
Doomdreamers are the elite among the ranks of the various cults of the Chained Twilight and by extension the Void and the apocalypse. Their name comes from the claim that they have been able to contact the Chained God in their dreams. They are utterly evil, and masters of ancient, forbidden knowledge and madness. They work constantly to release their ancient god from his prison.   The Doomdreamers as a whole do not work openly in most cases, preferring to puppet other, smaller cults with the promise of association. Because of this, the cult seems much larger than it is, with cultists of their own sects claiming membership to it. But this works for the cult's goal, its name is not well known but known well enough in the circles it needs to be while also being able to use any of the dozens of associated cults as viable pawns and scapegoats.


The cult is separated into three tiers:
  • Twilight cultists. Those who are aspiring members, often recruited from various other cults.
  • Doomdreamers. True members of the cult with access to its knowledge and mysteries who lead the twilight cultists and other cults in operations toward the doomdreamer's agenda
  • The Obex. The enigmatic leadership of the Doomdreamers, of which even the Doomdreamers know little about.

Public Agenda

The Doomdreamer's ultimate goal is to aid in the release of the Chained Twilight from his prison. To this end, the Doomdreamers are also interested in ushering Outsiders into the universe, causing chaos and madness, invoking fear and nightmares in the populous, contacting the Void.


The Doomdreamers hold several foul and dangerous artifacts of their bound god among which are:
  • The Obliteration Sceptre - An artifact said to be awaiting the Champion of Ruin
  • Skin of Black Iron - An artifact said to be awaiting the Champion of Ruin
  • Druinziath, Claw of Ruination - An artifact sword said to be awaiting the Champion of Ruin
  • The Infernal Device
  • The Orb of Silvery Death - A copy of the more powerful Orb of Oblivion.
  • The Orb of Oblivion - An artifact meant to hold power of godlike entities with the purpose of playing a role in breaking the prison of the Chained Twilight.


The Doomdreamers will stop at nothing to see their god brought back, commonly performing sacrifices and dark rituals in the name of their goal. There are few - if any - ethical blocks for them.


The various cults of the Chained Twilight are usually disjointed and sometimes antagonistic with each other. The Doomdreamer cult is one of the most organized of the cults and viewed as the largest due to its manipulation of sister cults. The cultists are led by the Doomdreamers, more elite cultists that have access to deeper magics and secret knowledge, who are led by a group called the Obex, the three most elite cultists who are closest to their god.

Political Influence & Intrigue

It is unknown how deeply the Doomdreamers have infested society as a whole, although it was recently discovered that a high ranking member of the Aestaran Bright Ministry was using political and financial leverage to benefit the cult's goals.

Twilight Approaches

Founding Date
Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
Twilight Cult
Other Leaders:
Second of the Obex 
Third of the Obex
Fourth of the Obex


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