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Caleus may orbit and revolve around a sun, but this universe metaphorically revolves around it. Majority of the mortal races find this specific rock their home. Mortals, though fleeting blips on the time lines of gods, carry within them great potential. The combination of good and evil make them flexible and malleable. Their imagination makes them powerful. Their tenacity allows them to overcome obstacles greater than themselves. These traits make them obvious targets for the forces of good and evil that are forever opposed of each other in the Eternal Conflict.


Three primary continents house many different civilizations. The numerous humans and long-lived elves dominate the continent of Commendor. Industrious gnomes, dwarfs, and other small folk live among roving giants on the continent Valla. The mixed tropics and deserts of Torrenda are filled with massive wildlife, dinosaurs, and various pockets of clans and civilizations made up of bestial humanoids. Life is everywhere from the edges of the atmosphere to the deepest depths of the oceans. The fabric of magic hangs unseen yet woven through it all.


When Cosmos divided the pantheon and the universe by erecting the Veil it sheltered this plane of existence from the rampaging power of the Heavens and the Nine Hells. But even at such a great distance, Caleus is not out of the influence of the Brother Gods and their followers. Greed, avarice, lust, and wrath collide with valor, justice, love, and forgiveness in the hearts of mortals. These forces drive great acts of heroism as well as merciless tyranny. The battles of the Eternal Conflict may may yet find their way to the simple planet, but as for now the Tales of Caleus are just beginning.

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