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Do not weep, for i am reborn, and i am remade perfect.
-Astra, the One
A Sternling is what happens when a Tiefling completly forgoes their infernal lineage, seeking redemption from the celestial plane and pledging themselves to their cause. This almost ritualistic act can take many days, weeks even, often bringing them to the brink of death, and most of the times resulting in death. The act of evolving from a tiefling to a Sternling is far from a well known act, and is often kept private to only the most noble tiefling lineages, who often try to keep the secrets exclusive, not for anyother reason than to keep tieflings from attempting to do it themselves.        

Grace and Nobility

After being reborn many Sternlings will have an air of grace and nobility to them, that can come across as snobby or aloof. This often leads to strifes between Sternlings and other races, Particularly Tieflings, who often feel as though the Sternlings turned their backs on their true lineage.   Sternlings Themselves dont mind this, for with their rebirth comes a new serene and more open-minded existence.

Racial traits

Ability Scores: Your charisma scores increases by 2, and your wisdom score increases by 1.
Age: Sternlings keeps their age from before they were reborn, but their lifespan is increased to up to 250 years.
Size: Medium.
120 ft.
Astral Resistance:
You have resistance against Cold and Radiant damage.
Celestial being: 
You know the dancing light cantrip. At 3rd level you can cast Moonbeam once per day as an action. This spell can only be cast outside and creatures within the beam have advantage on saving throws during the day, and disadvantage at night. charisma is your spellcasting modifier for this spell.
Language: You can speak, read and write, common, Celestial and Infernal
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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