Nordic Pantheon

The deities of the Nordic people of Binorðheim are old and primal, and they have been with them since before their landing within the north. They are an intrinsic part of the life of the Nordic people who believe that their gods influence their lives directly from weather to fertility to poetry.
The gods of the Nordic pantheon are split into families or tribes: the Aesir, the Vanir, and the Jotun.  

The Aesir

The Aesir are the major gods of the Nordic religion, most of whom live in their domain of Asgard.


The leader of the Aesir, forever searching for knowledge. He is the god of war, poetry, magic, wisdom, sacrifice, and ecstasy. He favors those who are strong of will, intelligent, and cunning. He rules from Asgard and keeps watch over the fields of Valhalla where the elite in favor with him go after their death upon the mortal plane.   Domains: War, Trickery, Knowledge, Arcana   Symbol: Blue eye


Beloved goddess and wife of Odin, Freya (of Frigg) is the goddess of love, fertility, beauty, passion, and magic. She is often depicted as a powerful sorceress for her skill with magic, magic that drew Odin to marry her so that he may learn of it. She is a close ally of the goddess of dreams and prophesies, Seiður. So close that it is believed that they may be sisters or mother and daughter. She presides over the fields of Folkvang, another afterlife outside of Valhalla. Though a goddess of love, she is also called upon in times of war, especially the Nordic homelands are under threat.   Domains: Life, Light, Nature, Twilight   Symbol: Cat    


  Arguably the most well known of the gods, aside from his father Odin, Thor is the god of storms, strength, courage, protection, and wrath. He is the impulsive defender of the gods' fortress of Asgard and slayer of Jotun who threaten them. The fiery-haired god of thunder is venerated by warriors of all walks of life and farmers who rely on the storms he brings to grow their crops.   Domains: Tempest, War, Protection, Order   Symbol: Hammer (Mjolnir)


Another well-known, but less popular god, Loki is the god of mischief, disorder, deceit, illusion, and murder. Loki is counted among the Aesir gods regardless of being a Jotun due to the respect Odin has for his cunning (such respect that he is viewed as a blood-brother to the Allfather), and as such often spends his time among the gods in Asgard, much to their dismay. He is a talented shapeshifter and famously the parent of several creatures such as Fenrir, Jörmungandr, Hel, and Sleipnir. Among mortals the worship of the trickster god is uncommon - as he is often viewed as a coward - but not unheard of, and many give prayer to him out of spite or desire to avoid his chaotic deeds.   Domains: Trickery, Strife   Symbol: Two snakes circling each other forming an S symbol, and biting the tail of the other


Vidar is the silent son of Odin and the god of vengeance, retribution, survival, woodlands, and loyalty. He is not known to ever speak, but is always there when the gods have need of his strength, which nearly matches his brother, Thor's.   Domains: War, Blood   Symbol: An iron boot


The most beloved of the gods, Balder is the immortal god of hope, joy, purity, pride, beauty, and rebirth. Balder is said to be loved by all the gods of Asgard and all the creatures and objects of the universe, and is said to be so pure that he shines like the sun itself. His death is prophesied to be the first sign of Ragnarok, the twilight of the gods, as with him dies the joy and hope of the gods, a death that is to be facilitated by Loki.   Domains: Light, Life   Symbol: Sun


Bragi is the god of poetry, song, storytelling, art, and fame. He is the skald of the gods and seeks ever to improve his own skill by seeking new stories to write. Nordic skalds and historians often pay homage to him and warriors give offerings before a battle that their deeds might be sung of in his works in Asgard so that all the gods may hear of them.   Domains: Knowledge   Symbol: Harp


The guardian of the Bifrost, Heimdall is the god of watchfulness, guardianship, protection, and travel. He is said to be able to see all things, even invisible, and can hear even the sound of a sheep's wool growing. He is ever vigilant in his watch for the beginning of Ragnarok at which time he will sound the his legendary horn to alert all creation of the war to come. He is the rival of Loki whose shape-changing abilities work on all but the all-seeing god.   Domains: Order, Protection   Symbol: Warhorn  


Tyr is the stoic god of justice, duty, honor, war, strategy, trust, and difficult decisions. He presides over law and order, at times more than Odin himself as he is often preoccupied with his own goals. He lost his hand to Fenrir when the gods tricked him into being chained.   Domains: War, Order   Symbol: Sword


The gardener of the World Tree, Yggdrasil, Idun is the goddess of youth and fruits. She watches over the apples of the tree of life that keep the gods eternally young. Her husband Bragi is often away but returns to tell her tales of the world outside the gardens of the gods.   Domains: Life, Nature   Symbol: Golden Apple  

The Vanir

Many of the Vanir are now allies with the Aesir gods, but at one time they were at war with them. Most Vanir tend to be more focused around nature such as Freya and Njord.


Lord of wind and seas, Njord is the father of Freya and Freyr and the god of waters, storms, sailing, and riches. Sailors pray to him when wishing protection in their travels during raiding season, and for good catches while fishing.   Domains: Nature, Tempest   Symbol: A fish


Freya's twin brother, Freyr is the god of peace, prosperity, nobility, fruitfulness, and fertility. He is accompanied by a boar with golden bristles named Gullinborsti and owns the greatest ship in all the world.   Domains: Nature, Order   Symbol: Deer Antler


The Jotun are old, older than the Aesir as they are their ancestors. They are beings of primal power and have been in several conflicts with the Aesir and Vanir gods, but some have been given a place among them and are worshiped - or feared - by mortals.


The creator god, Ymir was the first Jotun and the progenitor of most of the gods. His body was used to create the world of the Nords.  


King of fire giants and harbinger of the end, Surtr is the god of fire, destruction, and rebirth. During the events of Ragnarok Surtr will lead his army against Asgard and use his flaming sword to light the cosmos ablaze to be reborn anew.   Domains: Light, War   Symbol: A Flame


Ruler of the underworld - also known as Hel - from her realm of Helheim, Hel is the daughter of Loki and the goddess of death, the dead, and the afterlife. She is the strict and uncompromising goddess of the dead, so much so that when Balder died she would not allow him to leave unless all the world wept for his loss.   Domains: Death, Grave   Symbol: A woman's face, half living, half dead  

Hel, the Afterlife 

Contrary to outsider belief, Helheim is not analogous to the evil realm of Hell. It is a neutral place of dwelling for the dead where most will go when they meet their end unless chosen by the gods to join them in their own realms. Here the spirits of the dead feast, drink, and carouse to their soul's content, but it is still Valhalla that most dream of going to when they die.    


  Frost jotun and goddess of the cold, mountains, harsh weather, survival, and skiing, Skadi was once married to Njord but despised the sea as much as he hated the cold peaks of the mountains she called home. Regardless she is still counted among the few jotun respected and allowed among the Aesir and Vanir.   Domains: Nature, Tempest   Symbol: Snowy mountain


The Dread Wolf Fenrir is the son of Loki and the father of Hati and Skoll, the wolves who will one day devour the sun and moon. When Odin learned of the coming of Ragnarok and his own demise he sought to prevent it by chaining the wolf for all eternity for he had grown to immense size and was ravenous in his hunger. Whether this decision prevented his death for a time or it was the catalyst for the wolf's eventual victory over the Allfather is unknown, but the fate of Ragnarok remains unchanged.   Domains: Nature, Blood   Symbol: A wolf


Jormungandr, the World Serpent, is an enormous viper that lives within the ocean, so large that the movement of it's body causes great waves on the surface of the seas. It is another of Loki's children and an eternal rival of Thor who once attempted to fish it from the sea. It has many children that roam the waters, but it remains at the deepest depths sleeping until Ragnarok when it's rivalry with the thunder god will finally be settled.   Domains: Tempest, Nature   Symbol: A poisoned serpent fang



Var is the goddess of oaths and promises, and the punisher of those who betray and break their word. She rules over Nástrǫnd, a world where the unworthy, oath-breakers, murderers, and betrayers are sent. She is known by all to keep track of every oath made and insure that they are kept. She is often compared the god Reshkigal of the Aestaran Pantheon, the lord of Hell.   Domains: Order   Symbol: A chain


God of madness and unfiltered knowledge, Kaos is an ancient entity, possibly older than even Ymir. Kaos once attempted to seize power from the Yawning Void, Ginnungagap by breaking through the barrier that protects creation from it's influence as well as the dark things that live within it. It failed, but not without causing permanent damage to the Nattvegg, the Wall of Night. He now slumbers in the realm of dreams, watched over by the goddess Seiður, imprisoned. He is thought to be the cause of nightmares. Kaos is often called Tharizdun by the Imperials of Aestara.   Domains: Knowledge, Madness, Entropy   Symbol: a jagged spiral


Named after the seer's art or vise versa, Seiður is the amorphous goddess of dreams, visions and desires. She is the mother of Freya who shares her mother's talent, and the protector of the dreams of mortals. She is drawn in comparison with Synne of the Aestaran Pantheon, perhaps the same being with a different face as she is not believed to have a permanent one.   Domains: Twilight, Arcana   Symbol: A violet moon
Religious, Pantheon
Notable Members


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