Mythril (Myth-rill)

Mythril is a rare material mined from deep underground, therefore most commonly gathered by dwarves. During the height of the dwarven and elven empires, Mythril was actively traded between the kingdoms of the dwarves and the elves, who used it for several purposes including magical implements and jewelry. Since the fall of those empire, Mythril has become even rarer than before, only actively mined in a few corners of the world and found in ruins to be melted down or kept as souvenirs.  

Mythril in Game

Mythril gives various bonuses to armor and weapons forged from it.   All items created with mythril as the majority material are half the weight of their normal weight   Armor Armors forged from mythril count as one catagory lighter with the exception of Light armor which remains light. In addition, the armor gains the dexterity modifier bonus of the lighter armor. You must still have proficiency in the armor type that the armor originally is (Heavy Armor Proficiency for plate armor, etc.) Armors also count as Masterwork.**   Weapons Weapons made of mythril with the Heavy property lose the heavy property. Those with out the Heavy or Light properties gain the Light property. Weapons also count as Masterwork, gaining +1 to hit.*   Ammo Ammunition made with mythril increases the range they can be shot by half the maximum distance.   Enchantment Items made from or with a significant amount of mythril are easier to enchant and rune-carve as the metal takes magic easier than normal.   Heat Metal Mythril items are immune to the Heat Metal spell.   *I am currently thinking of whether to make simple +1-+3 weapons and armor various stages of masterwork since I dislike basic +1 weapons and armors as magic (though that could throw a wrench in the works for any creatures resistant to non magical weapons), or coming up with a small table of Masterwork minor bonuses, but for now this is the bonus. ** Mythril armor gains enough bonuses that the masterwork bonus is tied in to those, at least for the moment.


Material Characteristics

In its raw form, mythril takes a crystalline structure similar to quarts and could easily be mistaken for such by an untrained observer. In this form it is no less beautiful than the metal it can be melted down and forged into, shining brighter than most diamonds. Once smelted, its crystalline form restructures itself into a bright, silvery-blue, metallic appearance capable of being molded like any other metal.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Mythril is extremely light and exceedingly capable of taking complex or even multiple enchantments with much more ease than similar materials.   Mythril is also immune to the spell Heat Metal. As a result, legends say that mythril has magic resisting properties, but this only effects the spell Heat Metal (or others similar).


Mythril is rumored to have been a key material in the making of several now mythical elven metals that were created by the old elven empires.
  • Elenraud, Star-metal
  • Sercëraud, Blood-metal
  • Aurëraud, Sun metal
  • Maltalin, Song metal
  • Naicoraud, Sin Metal
  • Ingolloraud, Mage metal
Those few smiths - who aren't dwarves - who come across mythril attempt to alloy it with silver or steel in order to preserve the base properties of mythril while extending its use. This is not always successful as a majority of the alloy must be mythril or it loses any benefit of the material at all.

Geology & Geography

Mythril is generally found on the Material Plane in the deep underground, however it is also found in the Underworld and, as it might be expected, in certain parts of the Domain of Earth within Axiom.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Commonly, this metal would be crafted by the dwarves into anything from fine instruments and light armors to wondrous jewelry, the latter greatly appreciated by the elves.
Currently, Mythril is the standard by which the Ivaldir - and likely several other dwarven civilizations living underground or in the Underworld or World Below - measure their currency. This is matched by other civilizations in the underground as well.


Mythril can be used in its found state or undergo smelting in a forge to be used for its use as a metal. It is also said that the dwarves learned how to cold-forge the metal from its crystalline structure and keep more of its purity in that way, though this process is difficult and may be more rumor than truth.


Trade & Market

The dwarves of Doldarel in Harental are known for mining mythril and letting small amounts out of their halls each year to those fortunate enough to be able to afford it.
Silver with blue sheen
Common State
Crystallized or Metal
Related Locations
Related Species


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