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Law and Wardens - Bismuth Abbey

General Summary

The Wardens, having found their way to the Bismuth Abbey, were greeted by Klara and a group of guards later introduced as the Prismic Index and the more familiar face of Head Archivist Klara. As they proceeded further into the city they see an altercation between a dwarf and a member of some clergy, as the dwarf seems to get louder and louder in his argument chromatic shard begin appearing on his person. As his voice crescendos there's almost a flash as the shards, now coating most of his body, petrify crystalizing him instantly.   Note: there are a lot of churches, temples, and religous figures mentioned in this article I'm working to consolodate all of them in Major Religions of the Archipelago. Which will be updated shortly.   The guards have formed a pocket around the Wardens, leading them up toward the Eternal Story, Adama double takes at the crystallization. "What the hell just happened over there?" Adama points to the now petrified dwarf.   "Looks like the anti-ruffian security force and it's designed for guys like you and me," Raijun ribs.   "You're not wrong," Klara intercedes. "It is wise and recommended that you keep certain emotions in check in this area. It is believed very much imbued their practices and will into all that they had touched and upon leaving, they have left that aspect with them. As with any faith the more you seek to believe or embody it's voice or visage the more it's going to want to see and expand. In this case," Nodding in the direction of the fight, "the individual just chose a poor place to set up shop." She points at the ground, "On top of a vein of the alter of oppressions. And through his actions caused the vein to expand into him." She regards the group, "It's not that you need to act emotionless within this area, just make sure you're not standing on anything shiny if you need to have an emotional moment." Raijun frowns at the ground having been betrayed by the shiny.   "Klara it's lovey to see you again," Myra speaks up after a moment of walking.   "Yes it has certainly been a while since we've all seen each other. I understand additional congratulations are in order. The beholden is a stress off of many minds now that that has been resolved. And the excitement rejuvenated into the world now that new mysteries are to be unlocked. I'm sure you will be asked about it in the coming inquiry, but tell me, how magnificent was it?"   "It was certainly interesting," Myra responds. "I feel that the wonder may have been somewhat dulled by the ache of loss."   "I see. I did not want to pry, but I'm sorry that your other companions don't seem to be with you any more."   "Ah yes, my apologies. Klara this is Sarya, Sarya Klara."   Without stopping walking Klara turns around to shake Sarya's hand, "Very nice to meet you."   "Ah very nice to meet you Klara," Sarya smiles. "Myra mentioned in Lion's Crest that there was a friend she was looking for, that must have been you."   Klara smiles, "I can only hope so. I would love to have provided some assistance but my duties and inquiry had brought me to what some might consider the source of all knowledge," she gestures widely. "I'm hoping my services would be helpful in the coming days."   As they pass out of the halls of worship of the lesser gods they begin to see the first of the major pantheon temples. On their left, in familiar banners and architecture, stands the Shrine of the Everdawn. The group recognizes the sigil of what Ky and Myra's family has referred to as Lathander, the god of the first dawn. There's a sense of confidence and assurance as they pass by.   Raijun's eyes seem drawn to the building just behind the Shrine of the Everdawn as his gaze is pulled to the Chantry of Memories. Almost library like in its construction, the banners pulled up, but Raijun has this almost pull towards it. A feeling that it would be a safe space for one of his experience to collect themselves and meditate.   Across the way, as the Wardens glance over there's almost a ping of dread as they see the rot of decay and sickness spread out around a smaller more hut like collection of structures. The sign near one of the huts reads, Temple of diseased despair, the area of Talona.   As Adama looks over he sees a group of monks pass through the intersection. On their robes is a triangular golden structure with a golden skull centered within. He sees them pass moving toward an all too familiar architecture of gloom and continued perseverance past the natural point, as he sees the Church of the Denied Rest.   Raijun speaks up, "What do you hope to find in this place of knowledge?"   "Well, it is believed that many of the first gifts imparted from certain deities would have originated here. And it is believed," she pauses looking around and seeing a small crowd watching the Warden's progression, "more conversations can be had inside. But solutions, to the current quest and maybe to some of the items you currently hold might be available here. Even a safe place for them to remain."   "I gotta question about this place," Raijun continues. "You have a bunch of temples but someone of them seem antagonistic. It seems like they would be at odds with each other. how does this place keep the peace? Is it just the security system."   Klara brightens, "It's a fascinating mixture! Directly opposed ideologies tend to mix and cause conflict. And that exists elsewhere in the world," she pauses looking over Raijun thoughtfully. "You've become quite the astute observant. It's partially due to the nature of this place. The land itself... monitors the interactions people might have. If certain ideologies or missions become too powerful then the heart of what makes this city possible would reject that and restore balance in some ways. But uniquely there is, although a tenuous one, a great understanding that the gods do exist for those who believe in them and it is shared within all of these faiths that this site is holy. And there is enough respect, although there has been problems in the past and even more recent memory, that going back to the invasion from other not fifty or sixty years ago that there was greater conflict in this zone. Now that there is the Hall of the Eternal Story and those who keep a closer watch over history are more as a more neutral party, The Chroniclers , they not only capture all aspects such that all history can be recorded and remembered. There's enough of an understanding that this place should exist and remain a home to all those who seek it ."   "Have you heard of any ... Odd events in the last few weeks?" Myra inquires. "on the way up through Ashenbury we found some recent damage."   "Yes. unfortunately it has been growing. There's been a larger number of aspects of the unknown in both local and distant settlements. Others might be more informed than I but what you have seen is not too uncommon in distant areas. Crops have been affected, towns driven mad by hearing their own thoughts, people not being able to see or understand themselves locked in certain way of protection. Even whole towns disappears. Not to mentioned the reports of incredible beasts still pouring out of the Timeston area. A particular concern as certain parties alignments and ambitions in the area. But a good question to ask the Grand Curator."   "Is the Grand curator aligned with any of the pantheons?"   "Oh heavens no. They are focused on ensuring the sanctity of the story. A duty to make sure history is being maintained and captured in the proper way."   As the group has progressed in their walk they now enter a winding path that is more fervent and green as the thick smell of nature comes off the holly wood of the preserved Seed off to the right. In start contrast, the right side holds a very simple temple and structure almost darkened and absent. In writing across the top the Voidfane.   The group continues past both, heading closer to the hall of Eternal Story. Looking at it closer the structure seems very out of place, but at the same time but when looking at one aspect long enough you can see where different cultural construction methods have come together to showcase what collaboration could produce. In the center is a large crystalline dome that stretches out and around the structure, reflecting the sun peaking through the clouds with prismatic colors.   To the right another more familiar structure sits off to the left as the group sees the athenium of possibility. The structure some of the wardens might recognize as the temple to Mystra, the architect arcane. It looks, from a distance, like a school or a study, but the banners are still rolled up.   "Klara," Myra asks hesitantly, "were you there when the... item was returned to my family in Kolis-tane? "   "I was part of that handoff yes."   "Perhaps we could discuss later about how it was... removed?"   Klara agrees but looks uncomfortable at the mention of the process. " I would encourage you all, to understand there is a lot of concern around the work you all have been doing. Not for the sake of your own ambitions - by some - but understanding what has already happened by leaving these out in the world and the effects of the neglect."   "I'm not sure we would disagree."   "I think that would be a helpful stance to adopt for some who you'll be speaking to shortly. Just be aware there are some who realize what sacrifices you have made. But others here, while not outwardly seeking dominance," she nods to Raijun, "a different game is being played subvertly. So just pay attention what you are saying and who you are saying it to."   "I don't think you have to worry," Raijun speaks up, "I'm known for being very careful with my words and my emotions." As Myra sighs.  

The Grand Curator

The group is led into an inner courtyard as Klara leads them over to two figures who seem to be leading a story around a class of children. One of the individuals, a beautifully brown skinned human with some elvish background, is weaving their hands to almost create a mystical ambiance to empower the story that is being told by the older man in a larger rocking chair. The presence of the individual in the chair is one of calm, the tale they are telling is that of a man separated from his love and how he wandered the desert trying to find his way back to home. The man knew he could not return without a particular desert flower to prove his love. During his journey he comes across a djinn and while not able to procure the flower for him is able to strike a deal.   As the group approaches further a smile comes across the man in the rocking chair's face and he concludes saying, "Very well, I believe that would be a wonderous place to conclude for now. A little bit of mystery is very telling of the origin of The Carrefour." The children protest but he continues, "Maybe Calilah will tell you the rest another time."   The woman identified as Calilah leads the children away the man turns to the group, "Ah Klara, it's great to see you again. I guess these are our guests? The Wardens of the Weave. Am I saying that correctly?"   "Yes Grand Curator," Myra steps up.   He smiles, "I will give you the please of um - I am the Grand Curator Prendergast. Welcome to the hall of the Eternal Story. I welcome you all here. I appreciate your willingness to comply with our request. We certainly have been keeping an eye and watching your progress. With great sadness and great joy at your success. Please, the rest are not expecting us for some time. I would like to get a sense of you all and why you think you are all here?"   "The rest?" Myra asks as the teacher returns.   "Yes, please allow me sometimes it's handy to have someone to take some notes while you speak. There's a special council being formed to... understand the journey you've taken thus far and ascertain the," he pauses looking across the group. Once he has found the words, "whether or not the items that you keep you be removed and stored back safely in their intended home or if they are to remain with your group until the rest are collected."   Adama looks him in the eye, "What makes you believe that we carry those items?"   He smiles, "This is a place of information. And Klara here tends to be a very well informed person. Understanding your involvement and the reliance of certain aspects of your journey would dictate that you are still in possession of at least some of them. And others still exist out in the world."   "You said this was your intended place," Sarya starts, "if that's the case why are they not here anymore?" Sarya notices a reaction from Klara as she asks.   "You must understand that in different times it was believed that knowledge of the objects of which you seek was thought to bring a new age once they were re-discovered. And for a time those who were deemed responsible enough to study these items did so with great care and responsibility. It was during one of those transfers that they were lost only to be found after a great tragedy was averted."   "Lost?"   "Yes. An unfortunate term. but a correct one. During transit the carriers were ambushed and they were stolen. The scrolls disappeared for a time."   "That sounds to me as though... it may have been careless perhaps?"   "I would agree," he smiles.   "To be carrying them all in one place," Sarya continues, " and for that knowledge to have leaked out. This is not a comment on you, only my misgivings."   "Well I was certainly an old man still at that point. I wasn't-" he laughs, "Well I was in the seat I am today literally," gesturing to his chair, "but not figuratively," gesturing around. "It is part I was trusted with it, that I seek to ensure safety for those in this region and this realm. To correct the actions of my predecessor."   "It is one thing to have an incident where they were lost," Myra concedes. As she raises an eyebrow, " They have not been lost in a bit. Why - how is it that we are the one who found them again and not someone by your design?"   "Ah, well, astute as ever as one would expect from, mhh, you are ever forward just like your mother. Well, it was not for a lack of trying. There were two instances in which the whereabouts were not known. The first was the incident of which I just spoke, the other was after that was dealt with, they were in route back when, I believe they were set upon by another group seeing power to bring their ideals to light. We, as you must understand, have to walk a very tight line." He pauses laughing at himself, "Well poor choice of words. The avenues in which one must use to secure some objects sometimes requires a more... delicate touch. but we are certainly appreciative of the care you all have taken to work with the right, hm maybe not the right word, the more concerned patrons in securing and returning some of the objects of which we are talking about to a safe and secure home." As the Curator wheezes, the teacher comes over and rubs his back as he continues breathing heavily, "I apologize I don't usually have this kind of exciting conversation now-a-days. I was very much looking forward to your arrival." More serious, "It cannot be discounted that the citizens of Greenport a great debt. Although it has not been without the continued struggles, there have been minor instance of the recently dead returning back. But rest assured that they were nothing that the... individuals sent to handle this, haven't been able to maintain. You have certainly saved a lot of lives and made the sky quite a bit prettier."   "We do what we can to save the people,' Raijun boasts, "and if it comes with presentative flair that's all right in my book."   "Do you have any knowledge about repairing the tears?" Myra asks.   "That I believe, would be better suited to ask the Architect of the Infinite." He waits for a moment, "Well go on." He laughs, "My apologies, this is the Architect of the Infinite. I forget myself, I'm quite excited. Interesting exchange always exciting to talk to new and traveled individuals such as Caliah Temmulet ."   "Well hank you sir," she tips her head, "It's something we have all been investigating. But please understand that we would require closer study of some of the objects to better understand what needs to happen for those kinds of works to be done. It's our understanding that no irrevocable harm has been done and that with the proper study and time we can fix what damage has been done and get things back up and humming."   "What kinds of things would you need to get there?" Raijun asks.   "The mores scrolls the better," she smiles, "but we understand that you all have been doing a job that, through our means, has not been possible due to either the stations we all carry or for other aspects that might entangle us in political interests. There are some that recognize that but there are others that might have a different view point. Some of which are looking forward to talking to you." Giving Raijun a 'you're in for it' smile.   Myra looks unsure as offers, "I have a theory... on how to repair it. But - well... testing it would have required risk?"   "Well, what isn't a little bit of risk where there's meaningful reward," She winks at Myra. "Understanding that the right variable need to be accounted for."   Prendergast chimes in, "They will want to understand the level of risk as they will not want to repeat last time?"   "Of course," the architect nods.   "Last time?" Myra asks.   There's a moment as something passes between the architect and the grand curator, "The individual who broke the chain. Wanting to study."   Myra looks to Klara, seeing her upset at the incident they are referring to but not able to divine more. Myra turns back to the Architect and Grand Curator, "Is the incident, as you call it, the event that caused damage across all the schools of magic."   The architect's demeanor shifts, "It was like sending a signal flare up in pitch as black as night. Showcasing what power these objects have and letting certain parties know that they even exist. It's not something we would like to repeat again or have a display of given the current political tensions."   "Yes I suppose not. I would be happy, if it's worth anything, to show you my research. But, it's rough at best."   "More information is always welcome, but I think there's a fair amount our more... with all due respect honey, classically trained arcanists might have deduced. But, we would certainly not say no to more information and data cause that's always helpful."   Myra is flush with embarrassment as she nods and steps back slightly.   "I think she might surprise you," Raijun chimes in seeing Myra's discomfort. "I haven't seen a problem she can't solve."   "I'm sorry who are you again?" Adama asks.   "My apologies my introduction was short as I'm always curious for more information. I am the Architect of the infinite. I oversee the studies of the Author of the Arcane, you might know her as Mystra. I am essentially the smartest wizard here," she smiles, "And you are?"   "Ah - I'm Adama. Short temper big sword - flaming sword let's go with that."   "Ah -I've heard about you, interesting. I believe you had a question though honey?"   "You told me what your titles mean but I don't get it. Explain it to me like I'm five."   "Oh I usually have to. You see, the arcane was a gift imparted to us by a being who saw our potential. And through that all thing possible. You see as the arcane should be used as a tool for moving for people. Not over them, empowering them not oppressing them. Now you can do horrible thing," she pauses letting that linger for a second as her gaze doesn't shift from Adama, "but you can also do many of the things that before embracing the arcane just wasn't possible. And that's pretty amazing isn't it?"   Adama shrugs, "Tomato - tomato"   "Very true it is but a tool. Wrong hands... well." She give him another knowing glance.   Over the mind link Adama starts, "I'm not giving them shit."   Raijun chimes in mentally, "Myra I think you found competition. She sounds smart."   Myra replies mentally, "Oh she's much smarter than me. No competition."   "I'm sorry we interrupting or something?" The architect says as though she could hear the conversation.   Out loud Raijun smoothly transitions, "I was just wondering how is it possible to architect the infinite. I mean is it possible to architect all of it?"   "Little by little every day with a lotta love," she smiles. She looks at the Grand Curator, "It's about time to be getting in there." Back to the group, "Now has Klara told you all about what you might be facing in there?"   "A tribunal of other people trying to scapegoat us for things?" Raijun asks casually.   "Thereabouts. Again be prepared and just understand that we understand the sacrifices you all have made to get this far. And we certainly appreciate it. So the more forthright and honest you can be about your findings over the travels and your intentions, it would certainly go a long ways."   "I've almost never lied in my life," Raijun lies.   She smiles, "I appreciate you trying to fib to me."   "I'm not quite sure I'm in agreement where I'm about to be interrogated about what I have or have not done."   "Don't worry it's just related to the scrolls," she looks at him knowingly, "though there may be some questions that might be directed interestingly toward you. There was a certain individual who was quite excited to hear your report and how well your quest has been going."   "And who would that individual be?"   "Oh he'll want to introduce himself but he is very excited that you are bringing the glory back for your one and eternal king. Now, let's journey on in." she turns to Prendergast, "Do you need a push?" But he indicates he's okay as his chair starts to move and float down the pathway leading the way.   The group follows after a second. Adama comments to Raijun that he's unsure of this course of action as the last time something like this happened they ended up in a locked room in Lion's Crest. Raijun shrugs and stretches, "I learn from my mistakes and well I'm feeling fairly confident I could scale the scale and break a window and run. I mean I don't know about you all I'll catch up with you all later."  

The Tribunal

The group enters a chamber, the walls lined with the Primsmic index that escorted the group to the Hall of the Eternal Story. There is a different set of guards, their equipment varying person to person in terms of both skill and profession. As the group moves further there's a sense of muting as a number recognize what is an anti-magic shield press down upon them. The chamber they are led into is a large round amphitheater in design. Crimson tiles with gold lettering fill the center area where they all placed to stand. At the head of the chamber looking down on the group, stand five individuals.  


The first is a human figure in bright sun iconography, to that of the champion of the first dawn. The second is in darker blacks and purples with a skull, marking the faith of the deathless. The third is clearly astute and patiently studying the group with no iconography visible. The fourth is a platinum dragonborn in heavy armor with the symbol of the platinum heart. The final figure above them almost resembles one of the plant creatures the group saw in Nightwell, Myra even visibly flinching when first beholding him. But unlike those they met before this man seems almost at peace as there is a sereneness to him.   The individual without obvious alignment speaks up as the Wardens enter, "Please bring in the prisoner."   From the other side of the room, shackled with at least six individuals parading in a de-armored wounded but clearly healing figure. Dark black hair, with scars down one half of his face, Yamil Alshara is brought into the chamber.   Myra who was position herself opposite the guardian of the first bloom, some uncomfortable visible on her face, forgets what she was doing to go to Yamil. As chains are released and dropped to the floor, Yamil gives the group an awkward look as this was clearly not how he envisioned them meeting next, "Ah we always meet in the most fun places. How are you all doing?"   "You're hurt," Myra frowns.   "I've been better... and been far worse! I'm glad you got my message and that you are all here."   "I'm glad you're in one piece," Raijun smiles looking slightly confused, "your brother seemed to think he killed you and pushed you off a building."   "He did! Craziest thing."   "Dude I jumped out of the same window crazy fall -"   "There will be time for reunions later," the man who spoke chimes in again. "I am Auditor Valineer . I believe that we have the presence of all of the members of the Wardens of the Weave as well as the individual known as the Golden Scorpion within the chambers with us now? Is that correct?"   "I have not been called that in a very long time you may just refer to me as Yamil."   "Am I correct in assuming all Wardens of the Weave are present."   "All living," Myra confirms somberly.   "Very well this tribunal has been called to order in order to evaluate the conditions with which these individuals have interacted with the Nether Scrolls or the scrolls of the weave. And to decide whether they are to be allowed to keep such objects of infinite power or if they are to be removed of said objects and barred from interaction with high level arcane further."   "Can I ask a question? How are you going to stop me?" Adama asks.   "You operate under the assumption that you have a choice in the outcome of this trial."   "You're operating under the assumption that what you say matters."   "You must understand that after such a great journey," The figure in the skull robes cuts in, "Lord Abio it is a pleasure to be in your presence. I am Deathbreaker Cormerin Muerdes, and with great faith and determination I know your mission is to be a success. We of the church of the deathless one, preside over this tribunal and plan to impart our view and opinions on the continued use and operation of this group and hope that their determination and alignment with the true goals of power align with those who seek to bow before its feet."   From beside him, "I am Lightbringer Trudeau Calet of the church of the champion of the first dawn. I stand here thankful for these individuals contribution in ensuring the safety of the realm but skeptical of the their intentions and further continued use of objects which, in the wrong hands had already shown to cause a loss of hope and will in man."   The dragonborn speaks next, "I am Hoard Watcher Kalma Adalphia, I reside over this proceeding knowing the good deeds that have been done but have yet to make final judgement upon the actions of these individuals."   Myra raises her hand. The Auditor raises an eyebrow, "All questions will be answered in due time."   Myra lowers her hand as the final individual stands, "Hey... I'm the Eternal Gardener Flourish Sweetwind. I preside over this council understanding the pain that a follower of ours has caused but seek to empower those who would continue the bridge of life out and amongst the world."   The auditor stands once more, "Now that the council has been introduced and intentions have been stated, Lady Stagwood your question?"   "Hoard Watcher, I believe - do you have any relation to Lady Adalphia in Lion's crest who we've had... extensive communication with?"   She stands again, "My relation, and possible conflict of interest, has been made aware to the council. It does not stop the judgement that I bring."   As Adama goes to try the mind link and finds it missing, bringing to speak aloud accidently the auditor chimes in, "You will find other methods of communication are barred from here as truth are the only words to be encouraged to speak within this council." As they all raise their hand a force is felt over the group as everyone but Raijun feels the effect of a zone of truth spell, feeling they are encouraged to tell the truth but not compelled in the normal way.   As they feel the affect take hold Adama says to the group, "you can compel me to tell the truth but you can't make me say a damn thing. Turning back to the Wardens, just in case anyone was unaware you don't have to lie to not say everything. I don't have to say a damn thing."   Myra looks at Adama and sighs before turning back to the council, "I would be happy to answer any of your questions." As it is Raijun's turn to sigh at her  

The Beginning

"We will start at the beginning," the Auditor announces. "Greenport was a quiet town and was to be the expected stopping place for many of you. Why the interest in the investigation of the corrupt librarian and the sickness afflicting those in Greenport?"   "The mayor asked," Adama shrugs.   "To tell you the truth I wasn't why I was in Greenport," Raijun scratches his head. "I ran into them and they were like 'hey want to do some stuff?' and I was like 'yeah sure that could be fun it's better than jumping off the dock.'"   "So you had no previous contracts that brought you?" The Auditor asks, as Adama continues to have a side conversation with Raijun about the fight in Greenport.   Myra speaks up over Adama, "No one had previous contracts to acquire one of the scrolls except myself. I was told to acquire a family heirloom. I was not aware of its... Power at the time."   "And to be clear none of us really knew each other at the time either," Raijun adds refocusing on the larger conversation.   There's a shared look across the tribunal as the Eternal Gardener speaks up, "Lady Stagwood, are you to tell me that in all the time your mother had one of these objects she never once told you what it truly was."   "No." Myra's cheeks flush with embarrassment, "I was aware it was a magical item but my mother felt I was not prepared for the full extent of the information when she sent me out."   "Right on," the Eternal gardener smiles, "little blooms can't handle harsher truths," returning to his seat.   The auditor stands again, "What led you to investigate the corrupt museum curator?"   "It was the necklace right?" Adama asks the group, "there was a necklace that we were looking for and one of the gang members that was associated with the museum told us that's where they were getting the items from. They would strike a deal with the curator and then ship them out."   "The items that they had stolen had corresponded with when the illness came to town," Myra adds. "I had my own reasons for pursuing Vausk, the curator of the museum, as I noted before. But in tracking the items we were led to her."   "And what is the fate of this individual?"   Myra sighs, "She died in an attempt to bring back a Yuan-ti death god-"   "A false god," the death breaker interrupts.   Myra nods continuing, "She took her own life as part of the summoning - well no, I apologize that's inaccurate. She started to take her own life but antagonized members of the group to the final blow that killed her."   The death breaker stands, "all too common for one of our greatest champions to land the final blow on such a harsh and villainous creature."   Adama turns to Myra, "Was that Hagren?"   Raijun adds, "Yeah pretty sure that was Hagren." Myra nods.   The death breaker's brow furrows, "You must be mistaken. Such a being of false power could only be slain by a true champion. Surely lord Abio that must have been you."   "Hagren's taken down quite a few of -" Myra starts.   "Yeah he has a real streak of it," Raijun throws out, "Also define true champion?" As the death breaker takes in Raijun's words he just sits back down stunned. "Easy to talk from the tribunal but it's not like you do anything."   "You dare question my power?!"   Raijun shrugs, "All this power and no scrolls my guy?" He pauses but at the death breaker doesn't respond, "Yeah Adama set off the events and Hagren was the one who felled it. Kinda what led to the first scroll."   The auditor stands, "At the point at which the scroll was in your possession what activities did you do?"   Raijun starts, "Well you know I do a little Thai-chi , muay thai, flow kinda stuff, weight training..." Adama adds, "We got doughnuts."   Myra sighs, "We went with members of The Silver Talons of Justice to Lion's Crest where we were hoping to find more information. And we met," she nods to Klara, "the architect of Lion's Crest."   "Didn't we store the scroll there too?" Adama asks, scratching his head.   "We did. We gave it to," she nods the hoard watcher, "Lady Adalphia as we were assured it would be protected in a safe location."   The rest of the tribunal nods and looks over at the horde watcher who rises, "Isn't it true, at that time, while it was under the care of Lady Adalphia that the community center in Lion's crest was ambushed and attacked in pursuit of this scroll leaving many dead."   Myra nods solemnly, "That is correct though that was after we had acquired a secondary scroll. Would you prefer to talk about the attack or the secondary scroll first?"  


The hoard watcher resumes her seat as the eternal gardener rises, "Yeah let's talk about the part that pains me. We know that a disgraced follower had a scroll in his possession that could awaken nature. For a time 0- he had it for a long long time. Studying it - connecting with it, vibing with it-"   "There were a lot of vibes from Viridius that could have been positive," Raijun suggests, "The only trouble with him man, oof, if there's one person I don't really blame for how he became it's him. Everything around him kinda made him go insane."   "So your sympathetic with a believer who wanted to wipe out an entire continent?"   Myra looks upset as Raijun progresses, "I don't know that I would say I'm sympathetic. All I'm saying is that Commander Law guy had a hand in him going crazy and I wonder if things would have been different if he didn't have to intersect."   "Hey man, one bad trip doesn't excuse ill behavior."   "No one's excusing it," Raijun shrugs, "I mean I still have him on the ship as a mannequin somewhere."   "What?" The Eternal Gardner exclaims as the council quickly looks to each other. "You have..?"   "Didn't we turn him into a coatrack or something?" Adama adds helpfully.   "No we didn't do that that was your idea, but no he's just on the ship to think about what he did."   "Let me be clear on what has just been said," the auditor interrupts, "You all slew a member of a religious organization and kept his corpse as a coat rack. Or some piece of furniture?"   "Look I see what you are doing it's the optics right? But the reality is he's not dead he's petrified. He went ballistic with the scroll and got frankly just held on to him in case he unpetrified and then we'd be around to take him out again. Cause do you want him just up and walking around again or do you want the people who took him out in the first place to be right there to take him out again if you need to."   "The petrification was more advanced then normal," Myra adds. Adama adds that he deserved to be turned into a tree on the account of him being a dick.   "So to be clear," Light bringer stands, "while in service of a greater good you find yourself aligned with an arcane terrorist in their ideology. While maintaining their corpse... for your pleasure."   "Referring back to my previous point," Raijun picks up, "we didn't want to leave him out where he could unpetrify so he could resume being an arcane terrorist. No where in there did I say there was any sympathies to this guys cause. Just that I could see why he snapped while Commander Law was obliterating half the countryside while you guys what, just looked the other way?" Raijun shrugs, "You guys seem great at pointing fingers after the fact."   "We attempted to reverse the petrification so he could be remanded but it was too advanced," Myra cuts in. "Our... former cleric of the Starry night did attempt to bring him back before -"   "We also gave him a ton of chances," Adama cuts in. "We gave him every opportunity. We even offered to move everyone out of the town and let him have the town just don't murder the people and don't expand to the entire continent. He deserved what he got if not worse."  

A Question of Judgement

They seem to take that point into consideration as the Eternal gardener stands again, "Cool man. I'm gonna finish my question. That one kinda got away from me - that's real cool. So you've had the scroll," pointing to Myra, "for a while now. How do we know what's uhhh - what happened to Viridus won't happen to you? By our clocks, the cycles of the sun as I like to say - the one true clock, you've had it for just as long if not a little longer. Are you going to take over a town? Are you going to outburst in anyway?" As the council turns to look directly at Myra.   Myra, as much as Raijun worried, looks unperturbed, "I'm sorry are you looking to question my use of the scroll or my mental sanity?"   "Little bit of both. There's obviously reports from those a little bit closer to the corrupted one that they were not always of the mindset in the extreme way that they were. It was only after they got their hands on that scroll that they really ah - went off the deep end."   "I'm not sure what assurances my word would have in such a case? What I can say is, if something were to happen, they would stop me," gesturing to the rest of the Wardens with complete certainty.   "I'm just going to point out," Sarya chimes in, "that she's been completely cooperative with everything you've been asking. I don't see why you are questioning her judgement."   "Hey," The Eternal gardener speaks up again, "I like your vibe that's a fair point. However, you all have seen first hand what happens when these items get out into the world. And some people, like Viridus," nodding to Raijun, "probably had some good intentions to start. Probably really wanted to do some good and really help those around them. As some said almost poetically before we got started here today, 'it only takes one bad day.'"   "In that case," Sarya crosses her arms, "how would you all be controlled if you all as you say, have 'one bad day'."   The auditor stands, "the outcome of this trial will dictate if these scrolls are to be locked away and put behind the foremost arcane and divine protections."   "And those are supremely secure..." Sarya trails off, "as I've noticed the scrolls are all behind them still." There's a moment of muttering from the council as Nari gives a snort from the back. Sarya continues, "All I'm saying is anyone can have a bad day and anyone can have the best of intentions. You are not exempt."   "That is correct," the auditor pauses. "However, items such as these if allowed to roam freely pose a greater danger than if secured under more proven trusted guard."   Yamil steps up, "But we all know what happens if you don't trust the right people."   "If the question your asking is 'is it better to give us the scrolls to finish what we are doing in collecting them or to lock them in a cell so they are put away for safe keeping' I would ask a question," Adama cuts into the murmuring of the council. "Do you think it better to do something when you can or not to? Do you think it is the best option to take the scrolls away from the one set of people who are willing to do as much, to do what you have not, who seem to be the only ones to give a damn to even try? "   The death breaker stands, "Lord Abio, great hero of our kingdom. If you were given these scrolls... all of them upon your completion of your holy question what would you do with that power?"   "I would ensure that the scrolls are properly taken care of and maintained in the best way possible."   "Yes in returning them to the true and rightful king. He is excited to hear of your return and is expecting you and will welcome you with open arms."   "If it pleases the tribunal," Myra starts unsure of herself, "If you would prefer to answer chronologically that's fine... There's reason I believe that without the scrolls fully attuned we may not be able to undo some of the damage that has been done."   The auditor stands, "Damage is an interesting word to use for what has been done. As damage seems to follow the scrolls as well. Do you know what has happened by the areas that have been affected since your departure? Do you know what is happening in the forest of Nightwell, do you know what is happening in the town of green port? Even back home were you aware of the assault of your family? Do you know the current state of the prisoner? Do you know atrocities that are being born in the mountain stronghold of Timeston? Do you know of the false hope and illusions that have been underlying the people of the Manten’Liche Kingdom? Do you know of the nightmare of children and their unending screams from visages of a devil spying on them from their dreams? Do you know -"   Raijun cuts in, "In order: yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, no, yes, yes." He pauses looking at the council. "What you think we just leave these areas and doom the consequences?" Raijun looks upset by the idea, "Who do you think is funding all of these orphanages my guy? To make sure the people affected by the actions have a place to go." Raijun's chest swells with pride, "Cross multiple nations I've been bridging divides and healing thousand year generational gaps because it's not just about getting scrolls. It's about making sure the people have an icon, a hero to believe in."   The Hoard Master stands, "You speak of bridging continents and gaps yet your own past has cost the death of many in these trials. As I mentioned before there was the incident in the community center and more recently the Kolis-tane tram network. You've also allied yourself with a group some might find questionable in their motive in their movement of people place to place."   "Which group is that?" Adama asks confused.   "I believe she's talking about Thompson Trade Corporation," Myra says softly.   Raijun steps up again, "You're right. My past is dark. Because, unlike all of you I never had anything at all. An orphan, dropped off at a shadowy cabal, that runs the underworld, and forces children to fight on a flaming trapeze to earn their place and not die. Yeah you're right," He shrugs, "I didn't have much choice at that point. I could either do that or fight against this big group of abyssal ninjas. I did the best that I could and I've payed the price. I've lost almost everybody I've ever known. I don't have parents I didn't have friends for the longest time. And despite all of it I don't ever turn back. In fact every action I take is momentum forward because I believe than anybody can change if they put their mind to it. Go ahead and check those actions - cause you're great at pointing out the high level criticisms but if you look beneath the veneer you'll find who was pulling people out left and right of the rubble? Us. Who stops those people from killing more people? Us. Who fights against the people who raised him every day so that all the citizens of all these different places are safe? Us. And you know who goes out there every day to make sure there won't be carbon copies of those I hate the most? Me. What orphanages do you fund to stop orphans from becoming crisis terrorists? I'm curious." Raijun finishes folding his arms.   There's a murmur amongst the tribunal. The light bringer and eternal gardner seem to almost give Raijun a smile head nod, but it is the auditor who speaks again, "You are very quick, to deflect and cast blame elsewhere at this council. While you might not be familiar with our function and our individual stations it is to cater and to foster our individual faiths such that the world can be a better place in our individual images and ideals."   "Then we have more in common that you'd like to admit," Raijun shrugs, "You serve your faith and I serve all the people who were abandoned by everybody else. And I don't deflect I am merely pointing out that the things you say can look bad from the outside but if you peel back the layers there's a lot more to it than you're willing to admit." He looks to the council then glances as Myra to make a point, "Surely this is an investigation into the truth? That's what I was told at the onset." He looks back up to the council, "If you think I'm deflecting please by all means lets dig deep. Where have I deflected?"  


The death breaker stands, "You certainly talk a lot for someone who follows a faith that is misguided and a purpose that lacks so much potential. But your actions would dictate otherwise. What would you say to the reports of misuse and the visages of an unholy copy of yourself running through the streets of a populated city."   "In my line of work we call that a justu and it's merely a clone of myself."   "Then do it now."   "Well I can't do it now cause I don't have the scroll."   "Very well, so this power that you were given by a holy relic of ours is what gave you this power. A power over life and possibility. Is that correct?"   "And yet I merely used it to heal and help others," Raijun shrugs. "Given all the power in the world that could let me do potentially terrible things, I never used it to slight others. Only help them."   "So while in possession of the scroll, you never cheated at a card game, stole anything, hurt anyone, kill anyone?"   "Well ah in order: cheating at cards yes- but only against Hagren's kobold cause he's a dirty cheat himself. Stole? Maybe little things but that was before the scroll and I put it back. In terms of kill people, frankly my guy," he air boxes in front of him, "these are rated E for everyone and they mostly don't kill people just knock them out. I only bust out the sword for people actively trying to kill me."   "So is that what happened when you lost the scroll? You were just punching?"   "No... I got an entire train station dropped on me after pushing a citizen out of the way of a fireball."   "And did you not reencounter those individuals?"   "I tried my very hardest to take it from them back."   "So instead of relying on your secure punching hands the scroll that controls life and death is now out in the world by - whom holds it now? Do you even know?"   "Oh I know them well. The Immortals have you heard of them?"   "Your former organization. Is that not correct heretic?"   "Ooh that was a good one - you should say it with more delivery though. Yes, you're correct the immortals have it because they attacked us and they did our best to stop them but they came well prepared and well funded. More than typical of that organization even if they are clever and deadly."   "Interesting on how you talk this grandiose talk and yet it is your past that caught up with you," as the death breaker sits again.   "That's what happens when you run away from a guild of assassins and end up intersecting with their quest. But rest assured they care only about the object of power they were sent to acquire."  

The Matter of Education

"Speaking of power," The light bringer stands. "Do any of you have knowledge of the Arcane? Classically, I mean."   "I'm more a ki guy," Raijun notes first.   "Nay," Hagren chimes in.   "I mean I went to university," Sarya offers. "I think I had to take an intro to arcane magic but it wasn't my focus."   "I can read," Adama notes.   "I was not taught a formal institution per my family's request," Myra supplies. "But I was tutored in several subjects, though whether or not you would like to count that is your prerogative..."   "She knows what she's talking about," Nari's voice rings from the stands as Myra shoots her a surprised but thankful glance.   "Blunt instruments all around," The light bringer notes, Myra deflating a little, "Interesting."   "Why does that matter?" Adama asks.   "Would you entrust a ship to a toddler?"   "If you're out at sea and toddler is the only one who can control it and take it where it wants to go. You're going to remove any possibility of it getting where it needs to go?"   "Nature has a way of reclaiming those things that are lost especially ships at sea. But in this case we are not talking about an ocean devoid of islands, we are talking about an entire region of people trying to live their lives and experience the next day. You must understand that you all - and I think that the entire council will agree - that you've all adapted well to the circumstances you've been given. Some better than others. However, a continued relationship with the scrolls is to be had we must understand that you have some knowledge of the consequences other than what you have averted or bestowed upon others in your interactions in this world."   "And, you know," Raijun chimes in, "We've been trying to figure that out. Every step we find another piece of the puzzle, what these things were, why people were after us, until we came here seeking the very answers that you suggest."   "Maybe this conversation could less acrimonious and more fruitful if instead of just asking us questions we could ask you questions. Like we really don't, I mean Myra's education from what her parents told her is about the extent of what we know." Myra looks like she would object as Adama continues, "All we have is folklore about what are these things how do they connect together?"   "We would welcome any knowledge you would be willing to share and I'm sure we would be happy to share as well," Sarya says softly.   "To enlighten the carriers," the auditor stands and gestures to a figure in the back, "The council recognizes the architect of the infinite to shed some light on these objects of immense power that these individuals have been carrying around with them performing parlor tricks."   "Well," Caliah speaks up, "while I don't appreciate the tone I appreciate the recognition. Hello y'all," she turns to the Wardens, "doing great. These scrolls anchor or allow us to access the weave as you very well know I'm sure. The weave is an energy from a place, the realm of the gods, it is a gift given to use by the author herself. And through these tethers they allow all who study, practice, or are graced with the innate gift to access the arcane itself. Each one of the known scrolls has a tie to a specific school of magic and can be utilized to cast simple spells here and there. Taking a shortcut if you will, on the amount of studying for proper edification and practice refined will that often comes with arcane spell casting. However, if these tethers were to be intermixed or damaged you could unravel the whole things. Which, I believe some of y'all have been seeing the affects of. Even up here in your journey to talk with us today."   "How does that happen?" Adama asks.   "Well, if you pull one thread out of an area that it doesn't belong, due to tugging and wanting a certain color or in what we believe is loosing a little bit of control or a lack of understanding then you destroy that very small part of the tapestry. And if you do that little by little then the whole damn cloth is gone."   "So when you say weave you mean not a rope but an entire tapestry of magic and those lines of magic fold over each other. So transmutation would lie on top of necromancy and if you pull transmutation, you pull too much necromancy so necromancy fills up in that spot. And I know I just messed up..."   "Evocation," Myra offers softly, "would be the counter to necromancy."   "Yeah that's right, in some places one might lay over another but in another area they might be completely separate. It's all together woven together in a way that - even those as experienced as yours truly don't even fully understand why it's in the pattern or shape that it is in as it seems to be ever changing. But if you pull away the parts that are known you leave gaps for others to fill and that fill causes imbalance, and imbalance causes chaos, and chaos causes problems."   Myra, engaged with what the architect is saying forgetting the council for a second, "Have you seen the tears then?"   "Yes I've seen quite a handful personally. And I've received accounts of others. Some peaceful in their visualization and appearance others detrimental had to put a couple down myself. It seems as though when you access one or more and you're pulling on those threads on the same time, that momentary tear, that last little bit that's trying to hold itself together. It gives way and it has a way of... self correcting. A defense mechanism or some aspect of self preservation. That's what we believe those tears and the resulting creatures coming out of them are."   "We saw quite the conglomeration of the scrolls effects on the way up, in Ashenbury." Sarya notes addressing the council once more. "I would like the tribunal to know that we chose not to meddle with it and to come here with the hopes you all would be able to guide us better."   Yamil speaks up, addressing the Architect, "There have been times where I have been forced to draw on this unfortunate gift I was given. Is it possible for it to be removed and locked away, such that I may never encounter it's kinda again."   "Well we can't protect you indefinitely," the architect responds, "but we can secure the imbuement you have been given, such that it is no longer affecting you mind or you memories."   There's a sense of peace that washes over Yamil. "And that can be done," He turns to the Wardens, "Peacefully to my compatriots here?"   "Yes if they so choose -" the architect starts.   "Okay bud I know it's not the right time," Adama cuts in addressing Yamil, "but what actually happened to you?"   Yamil looks pained for just a moment before it's covered, "Along my own journeys in life I have sought to right wrongs that... I have experienced and seen amongst others. I recovered the scroll of enchantment from someone who was taking advantage of others and... unknowingly bound it to myself in a way that has haunted me since."   Myra turns to Klara, head cocked, " Your previous indication was that it was not so... peaceful?"   Klara seems hesitant to speak up, "Um I -" The architect of the infinite lays a hand on her shoulder, "I got this." Turning back to Myra, "If you willingly submit to the removal it is relatively painless. Just feels like a bad thorn coming out of your paw. But if you resist..."   "Oh I'm well aware of what happens if you resist," Myra says wincing slightly as she absently scratches at her arms.  

Self Control

The Hoard watcher rises, "I reiterate the question from the eternal gardener." She looks over the group, "Have you lost control and felt control of the influence of the scroll upon your mind."   "Not me," Raijun adds quickly.   The hoard watcher looks to Myra directly. "I've lost control," Myra admits Raijun sighing, "But I don't know that I've felt the particular scrolls influence versus - " She shakes her head and starts again with more confidence, "Nothing that has happened was not as I willed it."   "Are you sure about that?"   "I can only tell you what I think. If you want some deeper truth..." Myra shrugs as if so say she would submit to their request.   "Beater's Point, there are reports and confirmation that a white scaled beast upon, seeking to apprehend your person, appeared outside of a tavern. And consumed three known individuals. And was later subdued by the remaining forces of some unknown gang. Can you confirm this."   "Yes," Myra says plainly. "Upon my potential capture and my friends potential deaths I chose to utilize the scroll to transform into said large white beast. In said form the attacks are ... deadly."   "So the report that I have here," the hoard watcher shuffles some papers, "that 'upon a striking blow to the back a bright white light followed by an air of frost emanated from the individual. A horrid creature of ice, scale, and fear appeared. She then immediately consumed two individuals, striking a third with a grown tail, before others fled. Civilians retreated in horror as continued damage was wrought upon the area."   Myra looks up, "The only part that was incorrect was I was hit in the back, there was a light, but that was not the cause of the transformation though."   "Also," Sarya speaks up before the hoard watcher can continue, "horrid is very rude. That is a beautiful dragon."   The auditor stands seriously, "you have the capability of turning into a dragon?"   Myra does not meet the eyes of the tribunal, "Yes." Prompting more whispers and discussion of the tribunal.   The representative of the platinum heart stands again, "In what way were you aided by those who you've met along your journey? Do you feel that those alliances that you have made during your adventures have given those you have allied with information or leverage upon you?"   "Isn't that what friendship is?" Myra asks in return as Raijun scoffs remarking that that's a rather cynical way to look at it, in the background.   The hoard watcher sits.  


The auditor stands again, "There has been discussion but not an admission from the assumed bearers of the scrolls that remain before us. Who among you, holding upon a scroll, Yamil, Lady Stagwood, I'm sorry is it Lord Abio or Adama?"   "What's the question?" Adama asks.   "I would like to know, if it is determined by this council, that it would be in the best interest to return the scrolls to a proper place of protection would you cooperate?"   "If it is determined that the best place to return the scrolls is Skull hill would you give it freely?" Adama asks.   "Yes," The death breaker stands. "Yes return to it's proper home so the crown can be returned to it's proper glory."   The auditor motions for the death breaker to sit, "We will discuss the... requisition of the religious artifacts at another time. We had presented the idea that this would be secured in a safe location. There is a chamber deep under this facility -"   "Surely you do not believe," Adama cuts in, "that a country that would desire to take these from you couldn't get past whatever traps you have down there and whatever traps you have outside. Surely skull hill keep would be the safest place to put all the scrolls." Myra looks slightly ill at Adama's words as he continues, "No one would be able to steal them or use them outside the proper influence if you have them locked away securely. Surely all the members of the council could agree to that."   "Yes," the death breaker stands again in his excitement. "Yes, with the alignment of the proper resources not given by this council. My king would happily aid in their procurement and secured protection."   "If you can ensure that all scrolls are properly secured sure I'll give them. I'll help," Adama agrees.   "It is the view of this tribunal," The auditor starts before the death breaker can speak again, "that the scrolls do not belong in any one kingdom. but are to be returned to the forge and the frame in which they are crafted. To be locked away and to be made intangible to any of this realm ever again."   Looking over to the Architect, "You said she who wrote it. Who's she?"   "The author herself. The author of the arcane, you may know her as Mystra. She goes by many names. You know we like to keep it light as different interpretations give her different names. What they are proposing," nodding to the council, "is to return the anchors back to the original state in which magic was given in the forge."   "And if your precautions were to not work, and groups that had a vested interest in getting the scrolls had access to all of the scrolls at once," Raijun poses. "Wouldn't they be able to wreck the kind of damage and terror that I imagine you are trying to stop?"   There's a long pause. The members of both the tribunal and the gallery shift uncomfortably as the group notices Yamil staring at Raijun with unbridled anger on his face. At the suggestion of putting the scrolls all in one place that was the moment Yamil looked at Raijun with both hate and pain.   Eventually the auditor stands again, "Past mistakes will not be repeated again."   "What happened before?" Raijun asks.   "Yeah why were you squirming?" Adama adds.   "I believe they don't want to tell us about the time there was damage done across all the schools," Myra theorizes.   "Cause you guys took it upon yourselves to protect it and weren't able to succeed." Raijun adds on top of Myra. "And now we should trust you a second time because you've learned your lesson and you're going to do better?"   "That was the mistake of the previous council. Many of which have been disgraced and removed from society due to their error in judgment and lack of capability of gauging who should be trusted."   "And to be clear the new council has not been able to acquire any scrolls?"   "That you know of."   "When was the last time the council had control of all the scrolls? How many generations ago was that?" Adama asks   "Ten years ago."   "What happened ten years ago? You had the scrolls together and you made it into some object. But if you were gonna banish it and you didn't someone had to have stolen it."   "It was after the first folly that the scrolls were recovered and on their way of being transported here. After that transportation failed..." There's a stillness in the room like there is a known secret that is not being shared. "It is unknown of the true perpetrators that sought to divide and lose the scrolls the second time. But it is after that incident, during their transport over the beholden crossing that we know the fate of at least one." He pauses, "In your time down there, what did you see? In the part that you explored."   "But that city had been sunken for thousands of years."   "That is correct. I'm asking if you noticed anything strange."   "Well there was some sort of sentient intelligence," Raijun speaks up. "There were some of the oddest animals that I had seen in my life. And a lot of, what seemed like experimentation."   "There were things we couldn't read," Myra chips in. She reaches into her bag and pulls out a scrap of paper, handing it over to the architect.   "And you said this was recovered in the city?" she asks.   "Ah well this ware recovered in the part - well under water seems silly but there was a biome underwater and there was a drier area of that one. There was also a statue of a man with a wolf? It was unclear. It was like it wouldn't register."   "I've been meaning to take a trip down there anyway may as well head down there after this business is done," she walks up and hands the scrap to the light bringer who passes it across the tribunal.   "And what is this message?" The auditor asks.   "We believe it says 'endeavor through possibility'," Myra notes. "That was all we got of it though... we could be wrong." As Myra says 'endeavor through possibility' the auditor, the hoard watcher, the architect of the infinite, Klara, Nari, Yamil, and the grand curator, all have a tension run through them. "Ah it seems that we were correct then."   The auditor stands offering the paper back, "yes there are many mysteries yet to be solved from that which has now risen to the surface. But some I'm afraid are lost beneath the waves where it is best that they lie."   "I'm sorry," Myra apologizes, "but just to clarify for my own edification, you were asking if we would be willing to turn over our scrolls but you are saying that there is no indication of how the transition went wrong and the scrolls were previously lost?"   "The shipment was ambushed, and the scrolls were lost at sea."   "You're going to ask us to give up our scrolls but none of you are going to tell us what that meant?" Adama gestures to Myra, still holding the paper.   "Tell what?"   "Sorry," Myra raises an eyebrow, "are we all pretending that we didn't see the look you all just gave?" She stares down the member of the chamber. "That's fine but I thought we were being honest."   "The truth isn't the truth if it's one sided. It sounds like you all are hiding things from us," Raijun adds. "I've seen the way you all look the way we mention the things you don't want to talk about. May as well come clean, I don't need a zone of truth to tell when I'm being lied to. Omission still counts."   The tension immediately elevates as the auditor stands to their full height, "there are some truths past trust. That must remain hidden for the betterment of others. there are members within this chamber whose ears are not to hear some of the truths that have been kept from them."   "So you expect us to be honest to you but you're not even honest with each other?" Adama clarifies.   "That is correct. You all are in a position where you have objects that could change the world single handedly. And you have done good with it thus far but what happens when you decide not to? We do not know you. We can only follow your deeds. But if you seek answers and to to correct the problems that we do, that our predecessors set in motion, but we would like to have an understanding, to be aware, in whom our trust is being earned and placed."   "Perhaps time then would be helpful in gaining some mutual trust and understanding," Sarya offers. "Do we need to make this decision in this moment?"   "I believe the tribunal has their decision but I believe this meeting was gathered due to the request to use one of our more focused chambers such that other knowledge can be gained. A last question, what knowledge do you seek by focusing and gathering continued information on the scrolls that are not in your possession?"   "What is the point of life other than knowledge and growth?" Adama asks.   "Mhh I knew I liked you," the architect says appreciatively.   "To live is to risk it all," Raijun suggests.   Myra looks to the auditor, "we have reason to believe that the other scrolls are currently held by those with ill intentions. Either advertently or inadvertently to the weave itself. We would like other information about how to find them so that those scrolls may be brought back and delivered... wherever they need to be."   There's a nod as the auditor asks, "And who will be leading this ritual?" Both Nari and the architect of the infinite raise their hands and lock eyes. Neither lowers them. "Well that seems to be a matter for you all to decide. This chamber will be made of use to all of you. But first the council will deliberate before leading you all onward -"   "One last question, you spent hours asking us questions, I ask for one question we can ask you that you wont deflect on immediately." The hoard watcher stands, "I will answer one question truthfully."
Report Date
26 Oct 2022

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