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Grandmoss Forest

The Grandmoss Forest envelopes much of the lands controlled by the Holy Kingdom of Azamel. The forest is bisected by a road between Vecora and Onza Village. As such most people specify which half, north or south, when they speak of the forest in conversation.  

The North

The northern half of the forest is home to your standard flora and fauna for the most part. Occasionally creatures from the Kordac's Scar mountain range may find there way down to the forest, but those are few and far between. A large pond exists in this forest as well. South of which lies the ruins of a collection of homes. These homes once housed the Richtor family and their servants, but fell into ruin near the end of the Era of Creation and Conflict. Now the only standing structure is The Richtor Family Crypt.  

The South

The southern half of the forest is very similar, but due to its proximity to the Hills of Chug most folks avoid going too deep into it. Orcs, goblins, and their ilk are found in increasing frequency the further you get from Vecora and Onza. One important landmark is the Koetz Mine near the northern tip of the forest and not far from Onza. This mine looks like an ordinary shack from the outside, but two dwarven brothers dug a vertical shaft into a cave system littered with glowing crystals.


This forest is full of mostly Oak and Willow trees. Flanked by hills on the south and a jagged mountain range to the north it forms a comfortable valley for the Kingdom's people.

Fauna & Flora



Wolves, Bears, Deer, Rabbits, Groundhogs, Squirrels, Owls, Hawks, Birds, etc.  

Near Water

Otters, Beavers, Fish, etc.  

Super Predators

Owlbears, Dire Wolves, etc.  



Primarily different species of Willows and Oaks.  


Mostly ferns, but some berry producing bushes.
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
Location under

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