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Taron Lowmore

Created by Danny Davidsen

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Has deep brown hair and cold, grey eyes. Is otherwise handsome, but has a stern, sharp and cruel cast to his features.

Apparel & Accessories

He wears dark blue noble clothes of the finest silk.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The former Duke ofClerwood. Became Duke a year ago, when the city’s prior ruler, Duchess Triselda Lowmore, died.   Before this, about a decade ago, he had a terrible falling out with his mother, who didn’t approve of his cruel and power hungry nature. Triselda banished him, but never had the heart to officially disown him, so when she died, he returned to claim his title with a ruthless band of mercenaries in tow. He relieved the old city guard from their duties and installed The Dread Battalion instead, intending to pay them with income from the diamond mines.   But a month after becoming Duke, the mines ran dry. Realising that he would lose the expensive mercenaries if he couldn’t pay them, Taron then raised the city tax to a nigh unbearable level, in order to line his own pockets, retain his army and force the population into indentured servitude, putting nearly all who incurred debt into working the mines, desperately digging for more diamonds, without luck.   Taron was set to marry another local noble, Baroness Miette Wildridge, which would have further increased his wealth and sealed his control over the city, as she was the only real challenge to his rule, something he was effectively blackmailing her into by promising that he’d soften up on the citizens.   However, a small team of heroic carnies from Philonius’ Roaming Curiosities put a stop to his plans by stealing his entire fortune and paying the Duke’s own mercenaries to arrest him and leave with him as their prisoner, promising to maroon him somewhere far from Clerwood. Where Taron Lowmore is now, no one knows.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Talented liar (large bonus to deception).

Virtues & Personality perks

Rule Clerwood with absolute and unquestionable power.
Loves only himself.

Vices & Personality flaws

Easily won over by flattery.



Obsessively removes dirt from himself.


Arrogant, spoiled and narcissitic.
Neutral Evil
Year of Birth
928 aDS 29 Years old
Current Residence
Cold grey eyes
Deep brown hair
The Five

Stat Block

HP: 16
AC: 15
INI: 10
Skills: Deception +10, Insight +4, Persuasion +5
Attacks: Melee: Rapier: +3 to hit, 1d8+1 piercing.
Saves: Dex +1, Int +1, Wis +2, Cha +3.
Speed: 30 ft   Has Parry as reaction: Add +2 to AC against attack that would hit