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Session 8: The Richtor Family Crypt Pt. 2 Report

General Summary

Having just dispatched the cultists, and witnessing several key events of the Richtor family's past, the party caught their breath and prepared to take on a nearby group of undead. The battle was handled without much incident though Bohel's spider forrm had taken quite a beating. With no immediate danger around the group took time to explore the rooms in their nearest vicinity. These rooms were the resting places of four generations of the Richtors and as they explored them the servant's blessing continued to show them pictures of the individuals. While in a room dedicated to Elton Richtor III the party noticed one coffin to Trask Richtor, based on his information he was 10 when he died. Touching his sarcophagus gave the party a vision of his death. They witnessed a knight and allies fighting through fiends and other dark forces to reach the top of a mountain or hill. At the top he arrived in time to watch as cultists stabbed the body and threw it off into a pit. Before the body dropped into the pit a large demonic hand shot up and grabbed it.


Somewhat disturbed by this revelation the party continued and later found a mural to young Trask painted by his elder brother Elton Richtor IV. A touch awoken a vision again to Elton Richtor IV leaving his home yet again to hunt his brother's killers much to his wife's dismay. Upon entry into the fourth family room they saw a sarcophagus that was busted from the inside out. When they touched it they saw the rise of the zombie knight. Witnessed by a hooded feminine figure with horns and a tail.


Keegan's greed had gotten the better of him at this point and he decided he needed to check the vault. Upon sticking his head down the corridor that lead to it he found a statue above the vault's door that shot him with a firebolt. Using nearby bones as triggers Keegan and Barry managed to trip the next shot and run down the hallway in time to make it to the door. The door was locked and neither of the two could open it or disarm the trap. In an attempt to try and destroy the door Barry gave his bongos a slap and the resulting thunderwave did more to Keegan than it did the door. Luckily Ruineren using a similar bone trick to trip the trap helped them run back down the hallway and made it to the door himself. The lock on the door proved difficult for the rogue, but he did manage to unhook the statue head that was spitting fire and point it harmlessly into the wall. At which point Barry took a running shoulder into the door and busted it in. Inside the party reset the trap facing away from the vault and decided to take a rest... after looting. One chest gave up a special looking amulet and an odd potion of blue hue that bubbled everytime it was turned over. The other chest decided to try and eat Barry. As the party engaged the mimic a nearby suite of armor also lashed out at Ruineren. With the threats dispatched though they did find their momentary respite. During which Ruineren's hue turned a slight red as he felt a coming fight with zombie knight that almost succeeded in removing Ruineren from this mortal coil.


Back to finding the primary room of this crypt the party walked into an area where bodies were prepped for entombment. Ruineren's sharp gaze sptted a trip wire between the two rooms. Keegan cut the wire and looked on the other side of the archway it was in to find a morning star spring loaded and pinned to the wall. Originally he showed no interest in the now disarmed trap, but Barry convinced him that "they like stuff" and lifted the goblin to the morning star to attempt to remove it. While trying to dislodge the weapon Keegan accidentally triggered it causing him and Barry to be clobbered by it upon release. Once triggered however they easily removed the implement from the trap.


After further exploration they found a large door to the ceremony chamber and were confronted by another riddle. Barry upon listening to the riddle picked up that the answer was to "carry a tune" and played a little song. In doing so an obsidian oval on the door turned into a reflective mirror. The mirror showed a different reflection of the scenery though and the party worked out certain stones that needed to be pressed into the opposite wall. Doing so opened the door.


As the party sneaked into the room they notice the shushing of whispered voices. Eventually starting with an ambush the party engaged the zombie knight Elton Richtor IV the Juggernaut, two zombies, and a larger than normal imp with more earrings than Grix or Slix had. Through the fight a determined and angry Ruineren yet again stood toe to toe with the Juggernaut. He held his ground well enough while his allies made quick work of the zombies. Keegan recalling the guard of Onza were silvering their weapons in case they had to deal with devilish fiends swapped his ammo to the silvered bullets he crafted. With that and several well placed shots the imp founds its demise. Though at that moment a wounded Juggernaut managed to land a severe blow against Ruineren sending him to the ground. A quick change of position and Keegan landed the final shot against the zombie knight who thanked them as he fell. With amazing haste and words of honey Barry cast a healing word to revitalize Ruineren.


The party explored the room and alters at its head to discover a number of documents and maps. Most of which written in languages the party didn't understand. They gathered the documents, the armaments and a piece of cloak from the Juggernaut, the decorated ear of the imp, and a wooden stick with feathers from around the altar. Afterwords that laid the body of Elton Richtor IV in his tomb. The ghostly servant thanked them for showing their respect to the family and said that Rashim thanks them as well.


Prior to leaving the party wanted to explore the servant's resting quarters. Within they found indication that most of the coffins here were busted and that this was likely where the majority of the undead that attacked Vecora came from. They also found remnants of zombies, hands and feet, that didn't manage to stay attached to their owners. Taking the detached dragon headed statue with a firebolt trap enchantment they let it fire continuously at the hands and feet. It made quick work of most of them, but the magic puttered out eventually and the party cleared the remaining limbs with ease.


It would appear the party had explored and cleared the crypts and the session ended with them reflecting on their revelations.

Rewards Granted

Special necklace, odd blue potion, and a feathered stick about 4 ft. long.
Tales of Caleus
Report Date
30 Oct 2019
Primary Location


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