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Beneath the Canopy - Temporus Timbers

General Summary

Having made it through the raging storm surrounding the secluded Vlypeum, the Wardens and Kanna landed on a sandy beach beneath the broken glass dome in the center of the storm. Taking care of some seaweed-crab-seals, the group found the beach deserted and began contemplating heading inland for more information when the green tone sounded again.  

Into The Woods 

The tone ended and there was a flash on the top of the dome but we couldn't make out anything else    As we prepared to enter the woods:
  • Myra took some vines off the seaweed Monsters
  • Myra asked Hagren to check the compass to see if they were still headed the right direction - The compass pointed inward with the needle tilting down 
  • With questions from the group on the forest and the seaweed monsters Myra cast detect magic to but with the exception of trace amounts of magical energy everywhere there was nothing obvious
Moving into the woods towards the pillar:
  • The terrain constantly shifts - each tree seems to be in a different stage of life
  • The birds and small animals watching us seem odd some of them look like a mix of flora and birds, others mixes of animals like the squirrel chickadee 
  • The animals seem to watch us with a curiosity, they came closer when Raijun left out bread and scatter when we came nearer 
  • Looking at these animals Myra says that they also appear to be 'natural' or at least not Frankensteined together  
  • Myra asks Kanna if she's ever seen similar creatures but she says that this is beyond her with most of her expertise in the desert 
  • Travelling deeper into the forest the group starts to notice that while some of the trees point straight up others, older trees seem to be growing perpendicular to the ground as if gravity used to be a different direction
  While walking Adama hears a metallic thunk and sees 2 small metallic structures on the ground  
  • The structures are cylindrical with 2 smaller pontoon like appendages (similar in shape to the bottom of the enterprise ship) 
  • Most of the metal is covered by vegetation as though they were abandoned long ago 
  • Kanna is able to easily push aside the growth but some of us notice that one of the vines looks as though it wasn't part of the ground retreating into the underbrush 
  • Hagren investigates the structures and finds two of the circular glass domes that were present on the robots we fought that seemed to be filled with some kind of gas
  • Hagren reports that they seem to have cracked and been in disarray. Gwen suggests fixing the structures but Myra comments that she's not sure we want to fix it on the off chance that it tries to attack us 
  • The group not sure what to make of the device decides to continue on
As the group wades further into the forest they speculate on what cause cause the forest to be like this
  • Hagren mentions maybe it is something like the fey wild and Myra says that seems possible given the weirdness of seasons
  • Kanna disagrees saying she's been to the fey wild and this is probably not it as nothing has tried to trick up yet 
  • Myra asks if Kanna could turn into these animals or if, like the seaweed monsters, they are too far removed from beasts
  • Kanna demonstrates that most seem fine by turning into a peacock-cat 
  • They speculate further about what could have caused this to occur and Myra suggests that maybe it was older magic given that Mama said it was an old story. Kanna remarks that if Mama says it's old it must be old
As we push deeper there is the sound of a peel of thunder from above and the crackle of lightning
  • The sky appears to darken in shadow above and a thunderous call crackles through the air
  • As the shadow moves we see a very large bird - later identified as the Anzu - an almost purple red fading towards blue near the tail with trails of lightning and fire streaking off its back 
  • As it caws again we hear a crashing from deeper in the forest and crashing in trees up ahead
  • As the bird appears in the sky once more it is carrying a four legged creature in its talons
  • Watchin the Anzu it appears to return to the top of the spire
  • We hear the green tones again before a clap of thunder and a blue flash from the top of the dome
Continuing, Myra wonders aloud how long it will take them to reach the spire, Hagren and Raijun figure that it will take about another half a day of walking
  • Myra talks with Kanna while they walk asking her what her favorite form is 
  • Kanna says that she particularly likes snakes drawing complaints from the rest of the group
  • Myra says she gets the appeal of just finding a warm rock
  • Kanna in return asks Myra about her transformations 
  • Myra replies that it's a newer ability and she's still getting used it
  • Kanna is reassuring Myra when the come upon a clearing
The new area of the woods is more wintery, there are scattered footprints in snow on the ground and a sense of calm in the air
  • The air feels comfortable despite the snow on the ground 
  • A new set of tones sound - Mi - Fa - Mi - Fa - Do - before a column with tendrils of light appear
  • The area recedes and changes with a popping noise
  • When the noise stops we can see that the clearing is completely different from when we started 
  • While still snowy all of the trees and locations have morphed
  • Myra wonders if it is almost mechanical in nature but Kanna says that it's not irregular for trees to shift
  • Myra clarifies that most shifting she's seen isn't usually over the span of 20 seconds 
  • Kanna mentions some trees walk about - flashbacks to Nightwell 
  • Kanna comments that it must be hard living here as an animal if the terrain constantly shifts 
  • Myra wonders if it is only in a certain radius or if the whole forest moves - looking at the central pillar it seems the groups heading has stayed the same 

Tiger Lilies 

Starting again, the group moves quietly through the underbrush when they hear creaking and cracking sound with a loud pop and glass shattering from the north west direction  Moving closer, the group hears sound of a struggle with branches breaking
  • Emerging into a clearing, there's a a small separation of trees with a bundle of leaves and a vine tail with a red blossom mane in the center
  • As we approach we see blurs of distortion before bolts fire from two sides at the tiger lily in the center 
  • Myra casts fairy fire on on of the blurs revealing a porcupine cat
  • As we engage Hagren gets a good shot off and the blood from the porcupine cat seems to be oddly colored
  • Several of the blur porcupines move towards the group as one continues to hassle the tiger-lily
  • Raijun, though taking some damage from the quills, manages to stun both of the porcupines near the group 
  • Kanna talks to the tiger saying that we are here to help and that we mean him no harm 
  • The group dispatches the porcupine hassling Gwen quickly so Myra moved towards the one remaining attacking the cat 
  • The Tiger had different plans and charmed Myra into becoming non-combative
  • This led to Myra making petal angels while being cut up by porcupines
  • Kann comes up and heals Myra remarking that she can't leave her alone with the rest of the group 
  • Hagren was able to kick Myra out of it before Raijun, Hagren, Lilum, and Myra finished off the porcupines as they tried to run away
  • Re-grouping Kanna heads towards the tiger and though neither speaks it is clear they are conversing
  • Raijun says he'll name the tiger Megatron while Myra sighs and asks Kanna for the tiger's actual name an pronouns 
  • Kanna and the tiger laugh and say his name is Lilum 
  • Kanna explains that this forest is Lilum's home, well part of it used to be but he was driven out by something larger
  • Raijun asks if the thing that drove him out was the large birds, but Kanna shakes her head that it wasn't the Anzu 
  • Lilum indicates he's running from another beast, that keeps to the lower canopy not going as high as the Anzu
  • Raijun suggests taming the Anzu which Lilum finds very funny 
  • Kanna tells us that we are the first humans Lilum has seen in a long time 'since the keepers left' 
  • He mentions that people come from time to time but they don't last long as the forest takes is toll 
  • Lilum mentions that he thinks that the keepers left but doesn't know why
  • He said that they left 'the day the sky went away', the day the big tree fell
  • He mentions that his home used to be the big tree but he can no longer return there
  • He suggest we not go toward the center saying that that was where the Keepers were and where the did things tothe animals 
  • Lilum wouldn't say what exactly they did but mentioned that it hurt causing Kanna to bristle 
  • When we suggest that perhaps we could free his home for him he laughs saying that the creature is stronger than him
  • We ask how to get to his previous home and he mentions that if we continued on our current path for about a day we would come upon it near the big tree
  • Raijun suggests that Lilum become our pet and he laughs again, Kanna says that he appreciates Raijun's sense of humor 
  • Lilum warns us of the 'keeper's pets' mentioning that some fly and some walk - most likely talking about the robots 
  • We mention something about using the daylight while we have it and Lilum mentions that it is always day here since the big tree fell
  • We thank Lilum and before we part he releases a beautiful floral scent that gives all of us advantage on con saves for the next 24 hours 


As we pick up walking Kanna remarks to Tintreach about not starting any forest fires and the group jokes that he is not the one she needs to watch out for before explaining about our city burning habits. As we walk we decide that we should stop soon for the night if it is not going to get dark as many of us are starting to show some wear and tear. Adama shows off the new dome while Raijun and Tintreach discuss merchandizing for the Wardens. Myra wraps the vine she took from the turtle crab earlier before wincing slightly and Raijun asks if she's doing creepy transmutation stuff and she asks if he's doing creepy necro stuff in return. Raijun and Tintreach perform the Warden's dance for Kanna prompting Myra and Hagren to go off and Hagren to make a comment that he hopes the Ninja kill him first if they come after us. Most of the rest of the group is silent after that turning over to try to sleep.    Adama insists that we will be safe inside the dome but Myra decides to take first watch anyway, not seeing anything from the artificially darkened dome.    Note following taken from the Campfire Channel   The perception of darkness inside the dome to the bright light outside seems jarring but after sitting on watch for her hours Myra has adapted. As she goes to wake up Hagren she pauses before lying down to sleep. "Hagren are you okay?"   "I can't understand what goes through that man's head. He has so much problem at hand, yet he treat everything as game or there is no problem. I wonder if he acting as the dumbass of the group as his coping mechanism or for people to like him. Either all, I can't help but pity his sorry ass because he hides away his pain and can't face his problem head on. His "Warden of the Weave" (air quote) is nothing more than avoiding his problem. I mean, why are we even referred as warden in the first place," he mumbles.   Sheepishly "Well I think that was my fault actually.... When Jimmy asked us for a name I was just spit balling but it kinda stuck."   "Is that why it bothers you? Cause you feel like he doesn't treat anything seriously? He does care Hagren. He cares a lot. But sometimes caring sucks and so it's easier to pretend everything is ok because maybe if you fake it long enough it will stick. And if he can lose himself in a dance or 'merchandizing rights' for a couple of minutes maybe that's a couple minutes he doesn't have to think about his past, or the current danger. Maybe he uses it as a distraction so that if he wants to run or hide he can convince himself that's not what a hero would do. That's not what a warden would do..."   "More like he is afraid to show his weaker side, seeing his family die in front of him would have broken any person, it just doesn't make sense. How can you just simply cope with that, I would of just wasted away long ago."   "Raijun's dealt with a lot." Gesturing to the rest of the sleeping group "a lot of you have. Enough to break any one person. But some people are able to move on without it letting them break or define them. It takes a strength to just keep going. To smile to laugh. I don't think Raijun's weak from his past I think he's strong. And he'll do anything to prevent history from repeating itself."   "It feels he just replaced his dead family with us and that doesn't bother you. We are just replacement for him. Nobody was there for me when my mother died, it took long to mourn her but I never forgotten about her. You can carry the burden, I get that, but finding the place or someone to let your weak side show would further lessen the burden. If he just keep piling on the burden, tell me, will he finally break? Because right now Raijin doesn't have the luxury to loosen up. One of these days his past will catch on, and I'm afraid we will be there to pay for his sin."   "I'm so sorry Hagren. And I don't know. I can't imagine what it must be like to not have a family. I don't know what I would do. Is it so bad to be someone's chosen family? If I had lost Ky in nightwell I don't know what I would have done. It certainly wouldn't have been pretty."   "Maybe he doesn't feel like he has the space to open up. I've heard some stories about the people he lost but it can be hard and we've been a little harsh. We don't exactly make it easy for opening up." Myra sighs, "I wish I could buy into the dance. That's my secret."   "Weather he wants to open up is his choice; we can't force him too, believe me I want to, but I want him to know there is more than one way to deal problems."   "Maybe try sharing some of your story then. Showing is more meaningful then telling. Me I got nothing. If I were in his situation I would have cracked."   "Touche"   Myra bumps Hagren's shoulder "So don't go and die on me. We've already seen I'm the worst of us at handling that"   Hagren stands, before leaving the hut he turns back asking, "Do you remember my story of how I got to this land?"   "I'm sorry I don't. I remember you telling me that you got pressed into service is that how you got here?"   "Yeah, press ganged into naval service when I was living in Waterdeep and forced into the navy, before that I got into shipping and fishing vessel."   "I'm shocked you still want a boat of your own. If I were you I'd be tired of the sea as it seems to have brought you nothing but woe"   "Luckily, we were able to leave ship in good terms, after fighting alongside each other we gained something of a comraderee. That helped to get out of slump of my mother's death... I won't let anyone to jump on me again, since I was seriously drunk at the time."   "Looking for answers in the bottom of a flask? I can relate."   "Yeah, but drinking like there was no tomorrow."   "And perhaps no yesterday?"   "Literally, drinking down poison everyday. Til, I needed to look for job to get more money. At the time dock work was plentiful, I could get a job as a bodyguard, handyman, fisherman, you name it they got it. It also started to help me to swing back to reality."   "I can certainly sympathize with doing anything to get out of your own head."   "At least I was able to find way to get to productive."   "I don't think it would be fair to characterize our exploits as unproductive. I mean helpful is subjective but we've certainly done a lot. Also to be fair to Raijun he had however many years of grooming to be a spy and infiltrator it's not like that's something he can just turn off. I doubt he would be happy becoming a farmer. Maybe this is the best way for him to move forward. Also you know its not just him right? We make fun but the others are getting joy out of it too. Or have you not noticed how Tintreach and Adama smile when he does it. Even Gwen has joined it. Just cause we are all doom and gloom Hagren doesn't mean we can't let others find levity in the tense moments."   "I meant as, I was going through the slow rehabilitation process. I wasn't talking about the whole group in general just so you know. Anyway the way I see it we are taking to much privilege of Raijn's joke in his expense of giving him proper help, like therapy."   "I'm just saying different people process differently. For some people you have to fake it till you make it. The smile isn't just them not dealing it's their armor. A way to say I can and will be happy again and even if it's not the truth right now I can make it be the truth in the future. But also for what it's worth we don't have to let ourselves be defined by that darkest moment. You pulled yourself out of the bottle. Maybe Raijun's pulled himself out as well."   "Not with all the killer ninjas around him to remind him of what they can do and do to all of us, if we can fend off the ghost of his past, then maybe we can join the Warden dance with pride." Hagren finally leaves the safety of the magical hut.   Leaving the hut, it takes a moment for Hagren's eyes to adjust to the bright light outside. At first it's calm, the sounds of the forest persist but nothing hostile approaches. About three quarters of the way through his watch Hagren notices the glint of metal and green light from the canopy. There, camouflaged amongst the branches, the chest and neck seem to combine to a flower shape with a green eye sitting in the center staring directly at Hagren.
Report Date
08 May 2021

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