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Reigar (rye•gar)

Reigar are androgynous folk who evolved into a humanoid shape from a species of cephalopods similar to octopi. They have bioluminescent freckles and the ability to change the coloration of their skin. A glory (or halo) surrounds each of them. This magical display is a cloud of twinkling, glittering motes that changes color randomly and repels attacks.   Reigar don’t trust one another, which has been the case ever since they destroyed their home world in a war that ended with a cataclysmic event called the Master Stroke. The planet’s destruction was the culmination of a plot to create the most beautiful display of carnage the multiverse had ever seen. Reigar exist solely to make art and wage war. They consider warfare to be the highest form of artistic endeavor, and every act of violence they commit is done with the intent of creating something beautiful.   Reigar wander Wildspace and the Astral Sea in search of artistic inspiration, traveling in symbiotic organic ships that they create (see “Esthetic”). Each reigar possesses a magic item called a talarith, which it created and to which it alone can attune. If this object is lost or destroyed, it takes 1d20 + 20 days for the reigar to craft another one.   As an action, a reigar can use its talarith to summon a golem that looks just like the reigar. The golem obeys the reigar’s commands and uses the reigar’s statistics, except it is a Construct that doesn’t have a talarith of its own. The golem vanishes after 1 hour, or when it is reduced to 0 hit points. After summoning a golem, the reigar must finish a short or long rest before this property can be used again.


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