
Hereafter is the realm of the dead who did not dedicate their lives to a particular deity, were not chosen by a deity or higher power to be taken to a divine - or hellish - domain, or refused the call of another domain. It is the home of the majority of souls who die and holds within it very few divine domains, namely those of the gods of death and that of gods that have died but persisted as godly beings such as Baldr of the Nordic pantheon. It is, by all imagining, a bland place compared to the divine counterparts that exist, but it is far from an unpleasant place. Revelry and peace exists in this realm as it does in others. Though these things are suggested and believed it is impossible to know for certain what the realm of the dead truly holds for the living as one must pass through the gates of Mandos and receive judgment in order to enter, there is no other way as the gods of death bar passage otherwise.
Alternative Name(s)
Hel, Asphodel, Afterlife, Realm of the Dead, Aaru
Dimensional plane
Included Locations
Ruling Domain: Mandos

Articles under Hereafter

Cover image: Fields of Asphodel by Brian Doers


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