
Originally founded as a mining colony that grew to be one of the smaller dwarven strongholds in the height of their civilization, Doldarel is known for it's Mythril mines. The original settlement expanded - contrary to many dwarven kingdoms of that age - upwards, with access to the surface for trade and supply lines. One of the smallest kingdoms at the fall of the Nitsekh civilization, Doldarel had to grow due to the influx of their people seeking safe haven from invasions and instability that led to the fall of many of the other kingdoms. It has since stood as the most notable dwarven stronghold in Harental to surface folk.   The surface gates of Doldarel are situated in a natural valley known as Warden's Vale which is carved in such a way as to disguise the path naturally as the first line of defense from possible surface invasion. The goods willing to be traded by the dwarves are sent out to a small settlement of native Vaniir known as Stonehaven via an underground waterway that flows into the settlement.   Doldarel has had its share of attempts to be breached, but the natural camouflage of its entryway and the layers of protected cavers that lead miles into the mountain before reaching the main city have kept any from having any chance of succeeding.
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