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A Nation in the Trees


The forest nation of Lyllune is home to the wood elves of Commendor. Unlike human civilizations which tend to settle individual settlements on land the wood elves have built a communal nation among the boughs of trees in the Lunar Glade. Their structures are built upon the trunks and branches of the great trees, woven into them via druidic magic. As opposed to villages or towns they have built clusters through out the forest with a primary cluster near its heart. The nation spreads over a third of the forest's area.


Reclusive to say the least, the wood elves of Lyllune are self sufficient, but lack any true technological advancement. Their entire welfare is drawn from nature's bounty via ages of adaption and magical means. This dependence is one reason the elves protect the woods so fervently. The other reason is because they believe they were tasked to do so by the Wild Mother. The Wild Mother is woven into every aspect of life in Lyllune. Prayers to her are uttered prior to kills while on the hunt. Every ceremony is tied into the Mother's outlook on the subject. This includes weddings, funerals, celebrations, births, and more. While it isn't taboo to worship other members of the pantheon (within reason) they all come second to Mother. The next most revered deity is often a tie between the Shepard and Vetrium.


Without a need for outside help, and with a dire need for no outside interference, the wood elves are not truly a part of the world economy. The occasional individual may decide to venture out and join the world at large, but most are fine to answer the calling as a warden of the wilds. The standoff nature of the Lyllune elves leaves many to think they do not like outsiders, but the opposite is more true as long as the outsiders respect the nature and bounty of the Wild Mother. Any act against the woods is an act against them. That said they believe the beauty trees and wild life belongs to all.


No one truly knows if the Wild Mother charged the Lyllune elves to protect the forest, and if she did why that forest specifically. The same zealotry they muster to defend their cause applies to keeping its secrets.


One with Nature


Each cluster of Lyllune elves has members that are born with a gift for druidic magic. The cluster tries to identify and cultivate these individuals. Should a gifted member choose the path of a druid they are then educated in how to harness their powerful connection with nature. Druids are key to the lifestyle and survival of the Lyllune. Because of that each cluster's druids are responsible for guiding and providing for the cluster. The eldest druid of a cluster often fulfills the role of a chief or leader, but carry the moniker of Elder Druid. The most powerful (typically the oldest) druid of the nation resides at its heart and is known as the Apexus. When it comes to druidic circles, they all have their place within the forest and the nation.


Roughly 1 in 50 are born with this gift. Some who poses it may never know they had it. But to be identified and trained as a druid is a great honor to the Lyllune people. This gift is often referenced as the "Wild Voice". If an individual is said to speak or understand the Wild Voice then it is understood that they have the natural ability and connection to the Wild Mother.



The Apexus is the leader of the Lyllune people. Advised by the Elder Druids and the Wild Mother herself, the Apexus is charged with guiding the Lyllune elves in their duty to protect the woods and for their continued survival. While it is a position of absolute respect and reverence it is not one of absolute power. The Apexus of Lyllune is usually a powerful archdruid, but if they are found abusing their power, they can be ousted by the Elders. The title of Apexus does not pass down bloodlines but instead passed to the next most qualified individual. This is determined via a series of intense rituals and prayers by the Elders.  


The Elders or Elder Druids are each leaders of their specific clusters. They tend to be the eldest or most powerful druid of the cluster and are charged with the survival and activity of the cluster. They lead their clusters in worship of the Wild Mother as well.  


While lacking any political power the druids of Lyllune are well respected. Most are treated in a manor akin to nobles of the human realms, but are generally much more humble. They understand the responsibility that they carry and dutifully serve the Wild Mother.  

The Flock

The remainder of the Lyllune citizenry are referenced as the flock. The commoners if it helps to make such an metaphor. The key difference is that every member of the nation is skilled towards its survival. What seems like the lack of a standing military is actually a people trained in the art of guerrilla tactics that are used for basic survival. That said most gravitate into filling needed roles of the cluster. These roles vary and each has a name.


The wardens focus on protecting and policing the people of Lyllune.


The shepherds focus on hunting, gathering, and agriculture. They meet the food and material needs of the cluster.  


Keepers maintain, record, and pass on the knowledge and culture of the Lyllune. They are responsible for educating future generations as well as promoting cultural aspects like art, music, and other forms of expression.
Founding Date
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