The fallen Ethnicity in Calia draft 2 | World Anvil
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The fallen

The former Celestials that lived in the outer planes with the Primordials. But when the world storm rose after the death of Mad King Julian Iscariot Last of His Name the celestials where cast down to the material plane. While the strongest among them retained their grace and forms. The weaker among the celestials where not so lucky in their fall.


A fall from grace

When they fell to the material plane the fallen where stripped of their Celestial forms and memories. With rare exceptions they now resemble humans. But not all of their divine beauty has left. Their eyes glow and many have what appear to be Celestial runes glowing on their flesh. These runes being a hint at what deity and purpose they may have served in their previous life.  

New beginnings

The fallen had a hard beginning to their mortal lives. Many perishing to the elements and to sickness. Lost and confused with only foggy insights to who or what they are. Some joined the Arch seraphim in their crusades. Other left their own kind to seek their own glory. While others decided to enjoy their new mortal lives. Lastly some even denouncing the Devine that dropped them into mortal bodies choosing to side instead with devils amd committing horrendous acts of blasphemy in the name of the new devil patrons.  

Powerful but endangered 

While the current lifespan of the Fallen is unknown and may last indefinitely. They do however face numerous challenges. Namely the inability to reproduce. As such the amount of fallen will never increase. As their numbers slowly perish in battle, sickness, or even accidents.

Major organizations

  • Chantry of the Makers 
  • Bearers of Laws Spear 
  • Followers of the Divine Current 
  • House of Iron 
  • Crusaders of purity 
Encompassed species
Related Locations

The Fallen

ability score increase: Wis +2
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft
Languages: Celestial, +1 of your choosing
race features:
Divine learning
  • You gain proficiency in religion checks
  • You know the Thaumaturgy cantrip
Divine sangromancy: the blood of angles flows threw your veins. You can tap into this power to boost divine magic
  • When a alley within 30ft of you recovers hit points you can expend a hit die and add its result to the total
Lingering divinity
  • You gain resistance to necrotic damage.



  • Your charisma instead increases +1
  • Hand of Aurlia: you may cast cure wounds once with this ability. Once per long wrest and Wis is you spellcasting ability for this.


  • Intelligence +1
  • Sight of Ulmyr: you may cast detect magic once with this trait per long wrest


  • Strength +1
  • Fury of Maligant: you may cast branding smite once per long wrest with this ability. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this.


  • Constitution +1
  • Galts bulwark: you may cast shield of faith once with this ability per long wrest.


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