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Session 7: The Richtor Family Crypt Report

General Summary

The party awakens to a village that is half celebrating and half mourning. Ruineren attempts to slip the group to get some one on one time with Lord Marcus Riveron to seek insight into his new found scar. The party first stops by the guard house where they see an exhausted Bogart. They discuss the events of the prior evening, and Ruineren requests a moment to speak to Grix, the imp they captured. He questions the imp about the undead horde, but the imp doesn't seem to have any worth wile knowledge.   After this the party splits. Most of them going to see Lillian "Lilly" Hostiff and Ruineren finding his way to the lord's manor.   The group finds Lilly asleep on her desk in The Angel's Anvil and introduces her to Bohel. Keegan purchases some more materials to try and craft another grenade. They then proceed to find Ruineren at the lord's manor.   As Ruineren approaches the manor he is met by Greg, a butler of sorts. Greg leads him back to a room in the manor where Riveron and Guardmaster Triston Grimwalt are having a heated discussion. Upon his entry Riveron remarks that he seems to be doing okay. Ruineren agrees, but questions to the mark on his flesh. Riveron ponders the mark for a bit, and says he does not know what it means. He only knows that for some reason Solas wanted Ruineren alive. He relays that his ability to perform that spell was limited and expensive, and mentions he will have a hard time explaining to some why he used it on an outsider. At this time the rest of the party joins them, and Grimwalt and Riveron explain the crest seen on the zombie knight was that of the Richtors. A family that served Rashim prior to the Divine Separation. As Grimwalt serves Rashim he wishes to inspect the family's crypt north of Vecora, but Riveron states that the force they defended against last night is nothing compared to the dangers at Vecora and if more come they cannot afford to have a diminished defense. Riveron also mentions that he is a descendant of the family through a long chain and that he wants to know what is happening there. The group offers to check it out, though Keegan does push for a reward. Reassured that they will have a reward, that specifically includes a pig, the group heads to the dock at the river. Loaned a boat by the village they head up stream to get to a river that will take them closer to the crypt.   The journey down the river is calm for the most part minus a confrontation with a giant crocodile. Bohel eager to flex his newly mastered animal form wrestled with the croc as a giant octopus while the group withered it down. Ruineren finally got a chance to try his dual scimitar in combat. The boat took a number of hits but managed to make it to its destination. During Bohel's watch as the group slept on the boat he did spot a magnificent Pegasus that had landed to drink from the river prior taking off toward the north.   Eventually the river gave break to the pond and the group found its southern banks. As they disembarked they made their way south and eventually found a number of ruins which were worn to just the foundations. A midst the ruins was a stone structure with a smiling face and the symbol of Rashim etched into an otherwise unopenable stone door. As they approached the face animated and presented them a riddle. Belphegor assumed music was the answer and began playing a song. Despite the ruckus Ruineren thought on it and eventually gave it the answer it was looking for. "A Book". The door shifted open and the group descended into the crypt.   Once inside they found a number of lit torches and an offering plate. Ruineren tossed a coin into it and a sudden ghostly apparition spoke to the group and offered a blessing. While the group was receiving said blessing Keegan managed to sneak the coin out of the offering dish. With his hands only inches away the spirit's eyes shot red and glared at him. He slowly put it back. The group then began to explore the crypt, and found that with the spirit's blessing they could interact with the crypt to view visions of the past. As they maneuvered through the first couple rooms they heard the sounds of someone speaking and descending into the crypt.   The party laid and ambush and upon the entrance of a robed figure Belphegor assaulted him. The individual struggled back against them, but with Bohel's spider form spinning webs over him he eventually was slain by Ruineren. At which point the man's partner tried to attack the group from a different hallway. Outnumbered he fell as well, trying to warn some group nearby.   To Be Continued...

Rewards Granted

4 standard healing potions.
Tales of Caleus
Report Date
23 Oct 2019
Primary Location


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