
Goddess of dreams, prophesy, and desires


Seidr is the goddess of dreams, desires, and prophesy. She is the guardian of the Dream and works to safeguard the minds of all within her realm as they sleep. Deep within her realm sits the prison of the Chained Twilight, Tharizdun, god of nightmares and madness, whom she opposes as his power seeps through the Dream and his servants attempt to corrupt and twist the visions within, the greatest of which is the dark serpent Nastrond the Mind-eater.

Tenets of Faith

  • Safeguard the Dream. Do all that you can to guard the minds of the sleeping from the insidious Nightmare.
  • Nurture Desires.
  • Look forward, never behind.
  • Seek insight in your visions.
  • Feed inspirations.

Church of Synne

The church of Synne devotes itself to spreading inspiration and protecting the minds of those who sleep. It is not common to find a temple to the goddess of dreams, her followers tend to move from place to place, though there always tends to be at least one in any large city or town to assist the people with their dreams and meditation. Being the church of the goddess of dreams and prophesy, they often are found in meditation, willing themselves into the dream, or guiding others to do so in order to find answers.  


Lucid dreamers, artists, writers, and daydreamers all find a place among the worshipers of Synne. Witches and seers also follow the Dreamweaver, calling on visions of the future or knowledge of secrets hidden in the ever-changing dreamscape.   Clergy The clergy of Synne act as spiritual guides, meditation specialists, sages, and seers. They are those people go to to relieve themselves of bad dreams or mental blocks.  

Temples and Shrines

Temples are few and far between to the Lady of Prophesy, most which exist are simple and include many places for visitors to sleep or meditate while in its walls. A staple fixture within most is an open roof over a circular pool of water through which petitioners may view the Dreamer's Moon.



Every 88 days, the violet moon turns full. On this day clergy and followers of Synne spend time in deep meditation seeking revelation and inspiration. This day is said to be when the Dream is closest to the physical, some have even claimed to have summoned creatures from there on this day simply by imagining it to be.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Synne seeks the protection of the Dream and all who reside within it. She also seeks the defeat of the entities of Nightmare.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Synne has no permanent physical form, being one with the Dream she takes many forms in many ways, most not humanoid.
Her will is identified by the subtle shifting of colors and shapes of shadows.


Contacts & Relations

Synne is an ally of Merav, goddess of art and beauty as her inspiration gives way to new forms of art and music and desires give way to love. She is also a ready acquaintance of Vestus, lord of knowledge, who desires to know all, even that which is within the minds of the sleeping.   Her greatest opponent is Tharizdun and his minions from the Nightmare which she continually guards against and pushes against it's advance into her realm.

Pantheon: Northlands
Title(s): Lady of Prophesy, Dreamweaver, Mistress Mirror, Queen of Witches
Symbol: A purple moon reflected in a pool
Adjective: Synnist
Areas of Concern: Prophesy, dreams, visions, reflections, desires, divination, illusion, witchcraft, sleep
Worshipers: Witches, seers, dreamers, illusionists, daydreamers, artists
Domains: Arcana, Knowledge, Twilight, Prophesy*, Dream*
Favored Weapon: Dagger
Sacred Animal:
Sacred Monster:
Sacred Colors:
Ruled Locations

Cover image: Polymorphous by Noah Bradley


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