Vaska and the Heartfruit

In the time before Trandrafia's formation, the holy city of Zeitaresti was known as Dawnseat, the royal capital of the dawn elves taken centuries before when they conquered the land. In their centuries of bringing the southern lands of Lithria under their control, the elves had burned, broken and destroyed anything that threatened the validity of their claim, the power of their imperator, and the monopoly of their gods - especially the goddess Aurin Valo. To this goal, the evidence of the previous cultures that had resided there have all but been destroyed or built over. But, Trandrafia is a strange place and beings great and powerful have made it their home for centuries before the elves stepped foot on its shores. It should not be surprising then that the "lessers" of the Dawn Kingdom would eventually find a method of contacting an entity willing to help them overcome their predicament.
Vaska was someone of little concequence in this time, one of many discontent servants under the royal family in Dawnseat. Vaska was not the first to heed the whispers of the Mother in Blood, but they were the first to seek her out successfully.
One day, Vaska's masters had been especially cruel to them, casting them down into the caverns beneath the city to wander directionless. There, in their darkest hour on the brink of death, they heard the voice of the Queen, and followed it to a secret chamber. Within the chamber grew a tree, withered and burnt, but surviving, and upon it was a single fruit, it's casing pealed away to reveal the teardrop flesh of the fruit within. Vaska ate of the fruit and awoke later in the arms of thier new goddess, veiled in red at the foot of the tree. From this one fruit Vaska was sustained, their body restored, and new power flowed through them granted by the Queen.
Returning to the surface, Vaska was the first of many converts to the Red Queen, and one of the few who partook in the fruit they would now seek. They and the nine others granted the flesh of the heartfruit began the plot that would lead to the events of the Blood Moon Revolt, when the Imperitor of the Dawn Kingdom was assassinated along with some of his family and most loyal attendants, drawing the entire region into a century of chaotic war and bloodshed. During this time it is said that the Red Queen walked among the lands of what would eventually be Trandrafia and remained in close counsel with Vaska, her first true disciple.
When the war had been won and the borders held, the Queen had need to retreat to her domain once more, and with her she brought nine of her most loyal. The nine who had ate of the fruit after Vaska, all divested themselves of their mortal forms to join their queen in her realm. Vaska, however, was named King-Consort to the Red Queen and placed in charge of the lands of Trandrafia in her absense.

Vaska ruled the lands of Trandrafia for nearly 500 years before they turned against the Queen and attempted to establish a new order against her wishes. After half a millenium of ruling the nation, they were defeated by an alliance of loyalist noble houses against those who took the side of Vaska under their new moniker: the Palid King. In her sorrow, the Red Queen never named another consort to replace the Palid King.
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