
Jotun goddess of Wilderness, Survival, and Winter.

The beautiful, cold, and at times unforgiving Jotun goddess of winter, the wilderness, survival, and skiing was accepted into the ranks of the gods after her marriage to Njord, god of the sea, done as compensation for the death of her father by the hands of the Aesir. This marriage did not last, but she remains respected by the other gods for her beauty, skill, and bravery.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A snow-topped mountain, a snowflake, and a pair of skis are all symbols associated with Skadi.

Tenets of Faith

  • Respect the earth and mountains. To underestimate them will lead to your doom.
  • Be ready for battle at all times.
  • Survival of the Fittest.
Followers of Skadi are said to have the cleanest, best cared for feet.  

Temples and Shrines

Shrines to the Winter Goddess are usually built in high, snowy mountains or in boreal forests of the north with view of the mountains. They blend in more often than not and are built from local materials, rarely with hearths.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • In order to avenge her father's death, Skadi stormed into the hall of Asgard to kill Thor earning the Aesir's respect for her courage. To avoid bloodshed, Loki offered her marriage to a god of her choice, but the Aesir added one stipulation: she had to choose based on their feet. She married Njord, god of the sea, because his feet were the cleanest of all the gods.
  • Skadi and Njord's marriage ended in a short eighteen days when neither would live where the other did, Skadi favoring the frozen peaks of Jotunheim while Njord lived along the warm shores of Asgard, but she is still welcomed among the Aesir.
  • She is currently married to Ullr, god of skill and heroism, who also favors the hunt and is the only god able to match her in skill with the bow. They race each other through the mountains on skis and Skadi sends packs of her wolves to hunt him.
  • She is often seen in the company of wolves. Winter wolves and other similar creatures are likened to her children. (This does not mean they won't attack someone faithful to her. Survival of the fittest is what matters.)

Personality Characteristics


Survival of the Fittest   Feet


Contacts & Relations

  • Ex-wife of Njord, god of the sea.
  • Wife of the god Ullr, who is the only god to match her in her skills.
  • Rumored respectful relationship with the High Alfar Mab, Queen of Air and Darkness of the Winter Court of the Sidhe.
Divine Classification
Jotunar Goddess
Pale blue, almost white like snow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White and icy blue
Aligned Organization
Title(s): Winter Goddess, Stormbringer, Frostmaiden   Symbol: Snow-capped mountian   Realm: Thrymheim, Jotunheim and Ydalir, Vanaheim   Alignment: Neutral   Areas of Concern: Survival, Hunting, Skiing, Winter, Archery, Storms   Worshipers: Rangers, Druids, Survivalists, Mountain-dwellers, Hunters, Barbarians   Domains: Tempest, Nature, War   Favored Weapon: Bow   Sacred Animal: Wolf   Sacred Monster: Winter Wolf   Constellation: Snowflake
  • Venari (Imperial)
  • Paitini (Bomuli)

Character Portrait image: Skaði the Norse Goddess by Lisa Marie Sørensen


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