
God of Travel and Freedom. Architect of the night sky and it's many constellations.

Umos is the god of the moon and stars, deity of travel, discovery, and freedom. While the rest of the gods spent their time crafting the Prime's lands and seas, he spent his time constructing the skies above it. He is said to have placed each star in the sky deliberately and hidden several secrets within the stars for mortals to find.


  While the other gods fought over the lands and seas of the Prime, Umos remained ultimately impartial, deciding insted to busy himself with the construction of the skies over the Prime. He did not take part in the wars between the other divine powers and the primordials, instead deciding to stay on the side of the Sidhe deities who abstained from the entire affair. He was eventually, much to his dismay, brought into the divine conflicts when Tharizdun pierced the Veil between reality and the Void.


Umos is seen as a lithe man, elven-like in form, with pale silvery skin, dark hair that sparkles with starlight, and pale irises with black sclera. He wears deep navy robes that fade into dark stary patterns. Along his robes and skin are silvery markings that shift between several constellations.






Umos tends to communicate rarely, but when he does it is often through signs in the night sky, constellations and other celestial phenomena that his followers can determine is his will manifested. When he decides to be less subtle, he may send dragonflies, moths, or other favored animals that show signs of his influence.   Signs of Umos manifesting his divine will in a creature or object is often seen as softly designs in the shape of constellations or stars, eyes filled with starlight, or pale glowing like moonlight.   The Night Guide may show his displeasure by causing the stars to become confused or hidden from those who displease him, cause travel instruments to lose direction or cause messenger animals to become lost.  


  Umos' followers view creatures that represent the night sky, travel, and freedom to be holy to the Star-keeper. Dragonflies, whales, and lunar moths are often among the most favored and the appearance of any of them in either physical or symbol form is often seen as a sign of his favor. Other favored creatures include azatas, star drakes, and some fey.

Church of Umos

  As the god of travel and freedom, there are many who traverse both road and sea who seek Umos' favor through brief prayer or benediction. Sailors, traders, scouts, hunters, those who travel for travel's sake make up a large part of his followers. Whatever their occupation or reason, those who serve the Star-keeper seek new adventures and discoveries, and fill their lives with new experiences as they come across them.   Due to the nature of Umos' clergy, there are few temples to the Patron of Venture. Instead the faithful can be found on the roads and in the wilds, among travelling caravans, ships, and expeditions to long forgotten places. The followers of Umos tend to call the road their home, although shrines can be found along the road and at places of significant discovery or openness to the night sky.  



Temples and Shrines


Holy Texts




Daoine Dun

"The Hill of the Stars" is a large clearing in the Old North Wood of Harental that houses a large hill filled with caverns built ages before. It is no longer in use by its original inhabitants, but it sbears the signs of worship to Umos within its caverns. It is a place known to few other than Umosians and is visited by them when they pass through the area.  

Star Elves

Star elves hold Umos in high regard as they have a deep history with traveling not only within the Prime but also between it and other planes. The Star Elves were believed to have at one time created a demiplane outside the Prime where they lived among the stars.  

Favored Animals

Deities are often associated with animals, either because they posess a quality that the deity favors or because the god's faithful feel a special kinship to it. Umos' favored animals include dragonflies, moths, cats, wolves, horses, whales, caribou, and bats.
Title(s): The Night Guide, Wayfarer's Friend, Patron of Venture, Star-keeper, Seeker of Mysteries on the Horizon   Symbol: A dragonfly or a silver moon   Adjective: Umosian   Realm: TBD   Alignment: Chaotic Good   Areas of Concern: Stars, moon, travel, freedom, discovery, portals   Worshipers: Travelers, astronomers, adventurers, mariners, archaeologists,   Domains: Knowledge, Twilight, Life   Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff   Sacred Animal: Dragonfly or Whale   Sacred Colors: White and Navy   Sacred Minerals: Moonstone, Blue Goldstone   Constellation: The North Star / Dragonfly
Related Myths
The Moon and the Tide
Myth | Mar 8, 2023


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