House of Iron Organization in Calia draft 2 | World Anvil
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House of Iron

Honor, tradition, steel, & gold

The House of Iron is dedicated to the primordial Makuta founded to keep and maintain traditions. In time this grew to them regulating the markets of Glawveria. In addition many of the races Makuta made took to crafting and forges. The Dwarves excelling in forging metals their crafts highly sought over the entire world. The GNOMES are known for their inventions and alchemical excellence. The more tribal of Makuta's children the GOLIATHS, AND ORCS are known for simply made clothes and armor that can help survive in the harshest conditions        

Worship among the faithful

Dwarven cities

The Dwarven cities worship Makuta in two common ways. First is large public sermons where tales of paragons and heros of the past songs are sang to music of great organs and deep reverberating drums. The second option typically more personal is the working of metal whether that be engraving forging. The refinement of your craft is the most important goal. To always seek to improve and refine your works.  

Goliath mountain tribes

The GOLIATHS take to the mountain peaks amd hold large musical festivals on the peaks so that the music and praise echos threw out the mountain ranges. The music is played for days on end and is used to display their endurance. These festivals can take up to a entire month.

May your word be as true as your steel

Religious, Organised Religion
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Related Species


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