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Session 6: Defense of Onza Report

General Summary

The party awakes to a guard presence in the tavern. Apparently due to Belphegor's surprise performance in front of a crime scene, the group is requested to the courtroom for questioning. Ruineren's appearance has changed to a reddish hue and the happy-go-lucky elf seems to have a much shorter fuse today.   As the group sits in the benches, and the High Judge takes her seat, they spot a noble family and the guards from last night on the other side. Guardmaster Triston Grimwalt casts a Zone of Truth around the room. Belphegor, Keegan, and Ruineren manage to resist its effects. Bohel and the others do not however. Which turns out fortuitous as when he is asked Bohel honestly answers that he has no clue about any of this. Ruineren, miffed at the village for even questioning them, begins to tell a series of half truths to turn the questioning onto Sir Simon Travish. The questioning reveals nothing new to the High Judge, and she and Grimwalt both find Belphegor and Keegan's lack of decorum at best annoying and at worst a waste of precious time when there is a zombie horde heading to town.   Outside the courtroom Grimwalt seeks aid from the group in the evening's defense. He admits that morning's questioning was a waste of time, but begs they understand that the law is the law and they must find who robbed the Travish family. He request the team meet with Bogart, the captain that will defend the eastern flank. Bohel, unwell from the side effects of the truth spell, finds a nearby outhouse and eventually rests at the tavern. Ruineren, Belphegor and Keegan find their way to Bogart and discuss the preparations of the battle.   As night falls so does a heavy fog on the forest that skirts the village. The party minus Bohel take their places and wait. Lord Marcus Riveron gives a rousing speech as the first few undead appear and he obliterates a wave with holy power. The fight begins in earnest as Bohel is roused from the inn. In route to join his allies he comes across a handful of guard heading to the west front that tell him it is being hit harder than they expected. Seeing no current action on the eastern front he follows them to the west.   The party split between two fronts manage to hold off the horde which besides just zombies had zombified hands and skeletons. However, it was not without casualties. Dozens of guards fell across the fronts, and in a rash attempt to bring down the supposed leader of the assault Ruineren found himself behind enemy lines and toe to toe with a large zombie knight, the intelligent zombie he had seen before. The knight managed to pulverize Ruineren into the ground and no one made it to him in time to save him. Luckily the battle was already drawing to an end, and Lord Riveron quickly found his way to Ruineren's body. There he cast Rivivify upon Ruineren. The elf awoke, coughing and sputtering, but alive.   Meanwhile Bohel was seeing to the wounded of the western front. He looks back at the death toll and remembers his mother's words about the cycle of life. She reminds him of the Shepard's guiding hand and the natural order.   Back in his room, Ruineren removes his tunic to find that where Lord Riveron touched him to raise him. On his left pect was a burn scar in the shape of a blazing sun... the holy symbol of Solas.
Tales of Caleus
Report Date
16 Oct 2019


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