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Holy Kingdom of Azamel

A religious monarchy covering most of the southern half of Commendor. The Holy King's rule is absolute, yet they are advised by a council of holy leaders which hold the title High Priest. Each of these leaders serve as a priest of sorts devoted to a specific good god and are responsible for handling and leading matters that fall under that god's domain. For example the High Priest of the goddess Keera whose domains are diplomacy, love, and peace is often times called on for leading diplomatic relations with other factions and officiating important weddings. That person will also advise the Holy King in respects of that domain. The Holy King also acts as High Priest of Solas.   The Holy King and Queen are a pair bound to one another by more than love and wedding. They are bound together by the gods. As such if one passes the other will continue to rule in their stead. Until they see fit to pass the mantle to the next blood heir.   While the masculine form for titles is used throughout this article there is no opposition to women in seats of power. The blood heir of the family is simply the eldest child of the current holy family, so the supreme ruler may be the Holy Queen. Likewise women can serve as High Priestesses as well.


The Hierarchy and Roles

The highest position of political power is the Holy King. Next, in terms of relative power, is the Holy Council members. Beneath each council member are chains of priests that help to manage their respective areas of government.


The Holy King / High Priest of Solas

Supreme ruler of the land. As the High Priest of Solas they are to ensure a bright future for the kingdom and maintain its connection to the gods. They are also responsible as the supreme commander in times of war. Priests of Solas act as lords over the village and townships of the kingdom. They often aid priests of the other council members in accordance to the kings wishes, manage the day to day needs of civilization, and are responsible for protecting their land and citizens.


The High Priest of Keera

They are responsible for overseeing diplomatic relations between the kingdom and other factions. Their subordinates also oversee important disputes and relations between the villages/towns/cities of the kingdom. Priests of Keera will often officiate weddings, and if the wedding is of particular importance the High Priest will officiate it in person.


The High Priest of Jonas

They are responsible for overseeing citizen welfare and happiness. Priests of Jonas will often be in the midst of disaster relief missions working to bring hope to those who suffered. On the opposite side of the coin they are also responsible for celebratory events and local holiday celebrations. The High Priest resides over kingdom wide celebrations or those of significance. A priest of Keera may officiate the wedding, but one of Jonas will handle the reception!


The High Priest of Alora

They are responsible for overseeing and maintaining the wilderness and landscapes of the kingdom as well as maintaining the population. Priests of Alora are stationed in each village/town/city and maintain the local's census. They also provide support as midwives or physicians during child birth. In regards to the wilderness some lead conservation efforts of both flora and fauna to ensure the lands stay plentiful and healthy.


The High Priest of Rashim

They are responsible for overseeing the justice system of the kingdom. They appoint a High Judge and a Guardmaster in each village/town/city. Both of those roles will be filled by a priest of Rashim. Due to the power of magic being able to twist the creation of the gods this position also oversees its regulation, teachings, and practice. Priests of Rashim serve as teachers, chroniclers, and researchers of the arcane arts The High Priest is also responsible for the kingdoms intelligence network. They inform the king and council of foreign developments and major events while their underlings help discern or disseminate information as needed.


The High Priest of Halas

They are responsible for overseeing the medicinal practices and emergency action. Priests of Halas on a local scale will serve as healers for the general populace. As new techniques are discovered by the high priest and their subordinates they will disseminate that information to others. In times of disaster they are responsible for providing first response aid. Priests and clerics will often be called to dull the impact of a national disaster or provide healing to those in need.


Legislation System

The Holy Council will often times generate laws and regulations, but the Holy King has the final say so. Generally during council meetings they will present proposed laws to the king and their fellow council members. After the presentation the council will debate the proposed law with each member looking at it from the respective domain if it applies. If an agreement can be met then the king makes the final statement to put it in place. If not then the king will settle the debate by his choice with any alteration he sees fit. Some laws may not make it through the system due to this, but with faithful leadership the goal is that needs are at least seen by the king and council and are directed by the gods.  

Judicial System

The High Priest of Rashim is key to the judicial structure of the kingdom. They often serves as a judge in trials of great importance and are responsible for the hierarchy of lesser courts and other institutions that enforce the sovereign law. Each town and village is appointed a High Judge by the them. The High Judge is an individual who tries and sentences local disputes. The priest will also appoint a Guardmaster. The Guardmaster is responsible for enforcing the laws and protecting the citizenship of their town or village.

Demography and Population

Populace Location

The kingdom's land is under sole ownership of the Holy King. Lordship is given to priests of Solas who then manage their respective civil areas and the surrounding lands. Most of the population resides in these civil areas in either villages or townships. Few members of the kingdom find themselves too far from those areas, but it isn't unheard of for citizens to own homesteads, shacks, or special purpose structures just beyond the outskirts.


Common Races

The kingdom was founded by humans, and as such is mostly made up of humans. With the two predominant Elven civilizations being on this continent they have the second highest population in the kingdom. The religious background of the kingdom and the openness of humans in general means that other races are found here is well even if not as commonly.



As of the 1244 census performed on the last day of the year.
Holy City of Azamel
Town of Vecora
Village of Onza
Village of Nalin
Founding Date
23rd of the Month of Revitalization in the year 246 PDS
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Legislative Body
The Holy Council
Judicial Body
The High Priest of Rashim
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

Articles under Holy Kingdom of Azamel


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