Shadar-kai Ethnicity in Calia draft 2 | World Anvil
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The shadar-Kai are the darker reflection of their cousins the Eladrin where they are bursting with emotions the Shadar-Kai are calm and seemingly totally unfeeling.    Early Elves venerating Nyx ignoring the safety concerns decided to settle the shadowfell aiming to be closer to their Primordial. Centuries later some of these elves emerged as the Shader-kai. Speaking little their civilization is largely a mystery.
Encompassed species


ability score increase: Con+1
age: 1200
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft
Languages: Common, elven
race features:
Necrotic Resistance You have resistance to necrotic damage.   Blessing of Nyx    As a bonus action, you can magically teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. Once you use this trait, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.   Starting at 3rd level, you also gain resistance to all damage when you teleport using this trait. The resistance lasts until the start of your next turn. During that time, you appear ghostly and translucent.


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