
King Arto-Maglos (a.k.a. Bear-King)

Arto-Maglos is a fey lord who has risen recently to prominence among the lords of Faerie. Previously unknown, the newfound lord has already made enemies of Hyrsam, the Satyr Prince, and killed at least two other fey lords and a powerful beast of the Fey Wilds.
He was approached by the Anemones who sought to steal the pelt of Mesikammen for Hyrsam in order to make their way back to the mortal world. Though he did not know their true intentions, he was initially distrustful of them. Despite this, he gave them the task to convince the Green Court's leader to cede her power and crown to him in exchange for his favor and granting him the power to return the adventurers to the Mortal World.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Arto-Maglos's features are hidden almost completely behind his full plate and face mask. His armor is split between a silvery, spiked half and a smooth golden half. In the same way his face mask is split almost as if the armor is one large piece, with the golden side showing a more elven featured face while the other is completely expression and featureless.
Since the fall of Mesikammen, he wears a large pelt of a bear acros his shoulders that drapes to the ground like a cloak.

Special abilities

Judging from the few interactions people have with him, he seems to have:
  • A capability to see through deception with startling effectiveness.
  • The ability to determine the morality of a creature by sight.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The history of Arto-Maglos is unknown to most. He became a prominent figure in Faerie only recently as a powerful fey lord that was sought out by both courts, but seemed to have little interest in joining either.
Judging from trophies and displays in his palace, the Bear-King has made quite an impact on the wyldfae lords of Faerie in his short time in the limelight.
He and Hyrsam have come to odds quickly since his appearance. A display of power by the Prince of Revels resulted in the domain surrounding Arto-Maglos's palace to be put under a spell of silence, muting any form of music or music-like sound.
Hyrsam has made comments elluding to the idea that Hyrsam is familiar with Arto-Maglos from long ago.

Accomplishments & Achievements

The following are rumored or supposed achievements either boasted about or implied by displays within Arto-Maglos's palace.
  • Defeat of the Moonlight King, a wyldfae lord associated with the moon who went insane.
  • Defeat of a jabberwock, a powerful dragon of Faerie that is known for its destructive tendencies and legends surrounding the weapons capable of killing them.
  • Defeat of Mesikammen, Old Honey-paws, a wyldfae lord of bears and bearfolk.
  • Defeat of the Prince of Frost, a powerful fey lord - close in power to an archfey - who was associated with winter without being a part of the court.

Morality & Philosophy

Arto-Maglos believes that the only way forward for the fey is through strong, stringent, unwavering leadership. To him, the fey are a chaotic species held back by their very nature, in need of a strong hand to guide them to a new future. Even though some noble sidhe, the Queens especially, are known for adopting a lawful, orderly, leadership position in opposition to most people's views on how fey act, he believes that they are not strong enough leaders and that they are too permissive.

Personality Characteristics


Power. The Bear-King has sought out powerful foes and fey lords, supposedly defeating them, and seeks the strength that the Crown of the Green Court could give him.
Order. Arto-Maglos seeks to bring the fey of Faerie to order, even against their very nature, and believes a firm hand is the only way they can be led.
Revenge. Hyrsam seems to have crossed him at some point. He has made his distaste for the lord of revels and chaos well known.

Vices & Personality flaws

Blinded by his own ambitions.
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Current Residence
Palace at the shores of dawn and dusk.
Unseen behind the shadow of his helm. Vibrant gold sometimes shines beneath the helm.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Even the great Titania has her weaknesses..."
Known Languages
Fluent: Sylvan, Elvish, Gnomish, Goblin, Giant, Draconic, Some old mortal languages
Speak, but cannot read: Most current mortal languages. For those he cannot speak of his own accord, he has an ability similar to the Tongues spell to allow him to converse.


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