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Commendor is a medium size continent in the Northern and Western hemispheres of Caleus. It is primarily civilized by humans and elves. While the elves tend to seek isolation the open nature of humans has allowed the continent to become an increasing melting pots of sorts.



The most noticable features of Commendor are Mount Solas and the mountain range Kordac's Scar . Mount Solas dominates the north western cape of the continent. The north, south, and west sides of it are steep slopes. The eastern face of it has a climbing trail that is known by only a few brave/stupid individuals. The top of the mountain is cratered in much like the mouth of a giant volcano. Starting on the northern coast near Mount Solas is a mountain range that arcs through the center of the continent toward the southern end of the eastern coast. That range is known as Kordac's Scar. The mountain range is a nearly impossible to traverse ridge of steep peaks and sharp drops. It does house numerous caves and at least two entrances to the Underdark.


Plains and Hills

The far north and north eastern parts of the continent are home to the Hutziba Plains, a large rolling area with decent vegetation. The Hills of Tenerei offer little in vegetation and lies between the Hutziba Plains and the Tenerei Forest. To the southeast the holy city Azamel is laid upon the Plains of Serenity. Still in the south but much further west lies the Hills of Chug. Warmer and barren compared to most of the continent, the Hills of Chug are often avoided by most of the civilized races.



In the crater on top of Mount Solas lies Solas' Grove a coniferous forest in perpetual snow. Along the northern coast travelers find the Folklire Woods and its conifers surrounding the village of Batzma. Along the northern base of the Kordac's Scar Mountain Range is Tenerei Forest. The forest marks the domain of the elves of Thensera and is made up of maple, oak, and other more extravagant tree species. Along the western cost is the Lunar Glade. Its gigantic redwoods house the Lyllune wood elves. South from there the large Grandmoss Forest blankets miles upon miles of land. Consisting of mostly oak and willow trees this forest was divided by the humans who settled Onza Village and the town of Vecora. As such people often reference which half they are speaking of, either north or south. Travelling from there west along the southern coast adventures will find the Forest of Chug . Dense due to a lack of permanent civilization this forest offers haven to orcs and goblinoid tribes. In the south western cape of the continent is the Iresorrow Marsh . For as long as written history can determine this marsh has been an uninhabitable wasteland. If the stories are to be believed it is cursed.


Lakes and Ponds

Amidst the trees in Solas' Grove is Sky Lake. Near the Folklire Woods is a lake known as Froz Lake. The Hutz Loche supplies fresh water and fishing to the people of Birobiratov in the Hutziba Plains. A serene mirror in the Tenerei woods, the Lake of Vetria is named after the goddess who many believe created the elves. In the northern end of the Lunar Glad is the Midnight Lake. Little is known of it because the wood elves of Lyllune guard it closely. Near the center of the landmass but south of Kordac's Scar is the Stone End Lake. No one knows where its name comes from. The largest lake of the continent is south of the Lunar Glade. Da'Jero Lake is a resource used by many. Onza villagers will boat to it and spend days if not weeks on the lake.


Oceans and Seas

The western coast of Commendor rests on the Diamond Ocean, but where the water runs into the south western cape is known as the Corpus Diam Sea. Further inland is the Gulf of Shadows. The sea and gulf are home to a couple of islands and plenty of ghost stories. Along the northern coast is the Glacial Ocean. It separates Commendor from Northern Articia. Due to the latter's frozen wastelands the Glacial Ocean is home to many icebergs. The north eastern coast is touched by the Baristikov Ocean. It is the main trade passage from Commendor to Valla. To the south is Toridash Ocean which separates Commendor from Torrenda.

Fauna & Flora


Solas' Grove is home to mostly coniferous evergreen tree species as is the Folklire Woods. These trees also dot the Hutziba Plains in small groves.

The Tenerei Forst consists of Maple, Oak, and various fruit trees. The area around the Lake of Vetria has a large population of cherry blossom trees.

Tall redwoods make up much of the Lunar Glade. The tall trees are where the Lyllune elves have built their homes.

In the Grandmoss Forest adventurers find various Oak and Willow species.

The Forest of Chug and the Iresorrow Marsh are both coniferous as well, but much of the marsh appears sickly and dead.


Bushes and Grass

Outside of the barren Hills of Chug and the crater atop Mount Solas grass and berry producing bushes are fairly abundant. The northern reaches are slightly balder in places with course thickets and grass species better akin to the cold. The southern plains and valleys are often verdant carpets and tall grasslands that span many miles.



The woods, forests, plains, and hills of Commendor are populated by the usual wildlife. It is not uncommon for travelers to see deer and similar critters. This of course means the usual predators are around as well from owlbears, wolves, snakes, and more. Many of the plains provide habitats for wild herds of medium sized beasts-of-burden like bison, horses, and oxen.

Natural Resources

Organic Resources

The many forests of Commendor produce various species of wood used by any nearby settlements. The elvish territories farm various grains in the clearings among the woods of their domain, but mostly persist from fruit and game of the surrounding forests. Human settlements make greater use of the open plains near them for farming various grains and vegetables and ranching animals. Most of the lakes offer a variety of fish, and many small to medium creatures populate all the forests. The only exception is in the Iresorrow Marsh.



Within the Hills of Chog and the Kordac's Scar ridge lie vast deposits of copper and iron. The Scar also has veins of silver in certain locations and a mine in the southern tip of it has struck gold. The base of Mount Solas was proven rich with minerals as well, but there is rumor that a particularly rare mineral is mined from its summit crater.

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