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Sir Simon Travish

No one really knows how Sir Travish rose to his position. He wasn't born into money as most nobles are, and he has no extraordinary accomplishments or great feats that would award him such accolades. None the less he sits as one of the most wealthy individuals of Onza Village. Most people remark that he married out of his league and that his wife is completely different from him. Where he stands gruff and usually grating to the nerve she stands fair and calming. The two's union has brought forth two children. A boy more like his mother and a daughter more like her father.   If you ask anyone besides Sir Travish what his business is they will likely shrug and give some generic response about exporting and importing. If you ask Sir Travish, "his business, Travish Trading Co. assists companies both local and abroad with understanding and implementing the logistic, financial, and regulatory requirements for the translocation of goods and services either from within the Holy Kingdom of Azamel to foreign lands outside its borders or vice versa."   Some of his business partners in other areas have complained of fowl play or one sided deals. The problem is that usually after those accusations are made the accuser finds themselves broiled in some sort of controversy that usually ends in them losing their business, freedom, and some times their lives.

Stocky, and not very handsome. Balding hair and gruff personality. No one is really a fan of this man and yet he has somehow done very well for himself.

Current Location
Onza Village
Current Location
Year of Birth
1187 PDS 58 Years old
Blonde and thinning
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
5' 6"

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