Dream Root


Material Characteristics

It is a small flowering plant with many tiny flowers blooming in bunches along its branches for a short period per year. It requires a great deal of water and can exist in intense heat but withers if exposed to anything colder than a moderate cold. The flowers, that appear white, but closed, in the day time open at night to reveal multicolored petals in the moonlight favoring reds, blues, and purples on nights when Lórëllin is in full.

Physical & Chemical Properties

While the flowers can be used in certain perfumes and incenses to create fruity smells, the roots of the plant can be harvested after a number of years and used to create a tea that induces a dream-filled sleep.

Geology & Geography

Due to its growth requirements, dreamroot is located mainly along the shorelines of lands on the southern portion of the Inner Sea, mainly thriving among the islands of the Bomul Archipelago where it is cultivated and viewed as a holy substance but also naturally growing in semi-abundance in the southwestern lands of Larenalia and some areas along the islands of Atallis.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Dreamroot is used in medicines to induce sleep, treat fever and stomachaches, and to assist in remembering dreams.

Cultural Significance and Usage

The Bomulli use dreamroot as a part of divination rituals and in initiation ceremonies for their shamans.


The only common hazard to using this substance responsibly is nausea and vomiting due to the bitter taste, but that is commonly masked with the use of herbs and flowers.


Trade & Market

The main source of this plant is from the Bomul Archipellago but can be found elsewhere in smaller quantities.    The flowers are used in various incenses and poultices for their fragrance and sold widely as a luxury, but due to its cultural importance to the Bomulli and the amount of time it takes to properly cultivate it for use in divinations, the roots leave the Archipelago at a far more infrequent rate. Clan Munnin of Binorðheim and the Atalli of Lithria are the most common purchasers of Dreamroot for their own divining purposes. The roots are considered an exotic compound or medicinal substance.

Law & Regulation

Dreamroot is seen as a controlled substance among some countries and a professional one in others. For instance, most purchases of dreamroot in Binordheim go to the seers of a community before anyone else.
White petals
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