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As you walk down the pier you see a dragon like maw poking from between the sails. As you approach you see the maw of the beast wrapped around a man. As Raijun pulled the man free of the jaw, he plunges to the deck where he is promptly arrested by the guards. Raijun confused, looks from the guards to the T-rex on the deck as the man proclaimed, "Their just pets." As Raijun turns back to the T-rex the form swirls in sand changing to that of a woman with long black hair, bare feet, light billowing clothes. Where her form faded, sand now rests on the deck of the ship, gold eyes looked up at him, a silver belt at her waist with an oddly familiar clawed crest. The woman now stares at him with a puzzled, exasperated look "Hey you, what are you trying to do?"   Kanna is an Earth Genasi Desert Druid from a nomadic group of people who live around the Dragons Eye Desert. She is an ardent protector of animals and joined The Silver Talons of Justice after being rescued from/busting an animal smuggling operation with the help of Lady Adalphia "Mama" and Onsprey. Kanna feels a personal connection to the animals trapped in cages as she was accidentally captured when she was younger and held in a cage.   The Warden's first met Kanna in the Everchange Exchange where she was busting another smuggler with animals in his hold. She said that Mama asked her to look out for us and offered to show us aroudn the Exchange while helping us connect with Onsprey for a ride toward Vlypeum. She introduced us to her friend Wilth who runs Rolwisi's Lamp and showed us around town on the first day though mentioned that the Block of Eternal Might makes her uncomfortable.    Kanna has been with The Silver Talons of Justice long enough to know other key members like James Jasper Whitehall III and Zachariah Topp and has enough history to know of more details around Topp's escape from The Wheelhouse and previous personal history before he met Head Archivist Klara.   Kanna declined to go with us to the Writhing Pillars while we were running a bounty saying that she makes a point of not going into animals homes and killing them, though she did help provide us with sand sleds to go into the desert with. She enjoys liquor, turning into a camel when the Magic Beans created a wine geyser in the desert, and punching Raijun into a cactus when he tried to claim it was his.    Kanna gets easily sea sick and so chose to spend most of the journey to Vlypeum as a seal instead of having to deal with the sickness. She remarked many times that she was more comfortable on land and was excited to make it to shore.    Upon reaching Vlypeum Kanna found the animals odd and the seaweed-crab-seals unnerving and unnatural. She quickly made friends with Lilum and has indicated that she is eager to rough up the Keepers that might have hurt Lilum if they are still around.    Kanna's expressed interest in learning more about the Warden's, helping and discussing Myra's transformations with her and inquired about Tinreach's past as well as just asking for more details about the group as a whole. She an come off as abrasive to people putting her worries about the nearby animals above her concern for social pleasantries.    Being the first druid, not trying to kill us, that the group has met Myra has been quite curious about her shape changing ability. When asked if it hurt Kanna said that it just kinda extends with sand and feels natural. Kanna's favorite animal form is that of a snake so that she can lie in the desert sun. 


  • Called Raijun "Mr. Hero" after his rescue attempt of the smuggler
  • "What a man right?" Talking about Wilth 
  • "You can't leave me alone with these weirdos" Kanna healing Myra in Vlypeum 

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