Order of the Lake

The Order of the Lake is a druidic order that rose from the organization known as the Nivimanda following the destruction of Eldaria and the beginning of the Dearth. Without arcane magic, the wizards which once ruled the Nivimanda became obsolete, and in their weakness the druids, rangers, and few clerics rose to leadership.
The Order has remained on the island for the last 1300 years. Those who leave their civilization forget the island's existence and can never return. While the ages have muddied their purpose, they know whatever they protect is of utmost importance and cannot be found by the outside world. Few within their order know where or what they protect, but many of the druids of their order know that a being resides at the heart of their island, and is integral to their purpose.  


The Order of the Lake lives among the overgrown ruins of their former civilization, now retaken by nature. Their pursuit into a deeper connection with nature has drawn them away from the technology of the elves and their adherance to thier now loosely interpreted duty has cut them off from the rest of the world, regressing into a tribalistic society with a reverence for the one they call Talerëa, "the Guardian."
With the fall of Eldaria, the state of the world outside their island was unknown, allowing the few remaining Nivimanda aware of their mission on a detailed level to mold the organization into something more akin to secluded society of people in order to guard the truth of the Warden and the nature of what lies beneath it from any who might seek to use it, including those who live within the society itself. The only ones who are now taught of the nature of the island and its spirit are the Grovetender and their apprentice once they are ready to take on the mantle of the Grovetender. The remaining people believe Talerëa is a guardian spirit of their people and it is their duty to protect it from what might lie beyond their island.  


After the events on their island and within the Geode Vault in the year 4 DIV, the Order was given an ultimatum by the the one they called the Guardian, to abandon the island within the month. While nearly half left, many remained believing they could come to some arrangement or appease the spirit. Their fate is uncertain but unpromising.


The Grovetender leads the people as the wisest and most skilled druid of the tribe. They keep between one and three apprentices by their side to teach, from which they choose one to take their place. Often the one who follows the Grovetender will keep the other two as their seconds and choose new apprentices from the younger generation.
Outside of the Grovetender, their society is small, being led by various family heads. The decission of who leads the family is not determined by gender or sex, but by age, wisdom, magical ability and family choice.


The Order holds the continued growth of life upon their island to be their most sacred duty. As such they do not take more than they require, use all they harvest or hunt, and assist however they can in the germination of new plantlife.
They are not vegetarian, but they hold a healthy diet of natural fruits, vegetables and meat of animals without stalling their growth.
The reverence for the island and its spirit is believed to go back for centuries to before their people were cut off from the outside world. Though it is not a god, they see it as an entity upon which they thrive and must protect as recompense.
Dissolution Date
Druidic Circle
Alternative Names
Order of the Hidden Pools
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

Cover image: Assassins Creed 3 scene - Ship Naval Battle on the Maelstrom by Khai Nguyen


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