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Yamil Alshara

Also known as the "golden scorpion"  

Personal Life


Yamil Alshara grew up with his brother (Alsume) in The Carrefour living mostly on the streets after their parents, merchants, died from an illness. After living on the streets for a few years Yamil was 'taken in' by the Golden Scarabs Militia.  

Golden Scarabs

In his time in the Golden Scarabs Yamil was in charge of guarding 'important' prisoners in The Wheelhouse.   During his time in the scarabs he saw a wizard move part of a city block on top of a shop as a parlor trick. During the event many people were injured and it seems to have cemented his hatred for higher power magic. The mage was captured and held in the wheelhouse until there was a prison break where several of the inmates managed to escape. When asked about the name of the prisoner Yamil claimed to not be able to recall his name but called him a 'crazy old man'. Myra later put together that the wizard mentioned in the story is Zachariah Topp while Topp is telling an anecdote about how one time he moves his lab.    It is unclear why Yamil left the Scarabs or if he transitioned immediately to working for Thompson. It is also unclear if the anecdote about going to Vratoth to collect a prisoner was as his time as a scarab or while working for Thompson.   Note - The remainder of this section has speculation based on evidence Myra has collected, I indicate where each piece of information comes from so that anyone can figure out how much they could conceivably tie together without discussing it as a group.    Myra later pieced together in 'A Fun Night' - Lion's Crest that it was during the incident with Topp's lab that something happened to a woman that Yamil loved, though exact relation and age are unclear. While not knowing what happened fully Topp remarks 'That poor man lost everything" which Myra takes to mean the woman was somehow killed.    Myra first connected the idea of innocents dying in the accident with the lab and the ensuing chaos being tied to Yamil in Ransacking the Red Scarves - Beater's Point when he asks Raijun, "As a devout person what do you think happens to the souls of the innocent and the souls of those who let them down?" In this exchange Sarya noticed that he kept touching a small gold pouch on his side. Later that night when Myra talked to Yamil alone he brought up the woman again. When Myra asked how he keeps going he replies, "It's what she would have wanted, to protect the innocent from the wicked."    Myra also assumes that the woman is connected to Yamil's aversion to lavender that he mentions in 'A Fun Night' - Lion's Crest.

Employment to Thompson

Yamil mentioned that be began his work for Thirsten Thompson VII by working in 'acquisitions' of items. When we encountered them in Nightwell Hold it seemed like Yamil was somewhere between a bodyguard and generalist, doing odd jobs for Thompson such as unloading the carriage and ferrying us back to Lion's Creast in Strange Skies & Magic Beans.  

Magical Scars

The first night we met Yamil, while messing around with the wonderous eggs caused by the Magic Beans, he cast a higher level spell which caused the right side of his face to light up purple. Where his face was purple we could see pock scars that were not previously visible.   The next morning when playing with the children the scars looked hidden, though we were unable to tell if it was through magic or more mundane means. When we fought alongside him after using the Magic beans in the Everpine he cast several lower level spells which seemed to bring the pockmarks back but only slightly, and defintely not to the same extent they had been the night before.   When Raijun questioned Yamil about the scars and the purple light the emitted from him Yamil deflected.   In 'A Fun Night' - Lion's Crest Yamil admits that the damage that caused his scars often leaves him with headaches.    It's unclear if Yamil's scars relate to the incident with Topp's previous lab or come from another incident. 


Manten'Liche King

In Lion's Crest , before parting, Adama asked Yamil what his feeling on the Manten’Liche King was. Yamil said that while he had never met the man personally he had seen first hand how his people were treated and it left a lot to be desired of a king.


Despite working for Thompson Yamil seems to have a relatively low opinion of his employer. He has confessed to Raijun that he did not know what he signed up for when signing on with Thompson and has show distain for Thompson's lifestyle and personality. When asked what it was like to work for a man as powerful as Thompson, Yamil said that Thompson had no real power but only greed. When talking about the death of his son Yamil suggested that Thompson cared almost not at all about anything except, perhaps, the profit loss.


From our recent interactions Yamil seems to have a relatively positive view of the Warders with him and Raijun having talked extensively and bonded over shared aspects of their childhood. It is unclear at this time how much of his interest was feigned or paid for versus an actual interest in us as people. He, understandably, has not trusted us with more personal aspects yet such as information on his scars.   He seems to have enjoyed our company enjoying Raijun's Warden's dance and Tintreach's street magic. The Wardens generally regarded Yamil as friendly greeting him excitedly in Heroes of the Beholden - Beholden Crossing when he appears at the crossing. He has a number of laughs and drinks with various Wardens before approaching Myra about potenitally catching a ride back toward the Bismuth Abbey. Myra agrees to smooth over the logistics waving him away when he suggests paying.   While traveling with the Wardens he tells Myra that his plans have changed and that he now needs to make his way to Timeston once they make port in Lion's Crest. The group is sad to see him leave but plan to part amicably using one more rounds of beans before he leaves. In 'A Fun Night' - Lion's Crest they end up summoning the jinn from Raijun's bottle and Adama suggests that the jinn could teleport Yamil where he needs to go noting that it will get hmi past the blockade uotside of Timestone more easily. Yamil accepts the offer and starts to describe to the jinn where he wishes to go. In his discription Myra notices that he shows the jinn a picture of the Abbey and asks Raijun to have us go with him or call the whole thing off. This leads to a tense stand-off between the group and Yamil with Yamil casting aspersions on the group commenting that maybe we aren't the heros we think we are. Myra darkly says she knows and takes off in one direction as he takes off in the other.  

Points of View

Help Those Who Cannot Help Themselves

Yamil seemed to have an opposite point of view of Thompson on the plight of people in need. Every time we saw Yamil acting on Thompson's behalf or alone, he seemed to take more care with the people he was interacting with. Examples of this were when Thompson needed a fruit stand for a podium Yamil paid the vendor for the cart instead of taking it. We also saw Yamil playing with the children of Nightwell, consoling them, and offering them food and shelter. While it is unclear how much of this would come to pass it seemed like he was genuinely trying to do good. When talking to Raijun it seemed like his motivation was partially to ensure that the children were treated well after having a difficult upbringing on the streets himself.   Upon reaching Lion's Crest with the group, Yamil helped Raijun find the Temple of Eilistraee to donate to.


Yamil has made several comments about disliking magic despite using it himself. While he enjoys street magic, which Tintreach performed upon meeting him, he seems unnerved and hostile towards more powerful magics declaring it 'evil' and saying he would help put a stop to it. This is at odds with the magical powers he displayed several times throughout our time with him suggesting that either the powers were forced upon him or something he considers a necessary evil to fight other magic users. At least some of his distaste for magic seems to come from innocent people being put in harms way by magic users as he recounted the story about the wizard teleporting the city block twice in 24 hours.   Most of Yamil's magic seems to be tied to sand. In summoning his familiar, Temple, he said that it was from the Plane of Sand.   When Myra asked Topp about magic in The Carrefour Topp told her that there was an old magic under the city and that in the past people had tried to take the magic for them selves often ending poorly. 

Related Session Notes

Class Notes

  • Yamil is at least several levels into fighter as he had the ability to action surge
  • He is most likely either a hexblade or an eldritch night as he has the ability to call his weapon to him using a weapon pact
  • His preferred weapon is glaive
  • Most of his spells are flavored around sand (ex mage hand of sand or sand pact weapon invocation) and he has ties to the Plane of Sand
  • Yamil has a familiar named Temple who is also from the plane of sand.
  • Yamil has devils sight saying he was 'gifted' with abilities in his younger years which allow him to see through illusions confirming he's at least partially a Warlock.


  • "I have one gifts one of them is to see things" - Yamil upon turning purple
  • “Magic is evil, we will stop that.” - Yamil to a little girl in Nightwell Hold
  • “I did not fully understand what I was signing up for working for Thompson” - Yamil to Raijun
  • “The Carrefour is full of bold opportunities, slimy deals, and the intersection of many cultures” - Yamil to Raijun
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