The Nornir


The Nornir are a group of three women seers. Though they are mortal, long lived as they may be, each of the Nornir are always named the same: Urd (the Eldest), Verdandi (the Middle-Aged), and Skuld (the Younger), each focusing on a different aspect of their visions: Past, Present, and Future respectively. Though all the Nornir are meant to be equals, Urd acts as the wisdom of the past to lead their sisters forward.


Mystery and reverence surround the Norns and their strange magic that allows them to peer into the weave of fate and read its movements. The Nords revere the Nornir in the same way a culture might revere a bishop or pope: there are many seers through the lands with similar skills, but there are only three Nornir. As the most skilled of the seers, messages from the Nornir are viewed with greater credence and often take the notice of the various kings of each Clan. Though they rarely give prophesy to individuals, when a king takes control of their clan tradition dictates they make their way to Sarendril to hear the Norns' foresight and wisdom concerning their reign.

Public Agenda

The Nornir's motivations are mysterious. They remain in solitude and isolation for most of their lives, only appearing for brief instances to speak prophesy of coming disaster or blessing before hiding away once more.


Before his campaign into Harental and Tol'Galen, the king of Clan Hjort Rainer Norgard was believed to have gone to the Nornir for prophesy and guidance, and stolen from them a piece of the Well of Urdr to assist him in his conquering. Over six-hundred years later a group of chosen champions were sent to retrieve this item from Rainer's hiding place in order to assist the Nornir in seeing through veils placed to block their sight.

Mythology & Lore

The Nornir are believed to be related to the Nornir from the saga of Odin seeking the knowledge of runes. In this saga Odin hangs himself upside-down above the Well of Urd and pierced himself with a spear. There he hung for nine nights until he was shown the truth of the runes. The Nornir are also the ones who showed Odin the prophesy of Ragnarok, the Twilight of the Gods.   Though these Nornir are mortal, they hold the same significance to the Nornir of the sagas and are believed to have some relation to those seers of the gods.
The visage of the Norns
Religious, Coven
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