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Created by Danny Davidsen


Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A tall, muscular and rugged man, with lenghty, black hair. He has piercing, brown eyes and countless scars.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears plate armor embellished with terrifying images of Yugoloths which he admires.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Once a virtuous paladin who singlehandedly killed a young green dragon called the Verdant Dread, Dreadbane, disillusioned by greedy nobles and clergy breaking their vows for gold, renounced his sacred oath. He then became a mercenary, vowing to never again let anything but the right amount of coin dictate his will.    Eventually, he became wealthy enough to start his own elite mercenary company, The Dread Battalion, which fights for whoever can pay the most.    Taron Lowmore promised Dreadbane a steady flow of coin to protect him and consolidate his power in Clerwood, which Dreadbane was more than happy to oblige. He served as Taron’s bodyguard and commander of his personal army until the former Duke’s fortune was stolen out from under him and used to pay Dreadbane to arrest him and drag him from the city in chains.    Dreadbane and his Dread Battalion now roam the lands looking for the next employer who can afford them.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Masteful combatant.

Virtues & Personality perks

Gain immense wealth, and through it, power, and through power, freedom.
Does have his own, strange brand of honor. Once paid, he upholds his end of the bargain.

Vices & Personality flaws

Consumed by greed. Will switch to any employer for a bigger amount of gold or immediately cease working for them if they miss even a single payment.



Stares down people he speaks to, in order to make them subconsciously submit.


Abrasive and cold-hearted.
Lawful Evil
Year of Birth
913 aDS 44 Years old
Current Residence
Piercing, Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
The Five, mainly Shu'dyre and Tylore
Aligned Organization

Stat Block

HP: 119
AC: 18
INI: 21
Skills: Athletics +7, Deception +5, Intimidation +5
Attacks: Melee or ranged multiattack x 3: Glaive: +7 to hit, 10 ft reach, 1d10+4 slashing plus 2d8 necrotic. Ranged: Shortbow: +3 to hit, 1d6+2 piercing, 80/320 ft range.
Saves: Str +4, Con +4, Wis +5, Cha +5.
Speed: 30 ft
Spellcasting: DC 13   Has Smite: After hitting a target, use bonus action to force a DC 13 Con save. On fail, Dreadbane causes one of the following effects on the target: Push 10 ft or blinded for 1 minute, repeat save at end of turn.   Has Dreadful Aspect 1/rest: Action to have each enemy within 30 ft succeed on a DC 13 Wis save or be frightened for 1 minute. Creatures ending their turn more than 30 ft away can repeat save at end of turn.   Spells: 2/day each: command, dispel magic, find steed