Old Imperial Pantheon

The Imperial Pantheon, is the pantheon of gods of the northern continent of Harental that has been joined together by the meshing cultures that form the Aestaran Empire. The gods of the Northlands are commonly referred to as "Divines."

Bahamut, the Old Dragon King

The god of truth, wisdom, protection, leadership, and pride. He is the Platinum Dragon, Grandfather of dragonkind and stands for wise justice, loyalty, opposition to tyranny, and protection of the oppressed. One of his greatest goals is the defeat of his sister Tiamat's plans.

Casdia, Lady Sunlight

Goddess of fertility, family, community, and growth. She is the goddess of motherhood, patron of farmers and hunters, and partner to Silrae. She seeks the betterment of people rather than civilization as a whole.

Envau, the Red King

The god of battle, strategy, courage, honor, and martial prowess. He is the god of kings and generals and leads the divine hosts in Paradise. He is at odds, though not antagonistic, with his reckless brother Lautan.

Kelemvor, Master of the Lucent Spire

The stern god of the dead, judge of souls, and punisher of the wicked. Kelemvor sits in judgement over every mortal soul at the end of their life, holding them to account for every wicked deed, crime, oath made and determines their fate. He works in partnership with Valkyr and oversees both his own domain of Mandos and the Spirit World.

Lautan, The Crimson Tide

The Angry God, Lautan is the god of anger, strength, loss, and forgetfulness. He is the god of unbridled emotion and lost or forgotten things, and is heavily associated with the sea, waters, and storms. People often give offerings to Lautan of their conquests or leave items and keepsakes of events and people they wish the Lord of Loss to wash away. Unlike his brother, Envau, his actions are unambiguous and direct, letting instincts lead.

Lethene, Lady Fortune / Lady Calamity

Lethene, Kismet, is the goddess of wealth, commerce, gambling, luck, thievery, and generosity. She is the goddess to those who seek adventure and wealth by travelling the world, gambling, and trade. She is also known as the "Two-faced Goddess" as she is both the goddess of luck and disaster. Her closeness with colonization and expansion can put her at odds with Silrae, but she is of similar mind to Umos, who refuses to remain in one place. Those who call on the Lady of Fortune and Calamity do so rarely and often when stakes are already far against them (sometimes purposefully so).

Merav, Rose Ever-blooming

The carefree goddess of beauty and art, Merav is freedom of expression incarnate. She is a deity of beauty, passion, song, and the arts, worshiped by artists, writers, lovers, and hedonists alike. While she tends to have a sometimes rough relationship with her Most of Aestara views Merav as female, in Gaklin and it's immediate neighbors she is given no gender, known as "Endless Forms Most Beautiful", claiming that they are the personification of beauty and as such no gender applies to their being.

Örd, Wonderbringer

The Wonderbringer is the patron of the forge, inventors and crafters. He is the god of creation, invention, experimentation, riches, and obsession. He is a simple god, focusing on the betterment of his creations, but he is also an old god, said to have laid the foundations for the planes themselves. He is also closely associated with the dwarven god, Nabashakh, the forge-father.

Reshkigal, The Old Serpent

The Tyrant of the Pit has many names and exists in all pantheons. He is the lord of hell and master of contracts, oaths, promises, subjugation, and torment. His word is uncompromising and his power is immense. He is a strange god compared to the others as he does not require followers for his power to grow, in fact he has few churches dedicated to him at all. His power comes from the words of mortals and the souls of Hell. Every mortal who makes a binding contract, verbal or otherwise, with intent, calls the attention of the Man in Black who takes note of their word and bond and holds them to it. These contracts can be anything from a written agreement to a paladin's oath, in fact many paladins who do not directly serve gods often carry some symbol to Reshkigal as a reminder of their oath. Those who break their oaths feel the wrath of the Lord of Hell, and those who are sly enough to wiggle out of an oath or contract get his grudging respect. It is said that the Old Serpent holds the agreement made between the gods that restricts them from manifesting in full upon the Material Plane again.

Segren, The Martyr God

He Who Persists is the god of healing, self-sacrifice, and redemption. He is the god of both peace and pain, teaching self-sacrifice and forgiveness among his followers. Reformed criminals often turn to Segren for reformation and it is common to see Segrenite healers on a battlefield among the wounded. Harming a healer of Segren is a violation that even the most savage species avoid.

Silrae, Our Lady of the Green

The Forest Mother is the goddess of nature and wild places. She is the patron of many druids, rangers, and farmers, teaching balance with nature through controlled farming practices. Along with her partner Casdia, she is the goddess of agriculture. Regardless of her place as a deity of nature, there are common conflicts between her followers and followers of the The Green Path .

Synne, Dreamweaver

The Lady of Prophesy is the goddess of dreams and visions. She is the patron of seers, witches and illusionists, and the guardian of those who dream. She has few enemies among the gods, but her greatest adversary is the Mad God whose domain has tainted the Dreamlands she oversees.

Tharizdun, The Chained Twilight

Madness and nightmares are the domain of the Mad God, locked away in his prison demiplane, the Voidgem, within the Dreamlands. He is the god of madness, forbidden knowledge, aberrations, power, and the end of all things. He grants those who are foolish enough to call upon his power secrets of the universe and the place outside it's walls. He whispers into the minds of his followers knowledge so dark and unfathomable that it drives many of them insane. Though imprisoned, his power is so great that it is able to corrupt the Dreamlands around it, twisting it into a land of nightmares and insanity known as Pandemonium. He waits for the day his prison breaks and he can finish his work, flooding the universe with the inhabitants of the Void.

Tiamat, the Dark Empress

The Dragon Queen is the antithesis of her brother Bahamut, exemplifying greed and tyranny. She is the goddess of evil dragonkind, hatred, fear, treachery, temptation, and ambition. She is worshiped by tyrants and conquerors, ogres and goblinoids, and she makes her roost with in the realms of Abaddon where she is said to have an allegedly amicable relationship with the Lord of Hell.

Umos, Seeker of Mysteries on the Horizon

Freedom and Discovery are the tenets of the Patron of Venture. He is the god of travel, exploration, mystery, and respite, directing his followers to seek out the old and lost as well as new mysteries of the universe by seeking them out. Unlike other gods Umos has no permanent domain, choosing instead to travel the universe continuously. He is a friend of Vestus as a fellow seeker of knowledge, but his greatest ally is his sister Merav who shares his love for freedom, and if the night sky is to say anything of it, his passion for beauty.

Valkyr, The Raven Queen

Valkyr is the Chooser of the Slain, the goddess of death, fate and glory. She is the goddess of those who die and the ferrier of souls to the Grey City of Mandos where they are judged by Kelemvor. She is often prayed to by warriors alongside gods of war before a battle as a plea for her to show them mercy or allow them an honorable death. She is believed to have once been mortal, having overthrown the previous tyrannical god of death Nerull.

Venari, Stalker Under the Red Moon

The Wolf Mistress is the patron of wild places and beasts. She is the goddess of survival, adaptation, beasts, savage wilds, vengeance, and the hunt. Adaptation, evolution, and the ability to do whatever is necessary are essential skills to survive and the bailiwick of the Huntmaster. She is a creature of balance in the deepest, most savage places. It is said that she has had a hand in the creation of several monstrous animals such as griffons, bulettes, and giant worms, and is the mother of the now chained primal wolf Fenrir, a fate she still seethes over.

Vestus, He Who Knows Ten Thousand Things

The sage of the gods, the Spellfather is the god of knowledge, history, and magic. He is patron to historians, scholars, wizards, bards, and all who obsess over learning more about the universe. He is an old god and one who rarely takes sides, opting to instead record events as they occur. His only true enemies are the Mad God, who speaks knowledge to those unprepared for his truths, and the Xirius, whose magic he opposed from it's inception.

Xirius, the Soul Binder

The Lich God is a god necromancy, death, disease, undeath, and excess. They are the god of necromancers, undead, and hedonists alike. Those who wish to live in excess for eternity turn to them for knowledge of the arts of death magic, a skill despised even by the god of wizards himself. They have few followers and fewer allies, often kept to small cults or secret worship.

Yara, Shadows Abound

Thieves, brigands, liars, and spies turn to the Lady of Poison for aid in their dark deeds. She is the goddess of thievery, murder, harbor, elusiveness, deception, secrecy, envy, and avarice. Those outside of her normal worshipers of ne'er-do-wells and criminals call out to her in desperation when they wish to escape or hide away from some fate or judgement that has befallen them.

Dimdal, The Perfect Being

A recent addition to the pantheon by the priestly scholars of the Bright Ministry, the Father of Humanity is believed to have once been a mortal man, the first human born of the World itself, who ascended to godhood by the will of the World. His followers are human or those who serve humans and they strive to achieve perfection of body and mind, conquer all non-human lands, and show the superiority of humankind. The religion of Dimdal is quick becoming the chief religion of Aestara.
Religious, Pantheon
Permeated Organizations
Notable Members


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