
Talerëa is the elven name for a nature spirit of Hale Island, an island hidden in mist from the world. In truth, the "spirit" is a genius loci, a spirit of the land that embodies Hale Island and the surrounding coastal waters. The Order of the Lakes, remnants of the Nivimanda's druidic branch who fomed a civilization upon the island after its dissolution, were the first to call the spirit Talerea, believing it was a guardian spirit. Prior to being named Talerea, it was simply known as "the Warden".
The “Warden” began as the spirit of the land, a Genius Loci of the region of mountains that is now the island. It is massive in size, but had been bound by the wizards who once were a part of the Nivimanda either early into the Age of Magic or during the Dissent at the end of the Age of Heralds, binding it to a singular “avatar” form instead of its full form, and placing it under restrictions to guard the prison that lies there.
At first it was not an intelligent being, but as its bond with the leaders of the Nivimanda grew, it became incredibly intelligent and grew to desire freedom from the bindings that had been placed upon it. These bindings were tied to the three artifacts that the Nivimanda’s leadership used to exert control and the being could only be released with either the destruction of these artifacts or a reversal spell using the gathered items within caves beneath the island.
When it was released in from these bindings in 4 DIV, the prison remained its charge by its own choice, understanding that what it held was important to keep from the world, but it required those who lived on it to leave.  


Nature. The natural world is more important than all the constructs of civilization.
Life. Preserving life and nature is always a worthwhile endeavor.
Order. Those held within my prison walls must remain for the sake of the universal balance and the balance of the world.


I am slow to trust members of other races, tribes, and societies.
Don't expect me to save those who can't save themselves. It is nature's way that the strong thrive and the weak perish.


I am utterly serene, even in the face of disaster.
Nature offers rich and abundant metaphors for understanding the complexities of life.


When the Warden takes an avatar form, they appear as a watery elemental. Due to its history with some of the former visitors of the region it inhabits, it sometimes vaguely takes a feminine form, but does not identify as any specific gender.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The “Warden” began as the spirit of the land, a Genius Loci of the region of mountains that is now the Isle of Lakes or Hale Island. The process through which it was created is unknown, whether through magic or natural causes. The creature was bound by wizards of the Nivimanda, binding it to a singular “avatar” form instead of its full form and placing it under restrictions to guard the prison that lies within itself.
While at first it was not an intelligent being, its bond with the leaders of the Nivimanda increased its mental prowess beyond normal mortal capability. Over time it became incredibly intelligent and grew to want release from the bindings that had been placed upon it. These bindings, tied to the three artifacts that the Nivimanda’s leadership, were used to exert control over the Warden.
Following the Sundering of Eldaria, the mountaintop became an island and the people who lived there, protected by the wards and protections attached to the Genius Loci, remained out of fear of what might lie beyond the mists that shrouded the mountaintop from the world. The culture of the Nivimanda dwindled without the leadership and knowledge of the mages there to lead it and those who grew up on Hale island began to call the Warden "Talerea" and revere it for the protection and plenty the island provided them. Even the remaining leadership of the Nivimanda eventually changed the title of their society and hid away the true nature of the island from the rest of the people. For 1300 years since the Shattering, only those leaders of the Order could glimpse the truth of the Warden and what lies beneath their island, imprisoned.


A bond formed between the weilders
Current Status
Bound to serve the Nivimanda
15 feet in their avatar form
approximately 2800 lbs in their avatar form
Aligned Organization