Welcome to Cambrium in Cambrium | World Anvil
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Welcome to Cambrium

Written by Taciturn

Here, you can learn the utmost basics of the world setting to get a better understanding of its environments, lands, technology and history.

Cambrium's setting is a dark fantasy with a moderate magic level, where it is common enough for most people to understand it however not everyone is able to access it. This has created a magocracy in which those with magical potential, particularly those of noble families or large political power, typically serve the higher echelons of society and control the governmental systems. The prime example of this being the rulers of Cambrium's lands - the Dragonlords.  

Original artist unknown.

The Basics

The very basics of Cambrium's world is similar to our own. It has the same gravitational force as Earth, same atmosphere that allows life to inhabit the planet. It spins on a tilted axis around its sun that allows for annual seasons not unlike our own - Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. There are similar climates, weather systems and landscapes to Earth, however they do not follow the same ecological factors as our own world. The passing of days is counted in a similar fashion as our own; 7 days in a week, 12 hours of day time and 12 hours of night time, which varies slightly dependent on one's location; a month is 28 days, there are 13 months in a year and 364 days in a year. With every month having a uniform 28 days, it means that the first of every month is on a Monday and the 28th is always on a Sunday.    

Cambrium's Hierarchy

Cambrium has a hierarchy of nobility similar to our own. While many lower classes do not have an official title or come with a prefix or an affix to their names, it is the most common descriptor when referring to them en masse. Most of Cambrium's noble hierarchy is politically based and thus tends not to involve any military figures, however there may occasionally be military figures that also hold political ranks. It should be noted that these examples are simply the most common titles, as there are countries that do not follow the same political hierarchy. There are also many more titles in between the ones listed below, however only those of particular note have been represented here.

The geopolitics of Cambrium are split into four separate chapters - the north, south, east, and west. Each of these chapters are ruled over by the highest office available in Cambrium, known as a Dragonlord, and they hold absolute rule over their chapters. These are rough estimations of territory due to the fact that boundaries are fluid and not landmarked, and change depending on warring and conquested statuses. The Dragonlord territories extend to Cambrium's sky islands, however do not extend to the Underdark, which has its own ruling system.

Cambrium territory map.

Title Descriptor Prefix/Affix
Thrall The slave class. They are as close to objects as people can be. This class has no rights
or privileges beyond what is given to them by their owner.
Servant While similar to a Thrall, a Servant is a free person that agrees to an indentured servitude.
They are still paid a wage and have the same rights as Commoners.
Crystalmarked Foreigners from other worlds brought to Cambrium through the Occultation.
Feared and despised by some, most are afforded the life of a Commoner if they are
able to hide their Crystalmark.
the Crystalmarked
Commoner The most common class of people throughout Cambrium, these people have no noble
history and live anywhere between comfortable lives to abject poverty. The majority
of people are Commoners.
Noble Family lines that are able to trace their lineage back to some figure of note, though
usually only distantly. Nobles are given only a few more privileges than Commoners,
such as the ability to work in the field of politics. Being nobility does not mean they
are rich however, as some live in similar circumstances as Commoners and are only
nobility through lineage tracing.
Sir, Madam/Ma'am
Knight A class that can only be granted to an individual through knighthood from a Dragonlord.
Knights are people who have demonstrated strength and loyalty under adversity and are
usually granted a more than comfortable living.
Dragoon Knight An elite class of Knights that are hand-picked by their Dragonlord to be their personal guard.
Dragoon Knights are known to be the best in their field and many stories of war will likely
contain one taking on whole platoons of enemies by themselves.
Minister A Noble who works in politics. Controls the smaller districts in city areas and is the most
public-facing position.
Deacon Residing leader over a single religious temple. They are in charge of the temple’s
upkeep as well as communicating religious issues at court.
Archdeacon The head of the diaconate in a city. Typically responsible for religious representation
at higher courts.
Chancellor A Minister that has been elected for high court. They are responsible for discussing
their surrounding geopolitical landscape and voting on new laws and legislations.
Archjudge A Chancellor that has been elected to the top-most position in high court.
It is their responsibility to keep civility in court and accept or deny new laws and legislations.
Governor The leader of a single city. Can be likened to the position of mayor. Governor
Archgovernor The leader of the capital city of a continent, and presides over the Governors of the cities
in their territory.
Exalted Voice The personal messenger of the presiding Dragonlord. They deliver messages, both public and
private, to those whom it may concern, regarding the Dragonlord’s decisions and expectations.
It is a highly respected role as they are treated as though they are the physical voice of the
Dragonlord. It is not uncommon for Dragonkin to be elected as Exalted Voice.
the Exalted
Master/Mistress of Treasure A Dragonlord’s partner. If they do not already have it (and most of the time they do) a
Dragonlord’s partner is immediately given the rank of Noble, as is any living family
members. They may enter high court as the rank of Chancellor if they wish.
the Treasured
Dragonkin The offspring of a Dragonlord that has not been chosen as Heir Apparent.
Equivalent to a prince or princess.
Your Majesty
Heir Apparent The offspring of a Dragonlord chosen to succeed them. Can be male or female. Dragon Heir,
Your Majesty
Dragonlord The residing ruler of a particular chapter of Cambrium, regardless of gender.
There are four total Dragonlords, all presiding over the points of the compass.
They can overrule any judgment or law written in by the high court and
implement their rulings immediately. They are also considered the highest
authority in religious politics and seen as a deity figure to some who may
choose to worship the Dragonlord instead. Equivalent to a king/queen or
emperor/empress or similar titles of office.
My Lord/Lady,
Your Lordship,
Your Ladyship,
Your Majesty


Cambrium's Climate

Despite Cambrium's similarities to Earth there are many things that set it apart. For example, while the equator on Cambrium is roughly across the centre of the planet it does not represent the warmest area. Instead, the equator of Cambrium is where the most moderate climates are. Moving north of the equator is where one may experience colder climates, with the coldest area presented at the north-most point with the wetter, more humid climates present just north of the equator. Similarly, moving south of the equator is where one may experience warmer climates, with a lot of heat and humidity present just below the equator belt, while the southern-most point of the map are the most arid and dry.

Basic History

The basic history of Cambrium is the history that almost everyone knows at least some portion of, with the exception of Crystalmarked individuals. Whether or not this retelling is based in truth remains unknown, as there are no known beings alive who existed during the primal pre-history era, at least none that have spoken up (or believed) that has been able to change the agreed upon narrative. While the mythos may change and have slight variations throughout the world they are all similar.

The beginning of Cambrium's written history starts with a long and bloody war, known as the Dragonwar. During this time dragons were commonplace, and so they fought endlessly with one another in a bid for territory and power. The mortal races were young (Some mythos citing that they simply popped out of the ground like plants, whilst others claim that the Gods that watch over decided to breathe life into their creations to become their children) and were helpless to stop the rampaging dragons and their bloodshed. During these times the mortal races were nomadic, avoiding staying in one place for too long out of fear of their settlements being destroyed by the fighting dragons who cared little for the inconsequential peons that dotted their realms. The corpses of the fallen dragons were reclaimed by the lands, creating the mountains, and the blood they spilled created the seas, oceans and lakes. After centuries of fighting and countless dragons killed, some began to grow weary of the violence and burrowed into the earth, creating the underdark. Some of the pieces of the land had been ripped free of its roots and thrown into the heavens during their battles, creating the sky islands. Cambrium was a world born from violence and conflict, and the marks of those furious wars still scar the lands in the modern age.

Eventually the mortal folk began to grow more intelligent, learning to create weapons of their own. They held nothing against the might of a dragon but that did not mean they would not rebel against their draconic overlords. What they lacked in sheer, brutal power they began making up for in cunning and tactics. They began building defenses that could withstand the flames of a red dragon, or insulate against the frost of a white dragon. Their populations began to rapidly expand, so much so that the dragons were forced to take note. Every city they destroyed caused two more to be built in its place. The mortal races had been given centuries to study the dragons, learn their methods, and experiment on how to fight back. While some had access to magic it was a rudimentary, primal sort that was embedded in their very souls. The vast, limitless wells of magic the dragons had access to was far beyond their reach. At least until the birth of a hero; having been born under the tyranny of their monstrous masters the hero believed that the magic they wielded should be given to all the races of the world, and so began devising a way to steal their power. For many, many years it was a fruitless task, and hundreds of mortal folk died in this endeavour. Eventually the people began to grow leery of the hero, believing that his task was simply too great to achieve. But he did not falter. Once people began to turn on him the hero disappeared for several decades, his existence becoming a myth to mortal kind.

But then, he resurfaced. Wearing armour of polished dragon scales, a weapon red with dragon's blood, he began to amass an army. His followers claimed to have seen him slay dragons with the weapon, and soon he began to prove such claims on the battlefield. Bolstered by this the mortal folk began their rebellion in earnest. Dragons began dying at mortal hands, thinning their numbers considerably. The more dragons that were felled the more their magical secrets were given to the mortal races to use. Yet when the final victory seemed to be on the horizon, the final push had failed; the hero was slain, his weapon lost, and the rebellion was forced to live under the rule of the remaining dragons. Ceasing their war, the dragons that survived agreed to split Cambrium into separate territories under their individual rule, and thus the title of Dragonlord was created.

Afterwards, Cambrium's calendar began at 0 AD (After Dragonwar) on the day the Dragonwar ended. Cambrium's present date is 543 AD, and the years before the Dragonwar have the affix BD (Before Dragonwar). Though the name of the hero has been lost to time, no matter what language it is spoken in the mortal folk all refer to him by one title: The Dragonslayer. He remains a figure of hope, courage and prosperity to many as they continue to live under the rule of the Dragonlords, in the hope that, one day, someone else will rise to challenge their tyranny and free all mortal kind from beneath their oppressive claws. In the present date the sentient races have only just gotten a foothold on the lands, meaning settlements are few and far between and many nations find themselves embroiled in war and political dispute for land, livestock and other essential items.

Magic System


As explained in Cambrium's Solar System page, the very core of the planet is made of condensed wild magic rather than a typical planet's core. Because of this, magic is infused into the lands, into every object, every atom. However the magic in normal objects and other particles commonly is not accessible to most magic users - only the most powerful of casters know how to draw out the magic from every day objects. Instead, most magic users use the crystals that crop out of the ground throughout the planet as an arcane focus; these outcroppings are crystallised forms of Cambrium's wild magic, acting as conduits to channel spells through. Most arcane focuses, such as wands and staffs and so on, are made either from these crystals or have a crystal in its core that allow the channelling of spells. Many people believe that what type of crystal you use helps to empower different kind of spells, however there has been no substantial proof of this. So far the only magic user that can employ the different effects of crystals is the Crystalline Sorcerer.

While Cambrium's magic system can be likened to D&D 5e's Forgotten Realm magic system, rather than a deity controlling 'the weave' of magic that encompasses the world it is the magic core of the planet that emits the magical matrix that allows spells and other arcane feats to exist. Scientists have been able to discover that these magical molecules exist in almost every part of reality, known as the Maso Particle. Most laymen are not aware of this discovery, and only those who study magic are aware of this phenomenon.

Similarly, where planets and galaxies are often created by deities, instead it was the burst of Wild Magic that created Cambrium's solar system that likewise birthed the deities that watch over it, inexorably tying them to the realm itself. This is what causes their power and influence to be greater over Cambrium than other deities, such as the ones from the Forgotten Realms, however they do still have some influence on the lands.

Despite the saturation of magic in Cambrium - or perhaps because of it - some spells are extremely hard to cast, or the rituals/components are difficult to find. The best example of this is resurrection magic - Raise Dead, Reincarnate, Resurrection and True Resurrection - are all but impossible for most spell casters to perform, however spells such as Spare the Dying and Revivify work as normal and are common enough for their spell level. The creation of food and water items are limited only to people who have dedicated their lives to the culinary arts - Goodberry, Create Food and Water, Create or Destroy Water and Heroes' Feast - are spells that are available, however only to a select few people, typically master chefs that are world famous. Common laypeople will never have access to such spells and so people tend to pay good money to dine at the restaurants of these well-known chefs. Spells that cause a shift in reality, or create personal pocket dimensions - Leomund's Tiny Hut, Rope Trick, Instant/Mighty Fortress and Temple of the Gods - simply do not exist in Cambrium.


Image © to Sega.

Cambrium's technology level can be described as a mixture of aetherpunk and biomechanical. Aetherpunk is described as 'the genre of fantasy/sci-fi that features magically enchanted weapons, armour, and machines'. The technological level can be equated to magically enchanted technology that may be seen in high-technology fantasy settings. For example, large airships exist however may have fluttering wing-like paddles extending from the body. Or instant communication similar to telephones or video call is available, but done so through crystals using a holographic projection. This combination of magic and technology is known as magi-tech, a portmanteau of 'magic' and 'technology'. Biomechanical technology is described as machines that are inspired from or designed to appear like organic structures. In particular, it often takes the form of insectoid bodies or cocoons, with inflatable balloon-like structures to stay afloat or long, wing-like oars to move through the sky.

Despite the vast array of technology available, most Commoners will only have access to basic weaponry; usually swords, spears, shields, and so on. Weaponry such as guns or anything else powered by magi-tech mostly exists within the ranks of Dragonlord armies or other powerful figures, or the rare Artificer who somehow learned the highly secretive craft. Most people consider Aldric Zugravescu to be the father of magi-tech despite it most likely being a combined effort of many great minds. Most, if not all of Cambrium's technology is fuelled by a source known as delphinite, which is a rare material whose scarcity makes it extremely valuable to power magi-tech. The origin of delphinite is a well-guarded secret, but has the appearance of a viscous, orange-yellow liquid that gently glows. It is known to burn skin on contact and so safety gear must be worn when handling it. This property has given delphinite the nickname of 'liquid fire'.

One of Cambrium's greatest technological aspects are the 'quality of life' enhancements that are privy to all but the most destitute of people. Clothing is often interwoven with strands of magic that makes the longevity of the fabric double that of its usual life time, as well as making it more resistant to dirt, grime, stains and general wear and tear. Similarly, this magically enhanced fabric, especially mage's robes or clothing commonly worn by magic casters, makes it resist spell effects that might otherwise set it on fire, melt from acid, etc. Other quality of life improvements include the ability to heat and cool water without the need for intricate pipe systems, store perishable foods, create heated flooring in colder climates or magical air conditioning in warmer climates, and so on. Most armour sets come as 'glamoured' allowing the wearer to set the armour to look however they like, however one set of armour can only appear as one other outfit until the wearer takes a long rest and uses that time to change the set outfit.

Articles under Welcome to Cambrium