Moon Elf - Drow Ethnicity in Calia draft 2 | World Anvil
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Moon Elf - Drow

The moon Elves made by the Primordial Nyx.  Like most other Elves are deeply spiritual people. Creating nocturnal cities in the name of their mother. Most moon Elf societies are matriarchal with families tracking their blood lines threw the mothers of their families.


Major language groups and dialects

  • Common
  • Elven
  • Under common
  • Deep speech 

Shared customary codes and values

  • The family matriarch is held in the highest regard 
  • Sometimes suffering is necessary for yourself and others.
  • Never ignore the wishes of Nyx &her Celestials 

Art & Architecture

Buildings with sharp angles are of dark stones. Accented with white and crystal.
Encompassed species
Related Locations


Moon Elf (Drow)

ability score increase: Chr +1
age: 1200
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft
Languages: Common, elven, undercommon
race features:
  • Superior darkvision: darkvision has a range of 120ft
  • Sunlight sensitivity: you have disadvantage on attack rolls and on wisdom (perception)  checks that rely on sight while in direct sunlight.
  • Drow magic:  you know the dancing lights cantrip. At 3rd level you can cast faeri fire spell once and regain this ability after a long rest. When you reach 5th level you can cast darkness once with this trait and you can regain this after a long rest. Your charisma is your spell casting modifier.
  • Drow weapon training: you have proficiency with rapiers, short swords and hand cross bows.


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