The Lakelands Organization in Calethos | World Anvil
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The Lakelands

Fruchtbares Land des Obst- und Gemüseanbaus, reich.   Even though the Lakelands are not large and neither have a powerful military nor overly precious resources, they are able to hold their own on the political stage of the Realm. For they hold one precious asset: Old money.   The Lakelands' ruling families are amongst the most wealthy of the continent and they have been for centuries. Their cities are beautiful and the abundance of lakes and lakelets make for charming locations for the residences of the wealthy. The Lakelanders are proud and, some say, sometimes border on the ignorant. Reforms coming from the Crown in Langlell are oftentimes not welcome and the concept of sharing is not something on most of the Lakelanders' minds.   For who would want to give top this exquisite lifestyle? Is it not their right by birth?
Geopolitical, Duchy
Parent Organization

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