
Ruling from the Bomul Archipelago, the Bomulli Tribes have spread far into the Maelstrom Sea since their freedom and resulting formation of their empire. Bomul, or the Bomul Empire is an island-spanning nation incorporating dozens of islands and possibly hundreds at the height of its power. Since the introduction of the Aestaran Empire's navy to the Maelstrom Sea, the Bomulli have met challenges keeping hold of their islands, at times going to war against the new naval force. However, the Bomulli are strong enough to have held firm against the creeping invasion of Imperials on their islands.


The Bomul Empire is large and encompasses many groups of refugees and escaped slaves of the elves that had banded together on the island chain and beyond, making each a different organization within the kingdom with their own traditions that closely match one another, but are different enough to distinguish them from each other.   The empire is ruled by a monarch, usually a queen, of the dominant tribe who is assisted in the rule of their civilization by a council of leaders from the other tribes and a shaman, priest, or priests that give the guidance of the Atau. The dominant Atau rarely change but the monarch, or "Ka'ana", of the empire can cause the worship of one to become more dominant due to their own beliefs, like a guiding spirit for their rule.

Trade & Transport

Transport is done mainly by ship and as such the Bomulli boast one of the greatest navies in the world in terms of skill and strength.


Scholars are an important and respected part of society. They hold offices and leadership positions, study history, science, geology, metallurgy, alchemy, and medicine. They sometimes find themselves at odds with priests or shamans, but ultimately this is looked at as a boon for the purpose of diversity of opinion.   Most people are literate, especially if they live in the city. Higher education is less common and often involves travelling out to other lands such as Gaklin or Lerandora or finding a benefactor or mentor due to some of the islands' size or distance, but the homeland holds schools for those interested.
Founding Date
27 AoD
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Bomul Empire, Bomulli Tribes
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Controlled Territories


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