The son of Nairobi and Makuta is the god of the fire giants.
Taking after his father Surtr is a master of the forge and an accomplished warrior. Though destructive by his nature new life eventually follows in his wake being nourished by the ashes of his destruction burning away the dead and rotted.
Sibling rivalry
Ymir & Surtr are the twin sons of Makuta & Nairobi are competitive and aggressive towards each other. In a never ending attempt to one up and surpass the other.Divine Domains
- Destruction
- Fire
- Vengeance
Divine Symbols & Sigils
Large stone hammer with a hollow center holding a flame.
Tenets of Faith
- Let no slight go unavenged
- Let your anger fuel your forge
- Let no rot or undead pollute the world.
Divine Goals & Aspirations
- To cleanse the living world of undead and rot
- To remake the world stronger by burning away any weaknesses