
God of mercy, pain, martyrdom, and redemption.

Segren is the Northlands divine of mercy, pain, healing, and redemption in the Northlands pantheon. He stands for the end of conflict and suffering which naturally tends to put him at odds at times with gods of violence and war such as Envau, Lautan and Venari and makes him an enemy to gods of fear and strife such as Tiamat and Yara.

Tenets of Faith

  • Carry the burdens of others. Help all who suffer, whoever they may be or what ails them.
  • Endure the pains of the world for every pain levied on you is a pain no other shall feel.
  • Offer redemption to those who have caused suffering.
  • Brook no unrepentant tormentor. Challenge all injustice and defend those who suffer unjust treatment.

Church of Segren

  The greater religion of Segren dedicates itself to providing succor and relief to those in need at whatever cost to themselves, from the lowest of the low to the highest of the high. They are taught to work at relieving pain from the world, and that suffering to preserve the lives of others is a holy act. They offer redemption to those who have caused great suffering, but do not brook the unrepentant evil. Many see the church of the Martyr God as fanatical for their sometimes seemingly reckless actions in the face of danger and as such some look upon the church negatively, especially nobility.   In order to endure the pain of the world for others many take up practices to increase their own physical constitution. Though they are a peaceful belief, there is a tradition of learning hand-to-hand combat in order to defend both one's self and others.  


Most worshipers of Segren are peasants, while the nobility often looks down on the clergy of Segren since they tend to spend much of their time in slums assisting those in need. The sick, lame, oppressed and poor are also common worshipers as well as the main patron of those who serve the church.


The majority of Segren's clergy is composed of priests, healers, and monks. Some druids also join the ranks of his church as his teachings do not extend only to humanoids. Most of his priests operate in slums and rural areas where access to food or medicine is limited, though it is not beyond them to sit at the council of leaders as councilors and speakers for the common folk.   They advocate for spiritualism over materialism, putting aside desire for wealth and luxuries in place of spiritual peace and service to others. They are often known as the most caring and patient people, sensitive to the plights of all.   Martial prowess was a common side effect of following Segren's teachings as the followers work to improve their constitution and physical resistance through meditation and practice. As such many monks are a part of the church of Segren, who's favored weapon is the open hand. Though, many learn to defend themselves, they are loathe to enter a battle as combatants, instead choosing to enter the battlefield as healers denoted by their white and red garb. As such it is seen as a great wrong to harm one of these priests, a code even upheld by orcs, goblins, and the like.   Though it is not as common among the general population of the church, flagellation is a practice among many members of the clergy and some followers.   Though the majority of the church is devoted to healing the sick and assisting the downtrodden, there are those among the church who seek to remove pain from the world by removing those who cause it. These segrenites seek out those who cause suffering, be it a marauding band of goblins or a corrupt king, and put them to the sword. These followers are often seen as extremists (even putting into account the flagellants within the common church).  
Painbearers & Sineaters
Pain-eating is an old and nearly lost art performed by some segrenite priests. it involves the consumption of a ritual meal in order to absorb the ailments of the one it is performed upon. In return, the pain-eater would have the ailments of the one it is performed upon transferred to themselves.   In the same way, sin-eaters, at the time of a person's death, would perform a similar ritual in order to absolve the burdens of a person's soul and take them upon themselves. This form of the practice is all but forgotten, and despised by Kelemvorites as a way to avoid rightful judgement at the end of their life.  

Temples and Shrines

Temples to Segren often serve as places of respite and healing. They take the form of clinics, shelters, orphanages, and monasteries. They are often simple in make and relatively unadorned, lacking finery in place of utility and serenity.  


Segrenite priests have been known to be able to sacrifice their own life force in order to gain power from their god or even to heal others.  
A segrenite divine caster or monk can sacrifice a number of their own hit dice and provide an amount of healing equal to double the number rolled split between any creatures within 30 feet of them.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Segren is depicted as a kind man, strong and covered in scars. Uncommon depictions show him with open wounds.   Segren's will has been known to manifest in the form of bright eyes, bloody tears, or purifying water, all with a feeling of tranquility about it.
Title(s): The Martyr God, He Who Persists, The Flagellant One
  Symbol: A pair of cupped hands holding water (or blood)
  Adjective: Segrenite
  Realm: Paradise (Nirvanna)
  Alignment: Good
  Areas of Concern: Healing, resurrection, suffering, peace, martyrdom, charity, sacrifice, redemption, penance, endurance, humility, forgiveness
  Worshipers: Healers, monks, shamans and druids, humanitarians, the poor and oppressed, peasants, reformed criminals, the penitent, the diseased and lame
  Domains: Life, Blood, Twilight
  Favored Weapon: Unarmed
  Sacred Animal: Deer
  Sacred Colors: White, Red
  Constellation: Chalice / Cupped Hands


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