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An esthetic is a biological, symbiotic creation of a Reigar. It is essentially an organic ship with only the barest hint of awareness. Without its Reigar to guide it, an esthetic becomes a nearly mindless entity with an instinct for self-preservation.   Reigar use their esthetics as spelljamming warships. When a hostile Reigar in its esthetic encounters another spacefaring vessel, it uses a magical vibration to disable the ship’s spelljamming helm. The Reigar then commands the esthetic to grapple members of the ship’s crew and dissolve their flesh with its acid-secreting tentacles.   Each esthetic is unique in appearance. One might be bilaterally symmetrical (two matching halves, like a humanoid body along its vertical axis), radially symmetrical (like a starfish), or have no definable shape. From a distance, an esthetic is easily mistaken for a giant, space-dwelling jellyfish or cephalopod. Its outer shell is made of bioluminescent resin.   An esthetic contains enough interior space to comfortably accommodate its Reigar host and up to six Medium passengers. Access is gained through a hatch that the Reigar (and no one else) can open or close with a touch.   An esthetic can survive indefinitely on the Astral Plane, provided its creator is alive. If the esthetic’s creator dies, the esthetic sickens over a period of 1d12 days and then expires.


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