
Hell, also referred to as "the Hells" or "the Pit," is one of the major planes of existence and exists within the group of realms commonly referred to as Perdition or Pandemonium. It is ruled mercilessly by the Lord of the Pit and those archdevils who have earned their favor. The realm itself is separated into nine domains, each ruled over by an archdevil or archdevils with the final, deepest layer of Hell being the domain of the Lord of Hell themselves. Hell serves as the abode of devils, the place of punishment for the wicked, and the staging ground for the armies against the demons of the Abyss.


The pit from which Hell was formed is believed to have been created when one half of the First One Ouroboros fell following a clash with their other half. The Pit was later claimed by the Lord of Hell as their realm and from it devils were created and the domains of Hell were carved out.

Domains of Hell

Known to some as the "circles" or "layers" of Hell, the domains of hell are ruled over by archdevils and are nine in number.

The First: The Battlements

The final staging ground for Hell's armies and first line of defense for the plane. The armies gather here before they leave to join the Blood War. This realm is ruled by the fallen celestial Zariel, General of Hell's Armies, and the Gatekeeper

The Second: The Fortress City of Dis

The Iron City is ruled over by the Adamant King who oversees the city and the final training and equipping of the forces of the hells before they leave for the Battlements. Dis takes up much of the realm in which it sits and is constantly shifting with the will of its ruler.

The Third

Here resides the Archdevil Belial and his Hellforges in which armaments are made and souls are purified of weakness and rebellion.

The Fourth

Geryon, Archdevil of the Fourth oversees the raising of the beasts of Hell. Here souls act as the hounds' training dummies, chasing them through the dense swamp that covers the realm.

The Fifth


The Sixth


The Seventh

The Archdevil Mammon oversees the fortunes and treasures of Hell on the Seventh Layer. It is one of the few layers that are welcoming to outsiders, especially those willing to part with treasures. However it is also one of the most dangerous to outsiders for suspicion of theft.

The Eighth

The Eighth holds the domains of Ba'alzebul and Mephisto. Mephisto rules as one of Hell's greatest practitioners of the arcane and divine, and keeps libraries and temples of sin and heretical knowledge.
Meanwhile, Ba'al weaves his webs in the darkness of the realm, ever desiring to be accepted back into the realm of his lord in the Ninth.

The Ninth

  Here the Supreme Lord of Hell resides in his Throne at the bottom of Hell. Contracts and secrets are kept, and only the most powerful or foolish enter the domain.
Alternative Name(s)
The Pit, The Hells, Gehenna, The Nine Circles
Plane of Existence


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