Session 45 : At The Shores of Dawn and Dusk, part II Report

General Summary


The Anemones have gained access to the palace of Arto-Maglos, a fey lord who has taken up residence in a small region of Faerie, in order to steal the pelt of another fey lord from him for Hyrsam in return for him returning the party to the Mortal World. They spoke with a Summer representative named Aurora, who in addition to having information about Coral's mother's disappearance and who might be contacted to find her, also informed them on aparent raids by Shadow Fey and their suspicions about who Arto-Maglos - a fey lord only recently discovered - was, questioning their ambitions.
They then spoke with Arto-Maglos, who was suspicious of their presence, but offered them a single day, 24-hours, to prove themselves useful to him by convincing the leader of the Green Court, who he had invited to his home, to surrender her station and crown to him.  

Choosing a Path

After their meeting with Arto-Maglos, the party decided to use the empty room afforded to them to rest and go over their plan. After deliberating, the lack of ability for Arto-Maglos to send the party back to the correct time with full certainty as well as the suspicion by some party members that he may be a part of the Shadow Fey which have been appearing in Faerie and may be to blame for Coral's mother's disappearance convinces the party that they would continue with Hyrsam's plan. This unfortunately requires them to find a way to steal the pelt rather than attempting to come to a deal with Arto-Maglos, so they resign themselves to visit Hyrsam's contact within the palace named Leywise.  


Within the moonlit tower of the palace, the party find Leywise the scribe, who at first was rather hostile to their presence. However, clever wording soon clued the agrivated scribe in on the party's true intentions and their mutual contact. According to leywise, the pelt that Arto-Maglos wears is only ever removed when he sleeps, which he does often in this place. When he leaves it, he keeps it in the throne room upon his throne where two of his honor guard remain while he rests in his chambers. As for the enchantment of silence, Leywise stated that the source of the enchantment was held in the higher levels of the tower, unaccessable even by him, for only the two captains of the guard held the keys that would open the door and he lacked the skill to open it otherwise. He did mention however, that even should one attempt to get through the door without the keys they would likely trigger the alarms without a proper charm to suppress them. A charm he just so happened to have in his library, and one he "foolishly" left out on his desk when he walked away from the party after their meeting was done.  

The Plan

When the party returned to their chambers, they made a plan to attempt this theft as well as breaking the charm on the palace and sewing chaos through the place. However, they also came to the conclusion that if this is to be done, it will have to be done within short succession as either action will quickly alert Arto-Maglos and his guards to their treachery. The linchpin of the plan is Salima of the Green Court. Should the party successfully convince her to meet with Arto-Maglos to discuss what he bade the party to convince her to discuss, and convince or put Arto-Maglos in a situation where the meeting is less formal and takes place outside of the throne room, the party could be able to achieve their goal. After convincing her to meet with Arto-Maglos outside the throne room:
  • Music: Going after the source of the silencing effect will be Lun and Muse, using the charm taken from Leywise to enchant Lun's thieves' tools so they can attempt to unlock the door to the upper levels of the tower without causing an alarm. Once there, they can find the source of the magical effect and get rid of it.
  • Pelt: Coral and Kassidy will go after the pelt while the king is away. Using invisibility, Coral will sneak in to the throne room and take the pelt while Kassidy keeps watch.
  • Distraction: Noodle will find a place within the palace that will echo enough to cause a distraction throughout the building once music has been returned. Kassidy will make a small music box with a wind-up timer using his natural tinkering ability, and Noodle will plant it, timed to go off when music returns to distract the guards and Arto-Maglos from thier exit.
  • Safe Exit: Della and Chuck will remain in the entrance hall to ensure that if a lock-down is declared, they can keep the door open for their friends to make it out safely.

Rewards Granted

Charm of False Keys. A unique charm taken from Leywise to enchant lockpicks with a magic aura capable of decieving the magical locks of the moonlit tower that lead to the top level.


  • The Green Court. Founded and once ruled by the archfey Oberon, the Green Court is made up primarily of sprites. Since the banishment of their former king, they have fallen into a desperate position. Hunted by Winter, untrusted by Summer, and distrustful of archfey of the Wyldfae like Hyrsam, the court has fallen from its once respected place. The people are desperate and Arto-Maglos seems to be attempting to convince them that he, as a strong leader, could give them the protection and strength they desperately need.
  • The Crown of the Green Court. The crown held by Salima is the crown that once adorned the head of Oberon. Arto-Maglos wants this crown, and has confirmed that it would give him power should he be given it.
  • It is yet to be seen whether Arto-Maglos is one of the shadow fey or not as some in the party suspects, but they do not give any obvious aura of death as a reaper or servant of death does.
The Animones
Report Date
26 Jan 2024
Primary Location
Related Characters

Cover image: Tolkien's Desk by 89ravenclaw


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