The Chained Twilight

God of Madness, Power, and Forbidden Knowledge

The Chained Twilight, the Mad God, the Ender, Kaos, is the god of chaos, madness, forbidden knowledge, ruin, and nightmares. Some time following the sealing of the Primordial gods, he broke through the barrier at the edge of the universe separating it from the Void and allowing Outsiders and Outer Gods access to the universe through a crack in reality that is now known as the Outer Gate.   The Chained Twilight was imprisoned within the Dream by Forge-father, the elder god of creation, in a prison known as the Voidgem following a battle between himself, an army of Outsiders, demons, and traitorous gods and Primals against the rest of creation during which the elder god of light and strength - whose name has been all but forgotten by all but the eldest gods - fell while battling him directly. Although the Forge-father and Dream Weaver's joint creation was perfect in theory and execution, the power of the Void that it now held could not be contained completely by the Voidgem and the maddening section of the Dream known as the Nightmare formed around the prison. His prison is watched over by the Dream Weaver, elder goddess of the Dream, whose guardians tend to the spreading Nightmare and its fell entities.

Divine Domains

Knowledge, Power, Madness, The Void

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A chaotic spiral of red and black.

Tenets of Faith

The followers of Kaos strive to break their god free from his prison so that he may finish his work of unmaking the universe by opening it to the Void. Some believe that in doing so, he will remake the world as something new and beautiful with them at it's head. Most are simply nihilists who want the world to end for little reason but their increased madness in following their mad god.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The Chained Twilight seeks to end all in the universe. They wish to finish what they started with the creation of the breach that formed the Outer Gate, and break the barrier between the Outside and universe completely, allowing the Void to pour in and consume all.
Divine Classification
Elder God
Ruled Locations
The Chained Twilight
The Mad God


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