Silvermoon City Settlement in Calia draft 2 | World Anvil
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Silvermoon City

Built at the direction of the primordial Nyx the city was made to be a store house of knowledge and place of learning. Building after building are filled to the brim with books and scrolls creating a library spanning miles. In addition it became a place of learning for many subjects. What most newcomers find strange is the city is nearly dead during the day but springs to life in the evening.


The star garden

A park at the center of the city filled with bioluminescent plants. After sun fall. Glowing orbs are released from Moon Cradle Tower and drift lazily around the park casting cool silver light across the park grounds.

The necropolis 

The spiraling underground complex underneath Moon Cradle Tower where the names and deeds of all those who die are recorded and kept. 

Moon cradle tower

The base of the Ordo Nox a holy tower made of black stone reaching up into the night sky that opens like a flower when the night sky rises so to not shield its inhabitants from the night sky. 

Obsidian district

The quarter where paladins and soldiers of the Ordo Nox reside and train.

The webway

The underground where rogues and less savory elements operate


The city itself is a draw to fans of architecture. Nyx had the city built of a reflective shiny black stone filled with silver veins. Many of the streets are covered creating shade across most of the city a majority of each day. Most open areas are filled with parks and strange colorful plants.
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