Lord of the Pit

Lord of Hell. God of Obligations, Subjugation, Temptation, and Torment.

The Old Serpent

The Lord of the Pit goes by many names, but exists in some way in most cultures. They are the ruler of Hell and the deity of oaths, temptation, and tyranny. The Lord of the Pit keeps track of oaths, sincere promises, contracts, and any of the previous - sincere or not - that invoke their name.
Titles: Tyrant of the Pit, The Old Serpent, The Black Goat, The Man in Black, The First Devil

Symbol: A serpent biting its own tail

Adjective: Hellspawn, Reshkigalian, Apollyan

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Areas of Concern: Obligations, Hell, Temptation, Torment, Subjugation, Tyranny

Worshipers: Devil-worshipers, Tyrants, Slavers, Bureaucrats, Judges, Lawyers

Domains: Knowledge, Order, Trickery

Favored Weapon: Mace

Sacred Animal: Serpent

Sacred Monsters: Devils

Sacred Colors: Black

Constellation: The Serpent

Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Reshkigal (Imperial Pantheon)
Ruled Locations


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