a member of the True Blade clan known as simply as "Avellonis Trueblade" was a prominent and vital figure whom without his actions may have lead humanity to a different path. Chief of the True Blades tribe, Husband to Raine Steelwater, Father to Merrick and Miriel of Rainegate. Friend to Daine Stonefury, Marcos Oakseer, and Valere Twinstag respected leaders of their own Human tribes who once joined together as "The Vigilants".  


Avellonis in his prime had rugged greying black hair and a full beard, Being from a tribe that cared only about conflict and caring less about looking like royalty he was the very definition of a barbarian in his younger years. Although you could see his past self in his face with his stern jaw and numerous scars namely a deep laceration from a beast's claws from his nose to his bottom left jawline, His later years afforded the time to look more presentable to his subjects as his fighting days were over, He had never once been seen without his silver crown adorning his sleek white hair.  


Having fought in many battles he was a sturdy and prideful man, He knew that he wanted to get things done and spoke so with a confidence. Though he inspired confidence and maybe even fear within his men with his gruff and stern demeanor his time as King and having bore two children have changed the old warrior into a loving and soft-hearted father.  



In the -40AUs Avellonis was born to warriors of the True Blade tribe: Tedrick and Arianna. Spending his pre-teen years being taught how to forge and use his own weapon, He would then have to go out on a week long journey with a guardian and challenge another tribe's champion. Avellonis' trial concluded when his blade would take the life of an Oakseer tribesman, This would signal the first of many battles in his future.

The Demon

Having been in his adult years at -15AU, Avellonis had dreamed of seeing more excitement and had arranged to have a warband of 10 others to venture to Oakseer settlements and seek conflict. When they arrived however all he found were burnt trees, Fires blazing in contrast with the night sky and the ash strewn landscape where once the had settlement thrived. Where there lay the bodies of men and women, Facing away from him stood a large monstrous creature, dark grey skin, horns protruding from the sides of it's head wielding a massive greataxe. Before he could give a single thought the creature lunged at the warband and in one cleave of it's weapon decimated half of his party. The battle went on for so long that the sun had started to set, Eventually Avellonis would slice it's head clean off it's body and emerge victorious, But victory tasted bitter, for it came at the cost of comrades-turned-corpse, their dreams extinguished like the smoldering embers around them.

Marcos Oakseer

  Amidst the wreckage of the Oakseer settlements, Avellonis stood, his once glorious dreams of conquest shattered like the burnt trees that surrounded him. The haunting sight of this creature shook something inside him. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the devastated Oakseer settlement, Avellonis surveyed the grim aftermath. His once-promising warband, full of youthful aspirations, now lay silent and still. The scent of burnt wood and lingering ash filled the air, painting a macabre tableau of loss. Among the fallen, he found Marcos, the last of the Oakseer clan, clinging to life. Wounded and weakened, Marcos managed to whisper fragmented words about the horrific onslaught. The monstrous creature, a dark behemoth with horns that tore through the fabric of the night had emerged from the dark of the forest, And it wasn't alone; This demon that had taken the lives of 10 men on it's own was but a single stray of many. It was here that Avellonis would have a change of heart wherein the bloodlusted dream of ruling humanity was instead replaced with the reality of saving it, And so with Marcos joining his party he ventured out to recruit more tribes in an effort to prevent whatever threat looms over mankind.

The Vigiliants

  Over the course of a few years coming into -5AU, Avellonis would come to recruit companions: Daine Stonefury and Valere Twinstag as well as their tribe's allegiance naming themselves "The Vigilants" and founded the Kingdom of Rainegate on the eastern coast of The Realm. Daine and Valere would sail east in search of other Human settlements that may need their support, Leaving Avellonis the ruler of the land.

The Age of Unification

The coronation would begin the Age of Unification(AU) wherein scribes would start writing the histories of the kingdom. Years would go on and efforts were made to snuff out all demon prescence until the land prospered.


Avellonis Trueblade

Husband (Vital)

Towards Raine Steelwater



Raine Steelwater

Wife (Important)

Towards Avellonis Trueblade



King Avellonis
King Avellonis in his armour after the Unification
Lawful Good
Current Status
Current Residence
Masculine, Kingly, Regal
Dark brown
Long Grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale and scarred
Aligned Organization
Founded Settlements
Old King Avellonis
Old King Avellonis in his later years as King of Avalon.


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