Bomul Archipelago

Located off the western coast of Tol'Galen, within viewing distance of the roiling storm that covers the vortex of the Maelstrom, is the chain of islands known as the Bomul Archipelago where the Bomulli people live. Formed during the Sundering of Eldaria, the archipelago was inhabited by surviving race of orcish hybrids that later called themselves the Bomulli. The islands were the first in a long expansion campaign that spanned much of the Maelstrom Sea.


The islands are a volcanic chain, each of them boasting at least one fiery mountain. The majority of the land is hilly or mountainous with terraces built into the ground for level farming. Water from the many storms run downhill digging deep gorges and rivers into the earth. Active volcanoes and geothermal activity keeps the lands in shifting states of danger and exceedingly fertile.


Tropical birds and other tropical wildlife (monkeys, tigers, amphibians and lizards, etc.) alongside thousands of different fish thanks to a coral reef that borders a few of the islands.

Natural Resources

The islands are rich in spices and plants that cannot normally grow in other locations as well as an ample supply of gold, silver and other metals, precious stones, fruits and other foods, flowers, salt, and coffee beans.
Alternative Name(s)
Atau Islands
Location under
Owning Organization
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